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  • Openvswitch手册(1): 架构,SSL, Manager, Bridge


    Openvswitch是一个virutal swtich, 支持Open Flow协议,当然也有一些硬件Switch也支持Open Flow协议,他们都可以被统一的Controller管理,从而实现物理机和虚拟机的网络联通。


    Open Switch定义了一系列Flow Table,通过它来控制包的流向和结构。


    根据Open Flow协议,Flow Table包含match field,如果匹配上了,则执行Action。

    其中Match Field涵盖TCP/IP协议各层:

    • Layer 1 – Tunnel ID, In Port, QoS priority, skb mark
    • Layer 2 – MAC address, VLAN ID, Ethernet type
    • Layer 3 – IPv4/IPv6 fields, ARP
    • Layer 4 – TCP/UDP, ICMP, ND


    • Output to port (port range, flood, mirror)
    • Discard, Resubmit to table x
    • Packet Mangling (Push/Pop VLAN header, TOS, ...)
    • Send to controller, Learn



    • sFlow
    • NetFlow
    • Port Mirroring
      • SPAN
      • RSPAN
      • ERSPAN


    • Uses existing Traffic Control Layer
      • Policer (Ingress rate limiter)
      • HTB, HFSC (Egress traffic classes)
    • Controller (Open Flow) can select Traffic Class




    # ps aux | grep openvswitch 
    root      1117  0.0  0.0  21200  1580 ?        S<   Jun09   0:35 ovsdb-server /etc/openvswitch/conf.db -vconsole:emer -vsyslog:err -vfile:info --remote=punix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock --private-key=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,private_key --certificate=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,certificate --bootstrap-ca-cert=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,ca_cert --no-chdir --log-file=/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log --pidfile=/var/run/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.pid --detach --monitor 
    root      1153  0.6  1.1 169508 24016 ?        S<Ll Jun09  16:24 ovs-vswitchd unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock -vconsole:emer -vsyslog:err -vfile:info --mlockall --no-chdir --log-file=/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log --pidfile=/var/run/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.pid --detach --monitor


    • ovsdb-server 维护数据库/etc/openvswitch/conf.db
    • ovs-vswitchd 核心daemon
    • 两者通过unix domain socket /var/run/openvswitch/db.sock 互相通信




