C语言本身是不支持继承和多态的,但其实在 C 的世界里,有一套非常有名的面向对象的框架,用的也非常广,那就是 GObject,它是整个图形界面开发库 GTK 的基石,在IBM developerWorks上有一篇很好的文章介绍 GObject《GObject对象系统》。另外,在 Linux 内核里面也大量使用了面向对象的思想,比如虚拟文件系统,设备驱动等模块,在 lwn 上有两篇文章就讲到了内核中的面向对象,详细请看:《Object oriented design patterns in the kernel, part 1》,《Object oriented design patterns in the kernel, part 2》。
c语言里继承和多态的实现主要通过函数指针来实现,现在我们就来动手实现C语言的继承与多态,我们以比较经典的动物世界中的实例来举例:假设动物们(包括人)都会吃(Eat),会走(Walk),会说(Talk),而派生类为 dog(汪星人) 和 cat(喵星人),当然还可以是更多,dog 和 cat 都有自己独特的 eat, walk 和 talk 方式,那么大致的代码如下:
基类代码 animal-base.h|c:
/* * ============================================================================= * * Filename: animal-base.h * * Description: animal base class. * * * ============================================================================= */ #ifndef _ANIMAL_H_ #define _ANIMAL_H_ typedef struct animal_s_ animal_t; typedef struct animal_ops_s_ animal_ops_t; /* 动物类,是所有动物类的基类,也是抽象类 */ struct animal_s_ { char *name; /*< 动物的名称 */ animal_ops_t *animal_ops; /* 动物的基本行为 */ }; /* 动物的基本行为 */ struct animal_ops_s_ { /* 动物吃了什么食物 */ void (*eat)(char *food); /* 动物走了多少步 */ void (*walk)(int steps); /* 动物在说什么 */ void (*talk)(char *msg); }; /* 基类的构造函数,需要显示调用 */ extern animal_t * animal_init(char *name); /* 基类的有关操作,如吃,走,说等等 */ extern void animal_eat(animal_t *animal, char *food); extern void animal_walk(animal_t *animal, int steps); extern void animal_talk(animal_t *animal, char *msg); /* 基类的析构函数,需要显示调用 */ extern void animal_die(animal_t *animal); #endif /* _ANIMAL_H_ */
/* * ============================================================================= * * Filename: animal-base.c * * Description: animal base class. * * ============================================================================= */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "animal-base.h" /* 基类的构造函数,需要显示调用 */ animal_t * animal_init(char *name) { assert(name != NULL); size_t name_len = strlen(name); animal_t *animal = (animal_t *)malloc(sizeof(animal_t) + sizeof(animal_ops_t) + name_len + 1); memset(animal, 0, (sizeof(animal_t) + sizeof(animal_ops_t) + name_len + 1)); animal->name = (char *)animal + sizeof(animal_t); memcpy(animal, name, name_len); animal->animal_ops = (animal_ops_t *)((char *)animal + sizeof(animal_t) + name_len + 1); return animal; } /* 基类的有关操作,如吃,走,说等等 */ void animal_eat(animal_t *animal, char *food) { animal->animal_ops->eat(food); return; } void animal_walk(animal_t *animal, int steps) { animal->animal_ops->walk(steps); return; } void animal_talk(animal_t *animal, char *msg) { animal->animal_ops->talk(msg); return; } /* 基类的析构函数,需要显示调用 */ void animal_die(animal_t *animal) { assert(animal != NULL); free(animal); return; }
汪星人 dog 类的实现代码:
#include "animal-base.h" typedef struct dog_s_ dog_t; struct dog_s_ { animal_t base; /* 继承自 animal 基类 */ /* 以下还可以添加与 dog 相关的属性和方法(函数指针), 如: */ /* char *owner; // dog 的主人 */ /* void (*hunt)(const char *rabbit); // 猎兔犬 */ }; extern dog_t * dog_init(); extern void dog_die(dog_t * dog);
/* * ============================================================================= * * Filename: dog.c * * Description: dog class derived from animal base class. * * ============================================================================= */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "dog.h" static void eat(char *food); static void walk(int steps); static void talk(char *msg); dog_t * dog_init() { dog_t *dog = (dog_t *)malloc(sizeof(dog_t)); animal_t *animal = (animal_t *)animal_init("doggggggggggggg"); memcpy(&(dog->base), animal, sizeof(animal_t)); dog->base.animal_ops->eat = eat; dog->base.animal_ops->walk = walk; dog->base.animal_ops->talk = talk; free(animal); return dog; } void dog_die(dog_t *dog) { /* nothing to do here. */ } static void eat(char *food) { printf("I'm a dog, I eat %s ", food); } static void walk(int steps) { printf("I'm a dog, I can jump %d steps one time ", steps); } static void talk(char *msg) { printf("I'm a dog, I talk my language %s ", msg); }
喵星人(cat 类) 的实现代码:
/* * ============================================================================= * * Filename: cat.h * * Description: cat class derived from animal base class. * * ============================================================================= */ #include "animal-base.h" typedef struct cat_s_ cat_t; struct cat_s_ { animal_t base; /* 继承自 animal 基类 */ /* 以下还可以添加与 cat 相关的属性和方法(函数指针), 如: */ /* char *owner; // cat 的主人 */ /* void (*hunt)(const char *rabbit); // 猎兔犬 */ }; extern cat_t * cat_init(); extern void cat_die(cat_t * cat);
/* * ============================================================================= * * Filename: cat.c * * Description: cat class derived from animal base class. * ============================================================================= */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "cat.h" static void eat(char *food); static void walk(int steps); static void talk(char *msg); cat_t * cat_init() { cat_t *cat = (cat_t *)malloc(sizeof(cat_t)); animal_t *animal = (animal_t *)animal_init("cat"); memcpy(&(cat->base), animal, sizeof(animal_t)); cat->base.animal_ops->eat = eat; cat->base.animal_ops->walk = walk; cat->base.animal_ops->talk = talk; free(animal); return cat; } void cat_die(cat_t *cat) { /* nothing to do here. */ } static void eat(char *food) { printf("I'm a cat, I eat %s ", food); } static void walk(int steps) { printf("I'm a cat, I can jump %d steps one time ", steps); } static void talk(char *msg) { printf("I'm a cat, I talk my language %s ", msg); }
/* * ============================================================================= * * Filename: main.c * * Description: main test. * * * ============================================================================= */ #include <stdio.h> #include "animal-base.h" #include "dog.h" #include "cat.h" int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { dog_t *dog = dog_init(); cat_t *cat = cat_init(); /* dog 类测试 */ animal_eat(dog, "bones"); animal_walk(dog, 5); animal_talk(dog, "wuang wuang wuang..."); /* cat 类测试 */ animal_eat(cat, "fish"); animal_walk(cat, 3); animal_talk(cat, "miao miao miao..."); }
还有Makefile :
all:main main:main.o dog.o cat.o animal-base.o gcc -o $@ $^ main.o:main.c cat.o:cat.c dog.o:dog.c animal-base.o:animal-base.c .PHONY:clean clean: rm main main.o dog.o cat.o animal-base.o
I'm a dog, I eat bones I'm a dog, I can jump 5 steps one time I'm a dog, I talk my language wuang wuang wuang... I'm a cat, I eat fish I'm a cat, I can jump 3 steps one time I'm a cat, I talk my language miao miao miao...