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  • 控制步进电机转向


    code segement
         assume cs:code,ds:code
         org 100h
    start:jmp begin
         psta db 05h,15h,14h,54h,50h,51h,41h,45h  ;相序表
    message db 'Press sw2 to start !'             ;系统提示
            db 0dh,0ah
            db 'if you want to quit,press sw1 !'
            db 0dh,0ah,'$'
    begin:  mov ax,cs
            mov ds,ax
            mov ah,09h                            ;显示提示信息
            mov dx,seg message
            int 21h
            mov dx,303h         ;初始化8255A
            mov a1,81h
            out dx,al
            mov al,09h        ;置pc4=1,关闭74LS37
            out dx,al
    L:      mov dx,302h               ;查sw2按下?(pc1=0?)
            in  al,dx
            and al,02h             ;未按下,等待
            jnz L
            mov dx,303h                 ;置pc4=0,打开74LS37
            mov al,08h
            out dx,al
    reload: mov si,sffset psta             ;设 相序表指针
            mov cx,8         ;设8拍循环次数
    lop:    mov dx,302h             ;查sw1按下?(pc0=0?)
            in al,dx
            and al,01h
            jz quit              ;已按下,退出
            mov al,[si]           ;未按下,送相序表代码到pa
            mov dx,300h
            out dx,al
            mov di,0afh
            mov bx,0ffffh           ;延迟
    delay:  dec bx
            jnz delay
            dec di
            jnz delay
            inc si              ;相序表指针+1
            dec cx                     ;循环次数-1
            jnz lop              ;未到8次,继续
            jmp reload           ;已到8次,重新
    quit:   mov dx,303h         ;置PC4=1
            mov al,09
            out dx,al
            mov ah,4ch          ;程序退出
            int 21h
    code ends
            end start


    code segment

         assume cs:code,ds:code
         org 100h
    start:jmp begin
         psta db 05h,15h,14h,54h,50h,51h,41h,45h
    pstb db 45h,41h,51h,50h,54h,14h,15h,05h ;相序表
    message db 'Press sw2 to start !'             ;系统提示
            db 0dh,0ah
            db 'if you want to quit,press sw1 !'
            db 0dh,0ah,'$'
    begin:  mov ax,cs
            mov ds,ax
            mov ah,09h                            ;显示提示信息
            mov dx,seg message
            mov ds,dx
            mov dx,offset message
            int 21h
            mov dx,303h         ;初始化8255A
            mov al,81h
            out dx,al
            mov al,09h        ;置pc4=1,关闭74LS37
            out dx,al
    L:      mov dx,302h               ;查sw2按下?(pc1=0?)
            in  al,dx
            and al,02h             ;未按下,等待
            jnz L
            mov dx,303h                 ;置pc4=0,打开74LS37
            mov al,08h
            out dx,al
    reload:  mov si,offset psta
            mov cx,8                ;设8拍循环次数
    lop1:    mov dx,302h             ;查sw1按下?(pc0=0?)
            in al,dx
            and al,01h
            jz lop2              ;已按下,退出
            mov al,[si]           ;未按下,送相序表代码到pa
            mov dx,300h
            out dx,al
            mov di,0afh
            mov bx,0ffffh           ;延迟
    delay1:  dec bx
            jnz delay1
            dec di
            jnz delay1
            inc si              ;相序表指针+1
            dec cx                     ;循环次数-1
            jnz lop1              ;未到8次,继续
            jmp reload          ;已到8次,重新
    reload1: mov si,offset pstb
             mov cx,8           ;设8拍循环次数
    lop2:    mov dx,302h             ;查sw1按下?(pc0=0?)
            in al,dx
            and al,02h
            jz lop1              ;已按下,退出
            mov al,[si]           ;未按下,送相序表代码到pa
            mov dx,300h
            out dx,al
            mov di,0afh
            mov bx,0ffffh           ;延迟
    delay:  dec bx
            jnz delay
            dec di
            jnz delay
            inc si              ;相序表指针+1
            dec cx                     ;循环次数-1
            jnz lop2              ;未到8次,继续
            jmp reload1          ;已到8次,重新

    code ends
            end start

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liudehao/p/4469575.html
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