    如果我们cat /etc/openvswitch/conf.db,我们会发现它是json格式的。


    数据库可以通过ovsdb-client dump将数据库内容打印出来

    # ovsdb-client dump
    Bridge table
    _uuid                                controller datapath_id        datapath_type external_ids fail_mode flood_vlans flow_tables ipfix mirrors name   netflow other_config ports                                                                                                                                                                                          protocols sflow status stp_enable
    ------------------------------------ ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------------ --------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------- ------ ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----- ------ ----------
    929ab1c2-1146-411d-8557-af7498a26444 []         "0000080027dfbff7" ""            {}           []        []          {}          []    []      br-ex  []      {}           [52c02f9d-db2f-4c50-84ce-7a377530ad3b, 79f74c54-056d-4c60-82d7-46412ceee17e]                                                                                                                   []        []    {}     false    
    12ebfe38-6dab-402a-8fb5-aa814a5a3f52 []         "00003afeeb122a40" ""            {}           []        []          {}          []    []      br-int []      {}           [02049620-d3b4-4ecf-9d9e-f8b40a039f64, 035eed84-ce54-44c4-97d5-92f9cc9d662e, 18eacfea-0982-4c89-b2aa-3e2c7dc2b6d3, d43963b0-be0b-4265-b0bb-4ebc928d3ee0, d564225b-60e4-4786-a5fc-6b1c8febd0fb] []        []    {}     false    
    ccfc8a92-2d29-4a55-ae4b-21f59eeeaed7 []         "0000928afccc554a" ""            {}           []        []          {}          []    []      br-tun []      {}           [6d14a97d-28e8-42f8-b5d6-ec655ccc7b91, 8b0946ae-3177-4d5d-bc8e-6d04536701ad]                                                                                                                   []        []    {}     false    
    Controller table
    _uuid connection_mode controller_burst_limit controller_rate_limit enable_async_messages external_ids inactivity_probe is_connected local_gateway local_ip local_netmask max_backoff other_config role status target
    ----- --------------- ---------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------- -------- ------------- ----------- ------------ ---- ------ ------
    Flow_Sample_Collector_Set table
    _uuid bridge external_ids id ipfix
    ----- ------ ------------ -- -----
    Flow_Table table
    _uuid flow_limit groups name overflow_policy
    ----- ---------- ------ ---- ---------------
    IPFIX table
    _uuid cache_active_timeout cache_max_flows external_ids obs_domain_id obs_point_id sampling targets
    ----- -------------------- --------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ -------- -------
    Interface table
    _uuid                                admin_state bfd bfd_status cfm_fault cfm_fault_status cfm_health cfm_mpid cfm_remote_mpids cfm_remote_opstate duplex external_ids                                                                                                                                             ifindex ingress_policing_burst ingress_policing_rate lacp_current link_resets link_speed  link_state mac mac_in_use          mtu  name             ofport ofport_request options          other_config statistics                                                                                                                                                                  status                                                                      type   
    ------------------------------------ ----------- --- ---------- --------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------------- ------------------ ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ---------------------- --------------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- --- ------------------- ---- ---------------- ------ -------------- ---------------- ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    54ab6189-2611-40cc-884f-5ce20913bc32 down        {}  {}         []        []               []         []       []               []                 full   {}                                                                                                                                                       3       0                      0                     []           0           1000000000  down       []  "08:00:27:df:bf:f7" 1500 "eth1"           3      []             {}               {}           {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=558, tx_dropped=0, tx_errors=0, tx_packets=7}     {driver_name="e1000", driver_version="7.3.21-k8-NAPI", firmware_version=""} ""     
    6da8e9cd-98df-451e-b7d9-fcddefe0325e up          {}  {}         []        []               []         []       []               []                 []     {}                                                                                                                                                       0       0                      0                     []           0           []          up         []  "c2:9e:64:de:bd:db" []   patch-int        1      []             {peer=patch-tun} {}           {collisions=0, rx_bytes=1340, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=18, tx_bytes=90, tx_dropped=0, tx_errors=0, tx_packets=1}  {}                                                                          patch  
    eda8218d-1d5e-4c52-ad89-24f8d0445ef9 up          {}  {}         []        []               []         []       []               []                 []     {}                                                                                                                                                       0       0                      0                     []           0           []          up         []  "fa:91:44:32:65:f9" []   patch-tun        1      []             {peer=patch-int} {}           {collisions=0, rx_bytes=90, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=1, tx_bytes=1340, tx_dropped=0, tx_errors=0, tx_packets=18}  {}                                                                          patch  
    ee54427c-133c-4b2a-a641-c2624732eb66 up          {}  {}         []        []               []         []       []               []                 []     {}                                                                                                                                                       5       0                      0                     []           0           []          up         []  "08:00:27:df:bf:f7" 1500 br-ex            65534  []             {}               {}           {collisions=0, rx_bytes=648, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=8, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}     {driver_name=openvswitch}                                                   internal
    a45575fd-5179-459e-8951-3553c51f4aaa up          {}  {}         []        []               []         []       []               []                 []     {}                                                                                                                                                       6       0                      0                     []           2           []          up         []  "3a:fe:eb:12:2a:40" 1500 br-int           65534  []             {}               {}           {collisions=0, rx_bytes=648, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=8, tx_bytes=2078, tx_dropped=0, tx_errors=0, tx_packets=27} {driver_name=openvswitch}                                                   internal
    801c0dec-44db-4161-b791-08828d542ecf up          {}  {}         []        []               []         []       []               []                 []     {}                                                                                                                                                       8       0                      0                     []           2           []          up         []  "92:8a:fc:cc:55:4a" 1500 br-tun           65534  []             {}               {}           {collisions=0, rx_bytes=648, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=8, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}     {driver_name=openvswitch}                                                   internal
    e8193562-c3bb-4b48-a9bf-00bba5f2a213 up          {}  {}         []        []               []         []       []               []                 full   {attached-mac="fa:16:3e:37:28:e6", iface-id="7d18228b-476f-4b50-804a-18e60e6b0e6f", iface-status=active, vm-uuid="413d9fb4-34e5-4032-95ff-dea80f1f4adc"} 17      0                      0                     []           0           10000000000 up         []  "66:b8:10:c8:dc:df" 1500 "qvo7d18228b-47" 4      []             {}               {}           {collisions=0, rx_bytes=530, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=7, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}     {driver_name=veth, driver_version="1.0", firmware_version=""}               ""     
    b33cdfe2-dab1-449e-b2be-ce85e2d0ac79 up          {}  {}         []        []               []         []       []               []                 full   {attached-mac="fa:16:3e:58:be:c6", iface-id="eea9263a-5e4b-4e5b-9923-3d59ca752082", iface-status=active, vm-uuid="98b592b1-7778-46f1-93df-3c5079650b71"} 14      0                      0                     []           0           10000000000 up         []  "7a:d4:a4:8d:60:b7" 1500 "qvoeea9263a-5e" 3      []             {}               {}           {collisions=0, rx_bytes=530, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=7, tx_bytes=390, tx_dropped=0, tx_errors=0, tx_packets=5}   {driver_name=veth, driver_version="1.0", firmware_version=""}               ""     
    c0a5afe4-b7a8-4230-b3bb-af11a33de14e up          {}  {}         []        []               []         []       []               []                 full   {attached-mac="fa:16:3e:6f:5e:bf", iface-id="c64bd111-eff3-4c65-b096-53c3b3188a43", iface-status=active, vm-uuid="e2009bf8-de2b-4bff-a96a-627a61caf9e7"} 11      0                      0                     []           0           10000000000 up         []  "e2:d8:61:c4:1d:01" 1500 "qvoc64bd111-ef" 2      []             {}               {}           {collisions=0, rx_bytes=280, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=4, tx_bytes=250, tx_dropped=0, tx_errors=0, tx_packets=3}   {driver_name=veth, driver_version="1.0", firmware_version=""}               ""     
    Manager table
    _uuid connection_mode external_ids inactivity_probe is_connected max_backoff other_config status target
    ----- --------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------ ------
    Mirror table
    _uuid external_ids name output_port output_vlan select_all select_dst_port select_src_port select_vlan statistics
    ----- ------------ ---- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------------- --------------- ----------- ----------
    NetFlow table
    _uuid active_timeout add_id_to_interface engine_id engine_type external_ids targets
    ----- -------------- ------------------- --------- ----------- ------------ -------
    Open_vSwitch table
    _uuid                                bridges                                                                                                            cur_cfg db_version external_ids                                       manager_options next_cfg other_config ovs_version ssl statistics system_type system_version
    ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------- ------------ ----------- --- ---------- ----------- --------------
    ab19a0f9-1dc8-44d0-ac00-a9687bb43fdd [12ebfe38-6dab-402a-8fb5-aa814a5a3f52, 929ab1c2-1146-411d-8557-af7498a26444, ccfc8a92-2d29-4a55-ae4b-21f59eeeaed7] 273     "7.3.0"    {system-id="6b963f5d-45e7-409f-b5ee-8e30006dcd73"} []              273      {}           "2.0.1"     []  {}         Ubuntu      "14.04-trusty"
    Port table
    _uuid                                bond_downdelay bond_fake_iface bond_mode bond_updelay external_ids fake_bridge interfaces                             lacp mac name             other_config qos statistics status tag trunks vlan_mode
    ------------------------------------ -------------- --------------- --------- ------------ ------------ ----------- -------------------------------------- ---- --- ---------------- ------------ --- ---------- ------ --- ------ ---------
    52c02f9d-db2f-4c50-84ce-7a377530ad3b 0              false           []        0            {}           false       [ee54427c-133c-4b2a-a641-c2624732eb66] []   []  br-ex            {}           []  {}         {}     []  []     []      
    18eacfea-0982-4c89-b2aa-3e2c7dc2b6d3 0              false           []        0            {}           false       [a45575fd-5179-459e-8951-3553c51f4aaa] []   []  br-int           {}           []  {}         {}     []  []     []      
    8b0946ae-3177-4d5d-bc8e-6d04536701ad 0              false           []        0            {}           false       [801c0dec-44db-4161-b791-08828d542ecf] []   []  br-tun           {}           []  {}         {}     []  []     []      
    79f74c54-056d-4c60-82d7-46412ceee17e 0              false           []        0            {}           false       [54ab6189-2611-40cc-884f-5ce20913bc32] []   []  "eth1"           {}           []  {}         {}     []  []     []      
    6d14a97d-28e8-42f8-b5d6-ec655ccc7b91 0              false           []        0            {}           false       [6da8e9cd-98df-451e-b7d9-fcddefe0325e] []   []  patch-int        {}           []  {}         {}     []  []     []      
    035eed84-ce54-44c4-97d5-92f9cc9d662e 0              false           []        0            {}           false       [eda8218d-1d5e-4c52-ad89-24f8d0445ef9] []   []  patch-tun        {}           []  {}         {}     []  []     []      
    d564225b-60e4-4786-a5fc-6b1c8febd0fb 0              false           []        0            {}           false       [e8193562-c3bb-4b48-a9bf-00bba5f2a213] []   []  "qvo7d18228b-47" {}           []  {}         {}     1   []     []      
    02049620-d3b4-4ecf-9d9e-f8b40a039f64 0              false           []        0            {}           false       [c0a5afe4-b7a8-4230-b3bb-af11a33de14e] []   []  "qvoc64bd111-ef" {}           []  {}         {}     1   []     []      
    d43963b0-be0b-4265-b0bb-4ebc928d3ee0 0              false           []        0            {}           false       [b33cdfe2-dab1-449e-b2be-ce85e2d0ac79] []   []  "qvoeea9263a-5e" {}           []  {}         {}     1   []     []      
    QoS table
    _uuid external_ids other_config queues type
    ----- ------------ ------------ ------ ----
    Queue table
    _uuid dscp external_ids other_config
    ----- ---- ------------ ------------
    SSL table
    _uuid bootstrap_ca_cert ca_cert certificate external_ids private_key
    ----- ----------------- ------- ----------- ------------ -----------
    sFlow table
    _uuid agent external_ids header polling sampling targets
    ----- ----- ------------ ------ ------- -------- -------







