1 #pragma once 2 #include <stdio.h> //getchar() 3 #include <tchar.h> 4 #include <stdlib.h> //sysytem() 5 #include <string> //std 6 #include <atlstr.h> //cstring 7 #include <iostream> //cout 8 9 using namespace std; 10 using std::wcout; 11 12 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) 13 { 14 /***** char* 转换 cstring *********/ 15 //方式一 直接赋值 16 //char chArray[] = "This a cat!"; 17 // char* p = "This a cat!"; 18 //LPSTR p = "This a cat!"; 19 //CString cstr = p; 20 //方式二 format格式转化 21 //CString cstr1; 22 //cstr1.Format("%s",p); 23 //cout<< cstr1 << endl; 24 /************ cstring转换char* ************/ 25 //方式一(LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)强转 26 //CString thecstring("this a cat!"); 27 //char *cp; 28 //*cp = (LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)thecstring; 29 //方式二 使用strcpy 30 //cp = new TCHAR[thecstring.GetLength() + 1]; 31 //_tcscpy_s(cp,thecstring.GetLength() + 1, thecstring); 32 //方式三 使用CString::GetBuffer() 33 //CString s(_T("this a cat!")); 34 //LPTSTR cp = s.GetBuffer(); 35 //cout<< cp << endl; 36 //if (NULL != cp) 37 //{ 38 // *cp = _T(' '); 39 //*cp = _T('123');输出为 3his a cat 截断了字符 40 //} 41 //s.ReleaseBuffer(); 42 43 //cout<< cp << endl; 44 45 /********* WideCharToMultiByte(Unicode to Ansi) *************/ 46 wchar_t wText[20] = {L"宽字符转成窄字符!"}; 47 DWORD dwNum = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, NULL, wText, -1, NULL,0,NULL,FALSE); 48 char* psText; 49 psText = new char[dwNum]; 50 if (!psText) 51 { 52 delete []psText; 53 } 54 WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, NULL, wText, -1,psText, dwNum, NULL, FALSE); 55 56 cout << psText << endl; 57 delete []psText; 58 psText = NULL; 59 60 61 /********* MultiByteToWideChar(Ansi to Unicode) *************/ 62 char cText[20] = {"窄字符转成宽字符!"}; 63 DWORD dwNum1 = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, NULL,cText, -1, NULL, 0); 64 wchar_t* pwText; 65 pwText = new wchar_t[dwNum1]; 66 if (!pwText) 67 { 68 delete []pwText; 69 } 70 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, NULL, cText, -1, pwText, dwNum1); 71 wchar_t wsz[] = L"ni hao a!";//宽字符和宽字符串常量前要加L 72 //变量里存放的是中文的话,要设置区域使用wcout.imbue(locale("chs")); 73 //才能输出变量里面的中文,不然输出的是变量地址
74 wcout.imbue(locale("chs")); 75 std::wcout << wsz << std::endl; 76 std::wcout << pwText << std::endl; 77 delete []pwText; 78 pwText = NULL; 79 //getchar(); 80 system("pause"); 81 return 0; 82 }
int WideCharToMultiByte(
UINT CodePage, //指定执行转换的代码页
DWORD dwFlags, //允许你进行额外的控制,它会影响使用了读音符号(比如重音)的字符
LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, //指向接收被转换字符串的缓冲区
int cchMultiByte, //指定由参数lpMultiByteStr指向的缓冲区最大值
LPCSTR lpDefaultChar, //遇到一个不能转换的宽字符,函数便会使用pDefaultChar参数指向的字符
LPBOOL pfUsedDefaultChar //至少有一个字符不能转换为其多字节形式,函数就会把这个变量设为TRUE
int MultiByteToWideChar(
UINT CodePage,
DWORD dwFlags,
LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr,
int cchMultiByte,
LPWSTR lpWideCharStr,
int cchWideChar