1 .NPOI 版本2.1
2. NPOI 读取execl
1 public class ImportServerData 2 { 3 4 DataTable dt_ItemInfo = new DataTable(); 5 6 public StringBuilder WaringMsg { get; set; } 7 8 public string ParentDeptCode { get; set; } 9 /// <summary> 10 /// 初始化结构 11 /// </summary> 12 public ImportServerData() 13 { 14 #region dt_ItemInfo 15 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string)); 16 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("NeedUnit", typeof(string)); 17 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("ItemType", typeof(string)); 18 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); 19 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("ItemInfo", typeof(string)); 20 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("Leader", typeof(string)); 21 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("SugDoUnit", typeof(string)); 22 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("State", typeof(int)); 23 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("LinkMan", typeof(string)); 24 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("IsDel", typeof(string)); 25 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("IsShow", typeof(string)); 26 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("AddTime", typeof(DateTime)); 27 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("SourceType", typeof(string)); 28 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("ParentDeptCode", typeof(string)); 29 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("OperateSpeed", typeof(string)); 30 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("Approval", typeof(string)); 31 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("Year", typeof(int)); 32 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("LinkTel", typeof(string)); 33 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("SugDoUnitMan", typeof(string)); 34 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("SugDoUnitTel", typeof(string)); 35 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("NodeState", typeof(string)); 36 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("Remark", typeof(string)); 37 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("SugDoUnitName", typeof(string)); 38 dt_ItemInfo.Columns.Add("Source", typeof(string)); 39 dt_ItemInfo.AcceptChanges(); 40 #endregion 41 } 42 43 /// <summary> 44 /// 将excel中的数据导入到DataTable中 45 /// </summary> 46 /// <returns>返回的DataTable</returns> 47 public bool ExcelToDataTable(string fileName) 48 { 49 ISheet sheet = null; 50 FileStream fs; 51 //事件类型 来源 52 string sql = "select Id,Name From dbo.Per_Dictionary where type in ('36','37')"; 53 DataTable dtDictionary = Ruihua.Common.DapperHelper.Query(sql).Tables[0]; 54 55 //需求部门 56 string sqlbaseinfo = "select Id,unitName Name from dbo.DS_DW_BaseIfo "; 57 DataTable dtBaseInfo = Ruihua.Common.DapperHelper.Query(sqlbaseinfo).Tables[0]; 58 59 //承办单位 60 string sqlSugDoUnit = "select ArchitectureId Id, Caption Name From dbo.Architecture"; 61 DataTable dtSugDoUnit = Ruihua.Common.DapperHelper.Query(sqlSugDoUnit).Tables[0]; 62 63 //领导 64 string sqlleader = "select Id,username Name From usr_user "; 65 DataTable dtLeader = Ruihua.Common.DapperHelper.Query(sqlleader).Tables[0]; 66 67 bool flag = false; 68 string currindex = ""; 69 try 70 { 71 fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); 72 HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); 73 74 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) 75 { 76 sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(i); 77 78 System.Collections.IEnumerator