/******************************************//* File:Unit2.h (scan.h) *//* A Scanner for lexical analysis for C++ *//* Author:zhanjiantao(compower) *//******************************************/#include <vcl.h>#define MAXNO 48typedef struct TypeToken{ int line; AnsiString words; AnsiString type;}aToken;typedef aToken *Listnd;class scan{public: bool IsReserveWord(AnsiString Token); void InitRW(); void DoScan(char *infile); void Print(int lineno, AnsiString stoken, int strgrdl, AnsiString Type); void MakeTL(int line,AnsiString words,AnsiString type); void Compress(char *zipFname);public: char *file; char ch; AnsiString strToken; AnsiString ReserveWs[MAXNO]; TList *TokenList; Listnd Anode;};#endif/******************************************//* File:Unit2.cpp (scan.cpp) *//* A Scanner for lexical analysis for C++ *//* Author:zhanjiantao(compower) *//******************************************/#include "Unit2.h"#include <string.h>#include <fstream.h>//initiate Reserved Words listvoid scan::InitRW(){ const int buflen = 10; char buf[buflen]; AnsiString gotWord = ""; ifstream iniRw("InitRW.ini"); int i = 0; while(iniRw.getline(buf,buflen)) { gotWord = buf; ReserveWs[i++] = gotWord; } iniRw.close(); TokenList = new TList;}//judge the ch in the RW list or notbool scan::IsReserveWord(AnsiString Token){ bool result = false; int low = 0; int high = MAXNO-1; while(low<=high) { int mid = (low + high)/2; int rsComp = Token.AnsiCompare(ReserveWs[mid]); if(rsComp==0) { result = true; break; } if(rsComp<0) { high = mid-1; } else { low = mid+1; } } return result;}//print on StringGridvoid scan::Print(int lineno, AnsiString stoken, int strgrdl, AnsiString Type){ Form1->StringGrid1->RowCount++; Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[0][strgrdl] = lineno; Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[1][strgrdl] = stoken; Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[2][strgrdl] = Type;}//make a token listvoid scan::MakeTL(int line,AnsiString words,AnsiString type){ Anode = new aToken; Anode->line = line; Anode->words = words; Anode->type = type; TokenList->Add(Anode);}//scan--the hardcore of the scannervoid scan::DoScan(char *infile){ file = infile ; ifstream scanFile(file); int LineCount = 1; //the word in which line strToken = ""; //member of class scan int strgrdLine = 1; //temp var for show result on StringGrid const int bflength = 254; //length of getline buffer char buffer[bflength]; //getline buffer bool comment = false; //for this kind of comment--"/**/" char prech = '@'; //pre char for /**/ comment AnsiString preToken = ""; //pre Token for judging pointee and multi '*' while(scanFile.getline(buffer,bflength)) //get each line of the .cpp file { int lnscptr = 0; while(buffer[lnscptr]==' ') //trim left space lnscptr++; ch = buffer[lnscptr]; /*scan:important arithmetic*/ if(comment) { prech = ch; goto flag1; } else { while(ch!='\0') //while not the line finish symbol do analyse { if(isalpha(ch) || ch=='_') // ID or KeyWord { while(isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch) || ch=='_') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; } if(IsReserveWord(strToken)) //is ReserveWord { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"保留字"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"保留字"); } else //is ID { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"标识符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"标识符"); } preToken = strToken; strgrdLine++; strToken.Delete(1,strToken.Length()); } else if(isdigit(ch)) // Numerci { while(isdigit(ch) || ch=='.') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; } bool isInt = true; for(int pos=1; pos<=strToken.Length(); pos++) { if(strToken[pos]=='.') { isInt = false; break; } } if(isInt) //is Int { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"整数"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"整数"); } else //is Float { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"浮点数"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"浮点数"); } strgrdLine++; strToken.Delete(1,strToken.Length()); } else if(ch==' ' || ch=='\t' || ch=='\n') //skip space,tab and enter { ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; } else //other special symbols { switch(ch) { case '#': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; while(ch!='\0' && ch!='/') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; } Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"预定义"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"预定义"); break; case '\'': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; while(ch!='\'') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; } strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"字符常量"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"字符常量"); break; case '"': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; while(ch!='"') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; } strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"字符串"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"字符串"); break; case '=': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='=') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"逻辑等"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"逻辑等"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"赋值号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"赋值号"); } break; case '+': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='=') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"+=运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"+=运算符"); } else if(ch=='+') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"递增运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"递增运算符"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"加号运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"加号运算符"); } break; case '-': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='=') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"-=运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"-=运算符"); } else if(ch=='>') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"指针运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"指针运算符"); } else if(ch=='-') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"递减运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"递减运算符"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"减号运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"减号运算符"); } break; case '*': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='=') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"*=运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"*=运算符"); } else if(IsReserveWord(preToken)) { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"指针定义符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"指针定义符"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"乘号运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"乘号运算符"); } break; case '/': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='/') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; while(ch!='\0') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; } Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"注释"); } else if(ch=='*') { flag1:strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; while((prech!='*' || ch!='/') && ch!='\0') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; prech = buffer[lnscptr-1]; } if(ch!='\0') {strToken = strToken + ch;} if(prech=='*' && ch=='/') { comment = false;} else { comment = true;} if(ch!='\0') {ch = buffer[++lnscptr];} Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"注释"); } else if(ch=='=') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"/=运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"/=运算符"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"除号运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"除号运算符"); } break; case '%': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='=') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"%=运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"%=运算符"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"模运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"模运算符"); } break; case '<': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='=') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"小于等于号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"小于等于号"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"小于号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"小于号"); } break; case '>': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='=') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"大于等于号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"大于等于号"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"大于号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"大于号"); } break; case '!': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='=') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"不等于号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"不等于号"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"逻辑非"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"逻辑非"); } break; case '&': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='&') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"逻辑与"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"逻辑与"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"位与运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"位与运算符"); } break; case '|': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; if(ch=='|') { strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"逻辑或"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"逻辑或"); } else { Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"位或运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"位或运算符"); } break; case '^': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"异或运算符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"异或运算符"); break; case '[': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"左方括号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"左方括号"); break; case ']': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"右方括号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"右方括号"); break; case '(': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"左圆括号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"左圆括号"); break; case ')': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"右圆括号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"右圆括号"); break; case '{': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"左花括号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"左花括号"); break; case '}': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"右花括号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"右花括号"); break; case ',': case ';': strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"分界符"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"分界符"); break; default: strToken = strToken + ch; ch = buffer[++lnscptr]; Print(LineCount,strToken,strgrdLine,"其他特殊符号"); MakeTL(LineCount,strToken,"其他特殊符号"); break; }//switch strgrdLine++; strToken.Delete(1,strToken.Length()); }//else }//_while buffer[]!='/0' } /*scan:important arithmetic*/ LineCount++; } //_while getline scanFile.close();}void scan::Compress(char *zipFname){ ofstream compress(zipFname,ios::app); for(int i=0; i<TokenList->Count; i++) { Anode = (Listnd)TokenList->Items[i]; if(Anode->type=="预定义") { compress<<Anode->words.c_str()<<endl; } else if(Anode->type=="保留字") { compress<<Anode->words.c_str(); compress<<" "; } else { compress<<Anode->words.c_str(); } } compress.close();}