    • 对bridge设备的配置,bridges指向bridge表,我们能看到的openvswitch的主要功能都是在bridge上实现的,在bridge表中详细叙述。
    • 对本身的一些配置;
      • other_config : stats-update-interval :将统计信息写入数据库的间隔时间
      • other_config : flow-restore-wait : 为hot-upgrade使用的,如果设为true则不处理任何的包。一般使用的过程为,先停掉ovs-vswitchd,然后将这个值设为true,启动ovs-vswitchd,这个时候不处理任何包,然后使用ovs-ofctl将flow table restore到一个正确的状态,最后设置这个值为false,开始处理包 
      • other_config : flow-limit :在flow table中flow entry的数量
      • other_config : n-handler-threads :用于处理新flow的线程数
      • other_config : n-revalidator-threads :用于验证flow的线程数.
      • other_config : enable-statistics 是否统计
        • statistics : cpu 统计cpu数量,线程
        • statistics : load_average system load
        • statistics : memory 总RAM,swap
        • statistics : process_NAME :with NAME replaced by a process name,统计memory size, cpu time等 
        • statistics : file_systems:mount point, size, used
    • client request id: 也即cur_cfg和next_cfg,当一个client修改了数据库的之后,增加next_cfg,然后等待openvswitch应用这些修改,当修改应用完毕,则cur_cfg = next_cfg。如果我们打开/etc/openvswitch/conf.db文件,我们发现,随着我们队openvswitch的配置,cur_cfg是不断++的
    • 对SSL的配置:指向SSL表,主要配置private key, certificate(里面是public key),已经CA的certificate
    • 对ovsdb-server的配置,指向Manager表,ovs-vswitchd作为它的client,配置一下db connection的选项

