int ssecho = 8; int sstrig = 9; int pin =5; //LED发光模块的引脚 int standard_dis = 10; //设置超声波标准的探测距离是10cm; int standard_db =892; //标准声贝是30db; int temp,data; int m = 0; //协助设置输出时间的 int count = 0; int num = 0;//经过人数的全局计数 float a = 0; float b = 0; void setup() { pinMode(ssecho, INPUT); pinMode(sstrig, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } int supersonicRead(){ digitalWrite(sstrig, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(sstrig, LOW); int echotime = pulseIn(ssecho, HIGH); return echotime; } void beSolience(){ Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("Please be quiet!!!!! "); } int showNum(){ Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(num); Serial.print(" persons passed "); Serial.print("(this log shows every 10 seconds)"); } int safe(){ Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("Safe!!Nothing happened "); } int flashLights(){ for(int i = 0;i< 5;i++){ digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); //将管脚设置为高电平, 则LED灯亮 delay(100); digitalWrite(pin, LOW); //将管脚设置为低电平, 则LED灯灭 delay(100); //等待1000毫秒 } } //超声波测量距离函数 float dis(){ int diff = supersonicRead(); float distance = diff / 58.0; return distance; } //保证人数经过的精确 bool checkdisChange(float a ,float b){ if((b - a>a*0.2) ||(b - a>a*0.2)) return true; else return false; } //判断持续移动 bool keepMoving(float a ,float b){ if(a != b) return true; else return false; } bool someonePassing(){ if(dis()> standard_dis ) return false; else return true; } bool checkoverdb(){ int Soundvalue = analogRead(A0); if(Soundvalue >= standard_db-1) return true; else return false; } int passing(){ Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("Hey !!!!some one is passing by "); for(int i = 0 ;i<3;i++){ int w = 1000; delay(w); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("Hey !!!!some one is passing by "); Serial.print(i+1); Serial.print(" seconds before "); if(!someonePassing()) break; } } //this is the logical void loop() { m++; delay(300); //如果有人大声吵闹,则出现be quiet if(checkoverdb()){ beSolience(); } //超声波系统探测没有人近距离经过 if(dis() > 10 &&(m % 5 ==0)) { safe(); } //如果有人经过,快速闪灯 //如果人静止在超声波前,应该不予以计数 //如果持续移动才会计数,否则有停顿则不会计数 else if( someonePassing() && !checkoverdb()) { if(m%2==0) a = dis(); if(m%2!=0) b = dis(); if(keepMoving(a,b)) num++; else num = num; flashLights(); passing(); } //every 9 seconds show a report if(count%30==0){ showNum(); } count++; }
a) 每隔 1.5s 执行一次超声波检测,如果没有物体经过则会显示Safe! Nothing happens.
b) 如果有人经过,则会显示 Hey, Some one is passing by.
c) 如果此人(或物)驻留在超声波传感器前,此处会出现 Hey, Some one is passing by 1 seconds before .Hey, Some one is passing by 2seconds before Hey, Some one is passing by 3 seconds before .
a) 代码中采用了定义全局变量的形式,每有人从超声波检测器前经过则会计数++
b) 每隔10s就会统一生成经过人数的统计报告
c) 亮点:此处采用了自己设计的算法,如果有人在超声波前长时间停留不会再arduino重复loop时重复计数,此时只会计数一次。算作一个经过,而不是每执行一次就会记录一个经过
a) 当有人(或物)经过时就会触发警示灯的快速闪动5次。
b) 如果有人(或物)长时间驻留在超声波传感器前就不会闪动,而是一直保持高亮状态
a) 此arduino开发应用了声音监测模块,当环境中出现较大噪音时,则会出现Please be quiet!!的警告语。
b) 但是囿于声音监测模块只能监测声音的有无,不能监测声音具体的分贝值大小,此处只能在噪声达到一定值时才会触发警告语的提示。(本意是监测具体的分贝值大小,但是开发模块的硬件功能有限制。)