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  • CF 796C Bank Hacking

    CF 796C Bank Hacking

    题目链接:洛谷 CF796C Bank Hacking CF796C Bank Hacking

    算法标签: 思维图论



    Although Inzane successfully found his beloved bone, Zane, his owner, has yet to return. To search for Zane, he would need a lot of money, of which he sadly has none. To deal with the problem, he has decided to hack the banks.

    There are (n) banks, numbered from (1) to (n) . There are also (n-1) wires connecting the banks. All banks are initially online. Each bank also has its initial strength: bank (i) has initial strength (a_{i}) .

    Let us define some keywords before we proceed. Bank (i) and bank (j) are neighboring if and only if there exists a wire directly connecting them. Bank (i) and bank (j) are semi-neighboring if and only if there exists an online bank (k) such that bank (i) and bank (k) are neighboring and bank (k) and bank (j) are neighboring.

    When a bank is hacked, it becomes offline (and no longer online), and other banks that are neighboring or semi-neighboring to it have their strengths increased by (1) .

    To start his plan, Inzane will choose a bank to hack first. Indeed, the strength of such bank must not exceed the strength of his computer. After this, he will repeatedly choose some bank to hack next until all the banks are hacked, but he can continue to hack bank (x) if and only if all these conditions are met:

    1. Bank (x) is online. That is, bank (x) is not hacked yet.
    2. Bank (x) is neighboring to some offline bank.
    3. The strength of bank (x) is less than or equal to the strength of Inzane's computer.

    Determine the minimum strength of the computer Inzane needs to hack all the banks.



    The first line contains one integer (n) ( (1<=n<=3·10^{5}) ) — the total number of banks.

    The second line contains nn integers (a_{1},a_{2},...,a_{n} ( -10^{9}<=a_{i}<=10^{9} )) — the strengths of the banks.

    Each of the next (n-1) lines contains two integers (u_{i}) and (v_{i}) ( (1<=u_{i},v_{i}<=n , u_{i}≠v_{i}) ) — meaning that there is a wire directly connecting banks (u_{i}) and (v_{i}) .

    It is guaranteed that the wires connect the banks in such a way that Inzane can somehow hack all the banks using a computer with appropriate strength.


    Print one integer — the minimum strength of the computer Inzane needs to accomplish the goal.


    输入 #1

    1 2 3 4 5
    1 2
    2 3
    3 4
    4 5

    输出 #1


    输入 #2

    38 -29 87 93 39 28 -55
    1 2
    2 5
    3 2
    2 4
    1 7
    7 6

    输出 #2


    输入 #3

    1 2 7 6 7
    1 5
    5 3
    3 4
    2 4

    输出 #3



    In the first sample, Inzane can hack all banks using a computer with strength 55 . Here is how:

    • Initially, strengths of the banks are ([1,2,3,4,5]) .
    • He hacks bank (5) , then strengths of the banks become ([1,2,4,5,-]) .
    • He hacks bank (4) , then strengths of the banks become ([1,3,5,-,-]) .
    • He hacks bank (3) , then strengths of the banks become ([2,4,-,-,-]) .
    • He hacks bank (2) , then strengths of the banks become ([3,-,-,-,-]) .
    • He completes his goal by hacking bank (1) .

    In the second sample, Inzane can hack banks (4) , (2) , (3) , (1) , (5) , (7) , and (6) , in this order. This way, he can hack all banks using a computer with strength (93) .





    • (ans~=~val_{max})
    • (ans~=~val_{max} + 1)
    • (ans~=~val_{max} + 2)



    CF 796C Bank Hacking p1.png


    CF 796C Bank Hacking p2.png


    CF 796C Bank Hacking p3.png


    • (val~=~val_{max})的点只有一个


    • 当不存在(val~=~val_{max}-1)的点的时候,答案一定是(ans~=~val_{max})
    • 当存在(val=val_{max}-1)的点时,如果所有(val~=~val_{max}-1)的点都是(val~=~val_{max})的点的子节点,答案是(ans~=~val_{max}),否则(ans~=~val_{max} + 1)


    CF 796C Bank Hacking p4.png


    CF 796C Bank Hacking p5.png


    • 这时(val~=~val_{max})的点不只有一个((ge2)


    • 如果所有(val~=~val_{max})的点都连在一个其他点上或者连在一个(val~=~val{max})的点上,答案为(ans~=~val_{max}+1)
    • 否则答案为(ans~=~val_{max}+ 2)


    • (val~=~val_{max})的点只有一个的时候:
      1. 如果(val~=~val_{max}-1)的点不存在,(ans~=~val_{max})
      2. 如果(val~=~val_{max}-1)的点存在,且这个点是(val~=~val_{max})的那个点的子节点,(ans~=~val_{max})
      3. 如果(val~=~val_{max}-1)的点存在,且这个点不是(val~=~val_{max})的点的子节点,(ans~=~val_{max}+1)
    • (val=val_{max})的点有多个的时候:
      1. 如果所有(val~=~val_{max})的点都是一个点的子节点,(ans~=~val_{max}+1)
      2. 如果一个(val~=~val_{max})的点的子节点中包含所有其他(val~=~val_{max})的点, (ans~=~val_{max}+1)
      3. 如果不满足以上两种情况,(ans~=~val_{max}+2)



    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define setI(x) freopen(x".in", "r", stdin);
    #define setO(x) freopen(x".out", "w", stdout);
    #define setIO(x) setI(x) setO(x)
    typedef long long ll;
    const int N = 300010;
    const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    int n;
    ll val[N], mx;
    int totmx, totse, tmp;
    int tot, head[N], nxt[N << 1], to[N << 1];
    void add(int x, int y) {
    	to[ ++ tot] = y;
    	nxt[tot] = head[x];
    	head[x] = tot;
    int main() {
    	// setIO("tree");
    	scanf("%d", &n);
    	mx = -inf;
    	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++ ) {
    		scanf("%I64d", &val[i]);
    		if (val[i] > mx) {
    			mx = val[i];
    			tmp = i;
    	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++ ) {
    		if (val[i] == mx) {
    			totmx ++ ;
    		if (val[i] == mx - 1) {
    			totse ++ ;
    	for (int i = 1; i < n; i ++ ) {
    		int a, b;
    		scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
    		add(a, b);
    		add(b, a);
    	if (totmx == 1) {
    		if (totse == 0) {
    			cout << mx << endl;
    			return 0;
    		else {
    			int now = 0;
    			for (int i = head[tmp]; i; i = nxt[i]) {
    				if (val[to[i]] == mx - 1) {
    					now ++ ;
    			if (now == totse) {
    				cout << mx << endl;
    				return 0;
    			else {
    				cout << mx + 1 << endl;
    				return 0;
    	if (totmx >= 2) {
    		for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++ ) {
    			int cnt = 0;
    			for (int j = head[i]; j; j = nxt[j]) {
    				int now = to[j];
    				if (val[now] == mx) {
    					cnt ++ ;
    			if (val[i] != mx && cnt == totmx) {
    				cout << mx + 1 << endl;
    				return 0;
    			if (val[i] == mx && cnt == totmx - 1) {
    				cout << mx + 1 << endl;
    				return 0;
    	cout << mx + 2 << endl;
    	return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/littleseven777/p/11845608.html
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