    在SSL表中,包含了经典的SSL connection的所有配置:

    openvswitch本身的private key和public key对,其中public key放在certificate中,并且需要CA使用自己的private key进行签名,CA来担保这个certificate是合法的,为了验证这个CA签名,当然需要CA的public key,而CA的public key是放在ca cert里面的,当然也需要被签名,被更高级的CA担保,或者自己担保自己。

    bootstrap_ca_cert是一个boolean,如果是true,则每次启动的时候,都会向controller去拿最新的ca cert。



    ovsdb-server /etc/openvswitch/conf.db -vconsole:emer -vsyslog:err -vfile:info --remote=punix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock --private-key=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,private_key --certificate=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,certificate --bootstrap-ca-cert=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,ca_cert --no-chdir --log-file=/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log --pidfile=/var/run/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.pid --detach –monitor


    配置ovs-vswitchd,使用switch的private key(sc-privkey.pem)和public key(sc-cert.pem),但是指定的是controller的CA Cert(cacert.pem)

    cd /etc/openvswitch
    sudo ovs-pki req+sign sc switch
    sudo ovs-vsctl set-ssl 


    cd /etc/openvswitch
    sudo ovs-pki req+sign ctl controller
    sudo ovs-controller -v pssl:6633 
         -p /etc/openvswitch/ctl-privkey.pem 
         -c /etc/openvswitch/ctl-cert.pem 
         -C /var/lib/openvswitch/pki/switchca/cacert.pem

    这里配置的是controller的的private key(ctl-privkey.pem)和public key(ctl-cert.pem),但是指定的是switch的CA Cert(cacert.pem)


