- 把空间表转为geojson
WITH cc_c AS ( SELECT name,name_2,name_3,st_transform(st_simplify(st_transform(geom,3857), 7827),4326) from countries_4326_s ), features AS ( SELECT st_asgeojson (cc_c.*) :: json AS feature FROM cc_c ) SELECT json_build_object ( 'type', 'FeatureCollection', 'features', json_agg (features.feature) ) FROM features
WITH cc_c AS ( SELECT NAME, name_2, name_3, st_transform ( st_simplify ( st_transform (geom, 3857), 7827 ), 4326 ) FROM countries_4326_s ), features AS ( SELECT st_asgeojson (cc_c.*) :: json AS feature FROM cc_c ) SELECT json_build_object ( 'type', 'FeatureCollection', 'features', json_agg (features.feature) ) FROM features