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  • python批量下载图片的三种方法








     1 #将滚动条滑到底,最多滑动20000像素
     2 #模拟键盘右键,查看多张图片
     3 import sys
     4 import win32com.client,win32api
     5 import urllib.request
     6 import time
     7 import os
     8 def main():
     9     #获取参数
    10     url=sys.argv[1]
    11     #操作IE
    12     ie=win32com.client.Dispatch("InternetExplorer.Application")
    13     ie.Navigate(url)
    14     ie.Visible=True
    15     last_url=''
    16     dir_name=''
    17     while last_url!=url:
    18         print('
    The URL is:',url,'
    19         while ie.ReadyState != 4:    
    20             time.sleep(1)
    21         while ie.Document.readyState != "complete": 
    22             time.sleep(1)
    23         #滑动滚动条
    24         win=ie.Document.parentWindow
    25         lastY=-1;
    26         for i in range(40):
    27             win.scrollTo(0,500*i)
    28             nowY=win.pageYOffset
    29             if(nowY==lastY):
    30                 break
    31             lastY=nowY
    32             time.sleep(0.4)
    33         print('Document load state:',ie.Document.readyState)
    34         doc=ie.Document
    35         #第一次需要创建目录
    36         if(dir_name==''):
    37             root_dir='E:\img'
    38             dir_name=root_dir+'\'+doc.title
    39             dir_name=dir_name.replace('|','-')
    40             if(os.path.exists(root_dir)!=True):
    41                 os.mkdir(root_dir)
    42             if(os.path.exists(dir_name)!=True):
    43                 os.mkdir(dir_name)
    44         all_image=doc.images
    45         print('共有',all_image.length,'张图片')
    46         count=0;
    47         for img in all_image:
    48             if(img.id=='b_img'):
    49                 count=count+1
    50                 print(count,img.src)
    51                 time.sleep(1)
    52                 img_file=urllib.request.urlopen(img.src)
    53                 byte=img_file.read()
    54                 print(count,'donwload complete!','-'*10,'size:','{:.3}'.format(byte.__len__()/1024),'KB')
    55                 if(byte.__len__()>7000):
    56                     file_name=img.src.replace('/','_')
    57                     file_name=file_name.replace(':','_')
    58                     end=file_name.__len__()
    59                     if(file_name.rfind('!')!=-1):
    60                         end=file_name.rfind('!')
    61                     if(file_name.rfind('?')!=-1):
    62                         end=file_name.rfind('?')
    63                     file_name=file_name[:end]
    64                     write_file=open(dir_name+'\'+file_name,'wb')
    65                     write_file.write(byte)
    66                     write_file.close()
    67                     print(count,file_name,'complete!')
    68         #下一张
    69         last_url=url
    70         win32api.keybd_event(39,0)
    71         time.sleep(1)
    72         url=ie.Document.url
    73         print(last_url,url)
    74     #ie.Quit()
    75 if __name__ == '__main__':
    76     main()


     1 # -*- coding: cp936 -*-
     2 import sys
     3 import urllib
     4 import time
     5 import os
     6 from selenium import webdriver
     7 def main():
     8     #获取参数
     9     url=sys.argv[1]
    10     #操作IE
    11     driver=webdriver.Chrome()
    12     driver.get(url)
    13     driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
    14     #创建目录
    15     dir_name=driver.find_element_by_tag_name('title').text
    16     print dir_name
    17     root_dir='E:\img'
    18     dir_name=root_dir+'\'+dir_name
    19     dir_name=dir_name.replace('|','-')
    20     if(os.path.exists(root_dir)!=True):
    21         os.mkdir(root_dir)
    22     if(os.path.exists(dir_name)!=True):
    23         os.mkdir(dir_name)
    24     images=driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('img')
    25     count=0
    26     for image in images:
    27         count=count+1
    28         image_url=str(image.get_attribute('src'))
    29         img_file=urllib.urlopen(image_url)
    30         byte=img_file.read()
    31         print count,'donwload complete!','-'*10,'size:',byte.__len__()/1024,'KB'
    32         if(byte.__len__()>7000):
    33             file_name=image_url.replace('/','_')
    34             file_name=file_name.replace(':','_')
    35             end=file_name.__len__()
    36             if(file_name.rfind('!')!=-1):
    37                 end=file_name.rfind('!')
    38             if(file_name.rfind('?')!=-1):
    39                 end=file_name.rfind('?')
    40             file_name=file_name[:end]
    41             write_file=open(dir_name+'\'+file_name,'wb')
    42             write_file.write(byte)
    43             write_file.close()
    44             print count,file_name,'complete!'
    45     driver.quit()
    46 if __name__ == '__main__':
    47     main()


     1 # import modules used here -- sys is a very standard one
     2 import sys
     3 import urllib.request
     4 # Gather our code in a main() function
     5 from html.parser import HTMLParser
     6 class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
     7     def handle_starttag(self,tag,attrs):
     8         if(tag=='img'):
     9             for attr in attrs:
    10                 if(attr[0]=='src'):
    11                     img_file=urllib.request.urlopen(attr[1])
    12                     byte=img_file.read()
    13                     #文件大于1000b则生成文件,添加计数,下载多少图片,显示html代码
    14                     if(byte.__len__()>1000):
    15                         file_name=attr[1].replace('/','_')
    16                         file_name=file_name.replace(':','_')
    17                         end=file_name.__len__()
    18                         if(file_name.rfind('!')!=-1):
    19                             end=file_name.rfind('!')
    20                         if(file_name.rfind('?')!=-1):
    21                             end=file_name.rfind('?')
    22                         file_name=file_name[:end]
    23 ##                        print(file_name)
    24                         write_file=open('E:\img\'+file_name,'wb')
    25                         write_file.write(byte)
    26                         write_file.close()
    27 def main():
    28     #获取参数
    29     url=sys.argv[1]
    30     print('
    The URL is:',url,'
    31     #读取url所指向的资源
    32     html_file=urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    33     byte_content=html_file.read()
    34     #将html网页保存起来
    35     url_file=open('E:\img\html\result.htm','wb')
    36     url_file.write(byte_content)
    37     url_file.close()
    38     #从字节转换为字符串
    39     s=str(byte_content, encoding = "utf-8")
    40     #print(s)
    41     #bytes.decode(html_file.read())
    42     parser=MyHTMLParser(strict=False)
    43     parser.feed(s)
    44 # Standard boilerplate to call the main() function to begin
    45 # the program.
    46 if __name__ == '__main__':
    47     main()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liu-ke/p/5092391.html
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