rows = sheet.GetRowEnumerator(); 79 string scouretext = (i == 0 ? "市外联办研提事项" : i == 1 ? "区领导走访征询事项" : "中央单位来函事项"); 80 var scoureDr = dtDictionary.AsEnumerable().Where(w => w.Field<string>("Name") == scouretext).FirstOrDefault(); 81 string scoureId = scoureDr != null ? scoureDr["Id"].ToString() : ""; 82 int year = 0; 83 int index = 0; 84 while (rows.MoveNext()) 85 { 86 IRow row = (HSSFRow)rows.Current; 87 currindex = GetValue<string>(row, 0, 0); 88 if (currindex == "") continue; 89 if (index == 0) 90 { 91 string name = GetValue<string>(row, index, 100); 92 if (name != "") year = Convert.ToInt32(name.Substring(0, 4)); 93 } 94 string waringinfo = ""; 95 if (index >= 2) 96 { 97 98 string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 99 100 #region 需求单位 1 101 102 string unitname = Regex.Replace(GetValue<string>(row, 1, 0), @"s", ""); 103 104 105 106 string needunitId = ""; 107 bool isneedunit = false; 108 for (int n = 0; n < dtBaseInfo.Rows.Count; n++) 109 { 110 bool falg = false; 111 for (int j = 0; j < unitname.Length; j++) 112 { 113 string result = IsMatch(dtBaseInfo.Rows[n]["Name"].ToString(), unitname[j].ToString()); 114 if (result == "") 115 { 116 break; 117 } 118 else 119 { 120 falg = true; 121 } 122 if (unitname.Length - 1 == j && falg) 123 { 124 //这里只需要一条数据 就跳出循环 125 isneedunit = true; 126 needunitId = dtBaseInfo.Rows[n]["Id"].ToString(); 127 break; 128 129 } 130 if (isneedunit) break; 131 } 132 133 } 134 135 if (needunitId == "") 136 { 137 waringinfo += "[需求单位匹配失败]"; 138 } 139 #endregion 140 141 #region 事项类型 142 //事项类型(有多个类型) 3 、 143 144 string itemtypename = GetValue<string>(row, 3, 0).Replace(" ", "").Replace(" ", ""); 145 string[] itemNames = itemtypename != "" ? Regex.Replace( itemtypename, @"s", "" ).Split('、') : null; 146 string itemTypeId = ""; 147 if (itemNames != null) 148 { 149 var itemTypeDr = dtDictionary.AsEnumerable().Where(w => itemNames.Contains(w.Field<string>("Name"))); 150 151 if (itemTypeDr == null || itemTypeDr.Count() == 0) 152 { 153 waringinfo += "[事项类型匹配失败多个类型用、分割]"; 154 } 155 else 156 { 157 foreach (var item in itemTypeDr) 158 { 159 itemTypeId += item != null ? item["Id"].ToString() + "," : ""; 160 } 161 itemTypeId = itemTypeId.Substring(0, itemTypeId.Length - 1); 162 } 163 } 164 else 165 { 166 waringinfo += "[事项类型匹配失败多个类型用、分割]"; 167 } 168 #endregion 169 170 //承办单位 7 171 var itemSugDoUnit = dtSugDoUnit.AsEnumerable().Where(w => w.Field<string>("Name") == GetValue<string>(row, 7, 0)).FirstOrDefault(); 172 string sugDoUnitId = ""; 173 if (itemSugDoUnit != null) 174 { 175 sugDoUnitId = itemSugDoUnit["Id"].ToString(); 176 } 177 //else{ 178 // waringinfo += "[承办单位匹配失败]"; 179 //} 180 string SugDoUnitName = GetValue<string>(row, 7, 100); 181 if (SugDoUnitName == "" && sugDoUnitId == "") 182 { 183 waringinfo += "[承办单位不能为空]"; 184 } 185 //主管区领导 6 186 var itemLeader = dtLeader.AsEnumerable().Where(w => w.Field<string>("Name") == GetValue<string>(row, 6, 0)).FirstOrDefault(); 187 string leaderId = ""; 188 if (itemLeader != null) 189 { 190 leaderId = itemLeader["Id"].ToString(); 191 } 192 else 193 { 194 waringinfo += "[主管区领导匹配失败]"; 195 } 196 string ItemName = GetValue<string>(row, 2, 100); 197 if (ItemName == "ERROROVERTOP") 198 { 199 waringinfo += "[事项名称字符超出]"; 200 } 201 string ItemInfo = GetValue<string>(row, 4, 4000); 202 if (ItemInfo == "ERROROVERTOP") 203 { 204 waringinfo += "[需求事项字符超出]"; 205 } 206 int State = GetStateByName(GetValue<string>(row, 8, 15).Trim()); 207 if (State == -1) 208 { 209 waringinfo += "[办理状态匹配失败]"; 210 } 211 string LinkMan = GetValue<string>(row, 10, 200); 212 if (LinkMan == "ERROROVERTOP") 213 { 214 waringinfo += "[中央单位联系人字符超出]"; 215 } 216 string OperateSpeed = GetValue<string>(row, 9, 2000); 217 if (OperateSpeed == "ERROROVERTOP") 218 { 219 waringinfo += "[办理结果(进展情况)字符超出]"; 220 } 221 //string cc = MergedRegionValue(sheet, index,5); 222 string Approval = MergedRegionValue(sheet, index, 5); 223 if (Approval == "ERROROVERTOP") 224 { 225 waringinfo += "[领导批示字符超出]"; 226 } 227 string LinkTel = GetValue<string>(row, 11, 50); 228 if (LinkTel == "ERROROVERTOP") 229 { 230 waringinfo += "[联系电话字符超出]"; 231 } 232 string SugDoUnitMan = GetValue<string>(row, 12, 200); 233 if (SugDoUnitMan == "ERROROVERTOP") 234 { 235 waringinfo += "[承办单位联系人字符超出]"; 236 } 237 string SugDoUnitTel = GetValue<string>(row, 13, 50); 238 if (SugDoUnitTel == "ERROROVERTOP") 239 { 240 waringinfo += "[联系电话字符超出]"; 241 } 242 string Remark = GetValue<string>(row, 14, 500); 243 if (Remark == "ERROROVERTOP") 244 { 245 waringinfo += "[备注字符超出]"; 246 } 247 if (waringinfo != "") 248 { 249 string sheetname = (i == 0 ? "研提事项" : i == 1 ? "走访(来访)事项" : "来函事项"); 250 if (WaringMsg == null) 251 { 252 WaringMsg = new StringBuilder(); 253 } 254 WaringMsg.Append(sheetname + "提示信息:序号[" + currindex + "]" + waringinfo + " "); 255 } 256 257 258 if (waringinfo == "") 259 { 260 //处理ItemInfo 261 dt_ItemInfo.Rows.Add(guid, 262 needunitId, 263 itemTypeId, 264 ItemName, 265 ItemInfo, 266 leaderId, 267 sugDoUnitId, 268 State, 269 LinkMan, 270 0, 1, 271 DateTime.Now, 272 1, ParentDeptCode, 273 OperateSpeed, 274 Approval, year, 275 LinkTel, 276 SugDoUnitMan, 277 SugDoUnitTel, 278 GetNodeStateByName(GetValue<string>(row, 9, 200)), 279 Remark, 280 SugDoUnitName, 281 scoureId 282 ); 283 } 284 285 286 } 287 index++; 288 } 289 290 } 291 dt_ItemInfo.AcceptChanges(); 292 flag = true; 293 } 294 catch (Exception ex) 295 { 296 flag = false; 297 Ruihua.Log4Net.LogHelper.SaveLogError(new Log4Net.LogMessage { Info = "Exception: " + currindex + "序号" + ex.Message.ToString(), UserID = "" }); 298 } 299 return flag; 300 } 301 private string MergedRegionValue(ISheet sheet, int rowNum, int colNum) 302 { 303 for (int i = 0; i < sheet.NumMergedRegions; i++) 304 { 305 CellRangeAddress range = sheet.GetMergedRegion(i); 306 sheet.IsMergedRegion(range); 307 if (range != null) 308 { 309 if (range.FirstRow <= rowNum && range.LastRow >= rowNum && range.FirstColumn <= colNum && range.LastColumn >= colNum) 310 { 311 312 return sheet.GetRow(range.FirstRow).GetCell(range.FirstColumn).StringCellValue.ToString(); 313 } 314 } 315 } 316 return ""; 317 } 318 319 private string GetValue<T>(IRow row, int index, int strlength) 320 { 321 322 string result = ""; 323 324 if (typeof(string) == typeof(T)) 325 { 326 ICell cell = row.GetCell(index); 327 if (cell != null) 328 { 329 if (cell.IsMergedCell) 330 { 331 result = cell.StringCellValue.ToString(); 332 } 333 else if (strlength == 0) 334 { 335 result = cell.ToString(); 336 } 337 else if (strlength > 0 && cell.ToString().Length < strlength) 338 { 339 result = cell.ToString(); 340 } 341 else 342 { 343 result = "ERROROVERTOP"; 344 } 345 } 346 } 347 else if (typeof(int) == typeof(T)) 348 { 349 ICell cell = row.GetCell(index); 350 351 if (cell != null) 352 { 353 if (IsInteger(cell.ToString())) 354 { 355 result = cell.ToString(); 356 357 } 358 } 359 } 360 else if (typeof(DateTime) == typeof(T)) 361 { 362 ICell cell = row.GetCell(index); 363 364 if (cell != null) 365 { 366 if (IsDatetTime(cell.ToString())) 367 { 368 result = cell.ToString(); 369 370 } 371 } 372 } 373 return result; 374 } 375 376 private int GetStateByName(string name) 377 { 378 int result = -1; 379 switch (name) 380 { 381 case "未办结": 382 case "以主动对接,建立工作关系": 383 case "召开专项协调会": 384 case "组织现场踏勘": 385 case "正在处理": 386 case "正在商有关单位": 387 result = 0; 388 break; 389 case "已办结": 390 case "已办结并反馈": 391 result = 1; 392 break; 393 case "现行政策不能办理": 394 result = 2; 395 break; 396 } 397 return result; 398 } 399 400 private string GetNodeStateByName(string name) 401 { 402 string NodeState = ""; 403 404 string[] nodename = name.Split(','); 405 for (int i = 0; i < nodename.Length; i++) 406 { 407 switch (nodename[i].Trim()) 408 { 409 case "以主动对接,建立工作关系": 410 NodeState += "0,"; 411 break; 412 case "召开专项协调会": 413 NodeState += "1,"; 414 break; 415 case "组织现场踏勘": 416 NodeState += "2,"; 417 break; 418 case "正在处理": 419 NodeState += "3,"; 420 break; 421 case "正在商有关单位": 422 NodeState += "4,"; 423 break; 424 case "已办结": 425 NodeState += "5,"; 426 break; 427 case "已办结并反馈": 428 NodeState += "6,"; 429 break; 430 431 } 432 } 433 return NodeState.Length > 1 ? NodeState.Substring(0, NodeState.Length - 1) : NodeState; 434 } 435 436 /// 437 /// </summary> 438 /// <param name="connectionString">目标连接字符</param> 439 /// <param name="TableName">目标表</param> 440 /// <param name="dt">源数据</param> 441 private void SqlBulkCopyByDatatable(string connectionString, string TableName, DataTable dt) 442 { 443 using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) 444 { 445 using (SqlBulkCopy sqlbulkcopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connectionString, SqlBulkCopyOptions.UseInternalTransaction)) 446 { 447 try 448 { 449 sqlbulkcopy.DestinationTableName = TableName; 450 sqlbulkcopy.BulkCopyTimeout = 120; 451 sqlbulkcopy.BatchSize = 600; 452 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) 453 { 454 sqlbulkcopy.ColumnMappings.Add(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName, dt.Columns[i].ColumnName); 455 } 456 sqlbulkcopy.WriteToServer(dt); 457 } 458 catch (System.Exception ex) 459 { 460 throw ex; 461 } 462 } 463 } 464 } 465 466 /// <summary> 467 /// 验证整数 468 /// </summary> 469 /// <param name="input">待验证的字符串</param> 470 /// <returns>是否匹配</returns> 471 public static bool IsInteger(string input) 472 { 473 474 bool foundMatch = false; 475 try 476 { 477 foundMatch = Regex.IsMatch(input, @"-?d+$"); 478 } 479 catch (ArgumentException ex) 480 { 481 // Syntax error in the regular expression 482 } 483 return foundMatch; 484 } 485 486 /// <summary> 487 /// 验证日期 yyyy-MM-dd 488 /// </summary> 489 /// <param name="input"></param> 490 /// <returns></returns> 491 public static bool IsDatetTime(string input) 492 { 493 494 bool foundMatch = false; 495 try 496 { 497 foundMatch = Regex.IsMatch(input, "(19|20)[0-9]{2}[- /.](0?[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])"); 498 } 499 catch (ArgumentException ex) 500 { 501 // Syntax error in the regular expression 502 } 503 return foundMatch; 504 } 505 506 public string ImportData(string fileName) 507 { 508 try 509 { 510 ExcelToDataTable(fileName); 511 int count = dt_ItemInfo.Rows.Count; 512 if (count > 0) 513 { 514 SqlBulkCopyByDatatable(DapperHelper.connectionString, "DS_FW_ItemInfo", dt_ItemInfo); 515 516 return "成功导入:" + count.ToString() + "条数据! " + (WaringMsg != null ? WaringMsg.ToString() : ""); 517 518 } 519 else 520 { 521 return WaringMsg != null ? WaringMsg.ToString() : "NO"; 522 } 523 } 524 catch (Exception) 525 { 526 } 527 return WaringMsg != null ? WaringMsg.ToString() : "NO"; 528 } 529 530 public string IsMatch(string inputstr, string regexstr) 531 { 532 533 if (Regex.IsMatch(inputstr, regexstr)) 534 { 535 return inputstr; 536 } 537 return ""; 538 } 539 }