    Mutual SSL Authentication - Click to enlarge image

    当client连接Server的时候,Server会将自己的certificate发给client,将来Client会用Server的certificate来解密Server用private key加密的信息,然而这个certificate是否合法,需要CA进行验证,由于这个certificate是Server的,当然client要使用Server的CA cert进行验证。同理Server会向client请求Client的certificate,来解密Client的private key加密的信息,则会用Client的CA cert进行验证。


    mininet@mininet:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
        Bridge "s1"
            Controller "ssl:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port "s1"
                Interface "s1"
                    type: internal
            Port "s1-eth1"
                Interface "s1-eth1"
            Port "s1-eth2"
                Interface "s1-eth2"
        ovs_version: "2.0.1"


    然而连接manager时某一个openvswitch daemon连接到某个manager.




    • ssl:ip[:port]:ovsdb-server会监听在ip的port上,协议为ssl
    • tcp:ip[:port]:会监听在ip的port上,协议为tcp
    • pssl:[port][:ip]:会监听在端口port上,协议为ssl
    • ptcp:[port][:ip]:会监听在端口port上,协议为ssl


    ovs-vsctl set-manager…
    从架构图中我们看出,ovs-vswitchd是ovsdb-server的client,两者是通过unix domain sock /var/run/openvswitch/db.sock进行通信的。
    sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:8881

    $ sudo ovs-vsctl show 
        Manager "ptcp:8881" 
        Bridge br-int 
            Port br-int 
                Interface br-int 
                    type: internal 
            Port patch-tun 
                Interface patch-tun 
                    type: patch 
                    options: {peer=patch-int} 
            Port "qvoeea9263a-5e" 
                tag: 1 
                Interface "qvoeea9263a-5e" 
            Port "qvo7d18228b-47" 
                tag: 1 
                Interface "qvo7d18228b-47" 
            Port "qvoc64bd111-ef" 
                tag: 1 
                Interface "qvoc64bd111-ef" 
        Bridge br-ex 
            Port br-ex 
                Interface br-ex 
                    type: internal 
            Port "eth1" 
                Interface "eth1" 
        Bridge br-tun 
            Port patch-int 
                Interface patch-int 
                    type: patch 
                    options: {peer=patch-tun} 
            Port br-tun 
                Interface br-tun 
                    type: internal 
        ovs_version: "2.0.1"


    root@openstackcliu8:~# ovs-vsctl show 
        ovs_version: "2.0.1"


    # ovs-vsctl --db=tcp: show 
        Manager "ptcp:8881" 
        Bridge br-int 
            Port br-int 
                Interface br-int 
                    type: internal 
            Port patch-tun 
                Interface patch-tun 
                    type: patch 
                    options: {peer=patch-int} 
            Port "qvoeea9263a-5e" 
                tag: 1 
                Interface "qvoeea9263a-5e" 
            Port "qvo7d18228b-47" 
                tag: 1 
                Interface "qvo7d18228b-47" 
            Port "qvoc64bd111-ef" 
                tag: 1 
                Interface "qvoc64bd111-ef" 
        Bridge br-ex 
            Port br-ex 
                Interface br-ex 
                    type: internal 
            Port "eth1" 
                Interface "eth1" 
        Bridge br-tun 
            Port patch-int 
                Interface patch-int 
                    type: patch 
                    options: {peer=patch-tun} 
            Port br-tun 
                Interface br-tun 
                    type: internal 
        ovs_version: "2.0.1"



    Bridge表无疑是最重要的表,所谓的virtual switch,多是用bridge来实现的。


    • 核心功能配置项
      • name
      • ports:指向Port表,
      • mirrors:指向mirror表
      • netflow
      • sflow
      • ipfix
      • flood_vlans:是一些vlan id,对于这些vlan id,mac address learning是不做的,每次寻找mac都进行arp
    • OpenFlow配置项:从架构图中我们可以看出,openvwitch的一个bridge可以通过openflow协议,被一个统一的controller管理的
      • Controller
      • flow_tables
      • fail_mode:
        • 一旦一个bridge连到一个openflow controller,则flow table就由controller统一管理,如果连接断了
        • secure: 这个bridge会试图一直连接controller,并不自己建立flow table
        • standalone:一旦bridge三次连不上controller,就自己建立和管理flow table
      • datapath_id:
    • Spaning Tree配置

    单纯创建一个bridge 很简单

    ovs-vsctl add-br helloworld,但是里面的若干配置相对比较复杂。



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuhongru/p/11133439.html
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