通过前篇的《Java文件IO流的操作总结》,我们知道了基本输入输出流的使用方式,但是每次都需要在finally处关闭流资源,这样操作起来既啰嗦又麻烦,有没有更简洁的方式呢?本篇就来讲解jdk1.7引入的try with resources语法糖式写法。
使用try with resources捕获异常
package com.lingyejun.io; import java.io.*; /** * Created by Lingye on 2018/9/28 15:03 */ public class SyntacticSugarTry { // 调用有finally的case值 public static final int OLD_TRY = 1; // 调用新式语法糖式的case值 public static final int SUGAR_TRY = 2; /** * 根据输入参数执行不同方法 * * @param type * @return */ public InputStream invokeTry(int type) { InputStream inputStream = null; switch (type) { case OLD_TRY: inputStream = oldTryCatch(); break; case SUGAR_TRY: inputStream = newTryCatch(); break; default: System.out.println("error type"); } return inputStream; } /** * 采用旧式的finally写法 * * @return */ public InputStream oldTryCatch(){ // 构建文件对象 File inputFile = new File("D:\input.txt"); // 初始化输入流 InputStream inputStream = null; try { // 创建字节输入流 inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile); // 读取到1KB字节数组中 byte[] buffer = new byte[12]; // 读取数据并放到buffer数组中 inputStream.read(buffer); System.out.println("oldTryCatch读取输出"+new String(buffer)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (inputStream != null) { try { // 关闭流过程,也有可能出现异常 inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return inputStream; } /** * 采用语法糖式写法 * * @return */ public InputStream newTryCatch() { // 构建文件对象 File inputFile = new File("D:\input.txt"); // 初始化输入流 InputStream returnStream = null; // try with resource 语法糖式写法 try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[12]; inputStream.read(buffer); System.out.println("newTryCatch读取输出"+new String(buffer)); returnStream = inputStream; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // 省略了繁琐的finally return returnStream; } public static void main(String[] args) { SyntacticSugarTry sugarTry = new SyntacticSugarTry(); InputStream oldStream = sugarTry.invokeTry(OLD_TRY); InputStream sugarStream = sugarTry.invokeTry(SUGAR_TRY); // 检查流是否正常关闭 try { // 再次尝试读取,检查是否关闭 oldStream.read(); } catch (IOException e) { // 已关闭 System.out.println("oldStream 输入流已关闭"); } try { // 再次尝试读取,检查是否关闭 sugarStream.read(); } catch (IOException e) { // 已关闭 System.out.println("sugarStream 输入流已关闭"); } } }
/* Error */ public InputStream newTryCatch() { // Byte code: // 0: new 49 java/io/File // 3: dup // 4: ldc 51 // 6: invokespecial 53 java/io/File:<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V // 9: astore_1 // 10: aconst_null // 11: astore_2 // 12: aconst_null // 13: astore_3 // 14: aconst_null // 15: astore 4 // 17: new 55 java/io/FileInputStream // 20: dup // 21: aload_1 // 22: invokespecial 57 java/io/FileInputStream:<init> (Ljava/io/File;)V // 25: astore 5 // 27: bipush 12 // 29: newarray <illegal type> // 31: astore 6 // 33: aload 5 // 35: aload 6 // 37: invokevirtual 60 java/io/InputStream:read ([B)I // 40: pop // 41: getstatic 29 java/lang/System:out Ljava/io/PrintStream; // 44: new 64 java/lang/StringBuilder // 47: dup // 48: ldc 102 // 50: invokespecial 68 java/lang/StringBuilder:<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V // 53: new 69 java/lang/String // 56: dup // 57: aload 6 // 59: invokespecial 71 java/lang/String:<init> ([B)V // 62: invokevirtual 74 java/lang/StringBuilder:append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; // 65: invokevirtual 78 java/lang/StringBuilder:toString ()Ljava/lang/String; // 68: invokevirtual 37 java/io/PrintStream:println (Ljava/lang/String;)V // 71: aload 5 // 73: astore_2 // 74: aload 5 // 76: ifnull +55 -> 131 // 79: aload 5 // 81: invokevirtual 87 java/io/InputStream:close ()V // 84: goto +47 -> 131 // 87: astore_3 // 88: aload 5 // 90: ifnull +8 -> 98 // 93: aload 5 // 95: invokevirtual 87 java/io/InputStream:close ()V // 98: aload_3 // 99: athrow // 100: astore 4 // 102: aload_3 // 103: ifnonnull +9 -> 112 // 106: aload 4 // 108: astore_3 // 109: goto +15 -> 124 // 112: aload_3 // 113: aload 4 // 115: if_acmpeq +9 -> 124 // 118: aload_3 // 119: aload 4 // 121: invokevirtual 104 java/lang/Throwable:addSuppressed (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V // 124: aload_3 // 125: athrow // 126: astore_3 // 127: aload_3 // 128: invokevirtual 82 java/lang/Exception:printStackTrace ()V // 131: aload_2 // 132: areturn // Line number table: // Java source line #75 -> byte code offset #0 // Java source line #77 -> byte code offset #10 // Java source line #79 -> byte code offset #12 // Java source line #80 -> byte code offset #27 // Java source line #81 -> byte code offset #33 // Java source line #82 -> byte code offset #41 // Java source line #83 -> byte code offset #71 // Java source line #84 -> byte code offset #74 // Java source line #85 -> byte code offset #127 // Java source line #88 -> byte code offset #131 // Local variable table: // start length slot name signature // 0 133 0 this SyntacticSugarTry // 9 13 1 inputFile java.io.File // 11 121 2 returnStream InputStream // 13 1 3 localObject1 Object // 87 16 3 localObject2 Object // 108 17 3 localObject3 Object // 126 2 3 e Exception // 15 1 4 localObject4 Object // 100 20 4 localThrowable Throwable // 25 69 5 inputStream InputStream // 31 27 6 buffer byte[] // Exception table: // from to target type // 27 74 87 finally // 17 100 100 finally // 12 126 126 java/lang/Exception }