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  • Python写的模拟sql查询的练手小程序


      select name,age from staff_table where age > 22
      select * from staff_table where dept = "IT"
    select * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013"

      UPDATE staff_table SET dept="Market" where dept = "IT"
      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
      3 # @Time    : 2017/9/22 14:30
      4 # @Author  : lichuan
      5 # @File    : lianxi.py
      9 import  os
     11 def where(sql):
     12     # sql='age > 22'
     13     lines=''
     14     s=sql.split()
     15     index=title.index(str(s[0]).strip())
     16     with open('info.txt',encoding='utf-8') as read_f:
     17         for line in read_f:
     18             l=line.split(',')
     19             # print(str(l[index]))
     20             # print(str(s[-1]).strip().strip('"').strip("'"))
     21             if 'like' in sql and str(s[-1]).strip('"').strip("'") in str(l[index]):
     22                 lines=lines+line
     23             elif '>' in sql and str(s[-1]).strip("'").strip('"').isdigit() and int(l[index]) > int(str(s[-1]).strip("'").strip('"')):
     24                 lines = lines + line
     25             elif '<' in sql and s[-1].isdigit() and int(l[index]) < int(s[-1]):
     26                 lines = lines + line
     27             elif '=' in sql and  str(l[index]) == str(s[-1]).strip().strip('"').strip("'"):
     28                 lines = lines + line
     29             # print("str(l[index]).upper() is %s" %str(l[index]).upper())
     30             # print("str(s[-1]) is %s" %str(s[-1]))
     31         return lines
     34 def tablename_check(fun):
     35     def wrapper(sql):
     36         # sql=''
     37         check=sql.split()
     38         # print(check)
     39         # print('staff_table' in check)
     40         if 'staff_table' in check:
     41             fun(sql)
     42         else:
     43             print("staff_tab is needed!")
     44             return 1
     45     return wrapper
     48 def from_check(fun):
     49     def inner_check(sql):
     50         s=sql.lower().split()
     51         if "from" not in s:
     52             print("no from in the sql!")
     53             return 1
     54         for item in s:
     55             if item == "from":
     56                 i=s.index("from")+1
     57                 if s[i] == "staff_table":
     58                     fun(sql)
     59                 else:
     60                     print("table name is wrong! table name is staff_table")
     61     return inner_check
     63 def where_check(fun):
     64     def inner_check(sql):
     65         s1=str(sql.lower().split('where')[1]).split()
     66         if len(s1) != 3:
     67             print("%s is wrong" % str(s1))
     68             return 1
     69         s=sql.lower()
     70         if "where" not in s:
     71             print("no where in the sql!")
     72             fun(sql)
     73         else:
     74             i=str(s.split('where')[1]).split()[0]
     75             i=str(i).strip()
     76             if i in title :
     77                 fun(sql)
     78             else:
     79                 print("where %s is wrong! " %str(i))
     80     return inner_check
     82     # with open("info.txt",encoding='utf-8') as read_f:
     83     #     for line in read_f:
     84     #         d=line.split(",")
     86 def insert_check(fun):
     87     def inner_check(sql):
     88         # sql="insert into staff_table (name,age,phone,dept,enroll_date) values ('lit','18','13523081939','IT','2009-03-01')"
     89         # s=''
     90         sl=sql.split()
     91         if 'values' not in sl and 'values'.upper() not in sl:
     92             print("values in needed")
     93             return 1
     94         if "insert into staff_table" not in sql and "insert into staff_table".upper() not in sql:
     95             print("no insert into staff_table in the sql!")
     96             return 1
     97         else:
     98             keys=str(sql.split(')')[0].split('(')[1]).split(',')
     99             for k in title:
    100                 if k not in keys and k != 'staff_id':
    101                     print("%s is not defined" %k)
    102                     return 1
    103             fun(sql)
    104     return inner_check
    106 @where_check
    107 @from_check
    108 def select(sql):
    109     ''' select staff_id,name,age,phone,dept,enroll_date from staff_table where name = "Alex"'''
    110     # str1=''
    111     # sql=''
    112     sql=sql.replace(';','')
    113     i=sql.find("from")
    114     list=sql[7:i].strip().split(",")
    115     # print(list)
    116     s=set(list)
    117     count=0
    118     lines=''
    119     if list[0] == '*':
    120         if 'where' in sql:
    121             wh=sql.split('where')
    122             lines=where(wh[1])
    123             # print(lines)
    124         else:
    125             with open('info.txt',encoding='utf-8') as read_f:
    126                 for line in read_f:
    127                     lines=lines+line
    128         # print(lines)
    129         for line in lines.split('\n'):
    130             if line != '':
    131                 print(line)
    132                 # print('**********************************')
    133                 count+=1
    134         print("\n%d 行被选择" %count)
    135     elif s.issubset(set(title)):
    136         if 'where' in sql.lower():
    137             wh=sql.split('where')
    138             lines=where(wh[1])
    139             # print(lines)
    140         else:
    141             with open('info.txt',encoding='utf-8') as read_f:
    142                 for line in read_f:
    143                     lines=lines+line
    144         # print(lines)
    145         for line in lines.split('\n'):
    146             if line != '':
    147                 new_line=''
    148                 l=line.split(',')
    149                 sub=sql_list[1].split(',')
    150                 # print('sub is '+str(sub))
    151                 for sl in sub:
    152                     i=title.index(sl)
    153                     # print('i is '+str(i))
    154                     new_line+=str(l[i])+','
    155                 print(new_line.strip(','))
    156                 # print('**********************************')
    157                 count+=1
    158         print("\n%d 行被选择" %count)
    159     else:
    160         print(','.join(list)+" is wrong")
    161     return sql
    163 @tablename_check
    164 @where_check
    165 def update(sql):
    166     '''
    167     UPDATE staff_table SET dept="Market" where dept = "IT"
    168     '''
    169     s=sql.split()
    171     if 'where' not in s and 'WHERE' not in s:
    172         print("no where in the sql,try again")
    173         return 1
    174     if 'SET' not in s and 'set' not in s:
    175         print("no set in the sql,try again")
    176         return 1
    178     s1 = sql.split('where')[1]
    179     # print("s1"+s1)
    180     wh=where(str(s1))
    181     # print('wh'+wh)
    182     lines=''
    183     value=str(str(sql.split('where')[0]).split('=')[1]).strip().strip('"').strip("'")
    184     with open('info.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as read_f, open('info.txt.swap','w',encoding='utf-8') as write_f:
    185         for f in read_f:
    186             if f not in wh:
    187                 lines=lines+f
    188             else:
    189                 for i in title:
    190                     # print(i)
    191                     if i in sql.lower():
    192                         old=f.split(',')[title.index(i)]
    193                         # print("old"+old)
    194                         f=f.replace(old,value)
    195                 lines=lines+f
    196         # print(lines)
    197         write_f.write(lines.strip('\n'))
    198         read_f.close()
    199         write_f.close()
    200         os.remove('info.txt')
    201         os.rename('info.txt.swap', 'info.txt')
    204 @tablename_check
    205 @insert_check
    206 def insert(sql):
    207     keys=sql.split(')')[0].split('(')[1].split(',')
    208     # print(keys)
    209     values=sql.split('(')[2].split(')')[0].split(',')
    210     # print(values)
    211     line = ''
    212     if sql.split()[2] != 'staff_table':
    213         print('table name is wrong,the right name is staff_table')
    214     elif sql.split():
    215         with open('info.txt','r+',encoding='utf-8') as read_f:
    216             r=read_f.readlines()
    217             staff_id=int(r[-1].split(',')[0])+1
    218             name=values[keys.index('name')].replace("'",'')
    219             age=values[keys.index('age')].replace("'",'')
    220             phone=values[keys.index('phone')].replace("'",'')
    221             dept=values[keys.index('dept')].replace("'",'')
    222             enroll_date=values[keys.index('enroll_date')].replace("'",'')
    223             line="\n%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" %(staff_id,name,age,phone,dept,enroll_date)
    224             l=[i for i in r if str(phone)==str(i.split(',')[3])]
    225             # print(l)
    226             if  l:
    227                 print('%s is already in use.' % phone)
    228             else:
    229                 read_f.write(line)
    232 @where_check
    233 @from_check
    234 @tablename_check
    235 def delete(sql):
    236     # sql='delete from staff_table where id=王伟'
    237     # print(sql)
    238     if 'where' not in sql and 'WHERE' not in sql:
    239         print("no where in the sql,try again")
    240         return 1
    241     s=str(sql.split('where')[1])
    242     wh=where(s)
    243     print(wh)
    244     lines=''
    245     with open('info.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as read_f,open('info.txt.swap','w',encoding='utf-8') as write_f:
    246         # l=str(read_f.readlines()).replace('wh','')
    247         # write_f.write(l)
    248         for f in read_f:
    249             if f not in wh:
    250                 lines=lines+f
    251         # print(lines)
    252         write_f.write(lines.strip('\n'))
    253         read_f.close()
    254         write_f.close()
    255         os.remove('info.txt')
    256         os.rename('info.txt.swap','info.txt')
    260 title=['staff_id','name','age','phone','dept','enroll_date']
    262 func={
    263     "select":select,
    264     "update":update,
    265     "insert":insert,
    266     "delete":delete
    267 }
    270 while True:
    271     sql = input("q==quit;input your sql:").strip()
    272     if sql.strip().lower() == 'q':
    273         break
    274     sql_list = sql.split()
    275     # print(sql_list)
    276     if sql_list[0].lower() in func:
    277         func[str(sql_list[0]).lower()](sql)
    278     else:
    279         print("wrong,please input your sql again!")
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/litzhiai/p/7644883.html
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