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  • [udemy]WebDevelopment_HTML5

    Build Your First Website 

    装一个subline text 

    HTML default rule 

    tags with opening and closing 

    1 <!DOCTYPE html>
    2 <html>
    3 <head>
    4     <title>Jennifer's first website</title>
    5 </head>
    6 <body>
    7         Hello world !!!!
    8 </body>
    9 </html>


    doctype says, hey just a heads up a file is going to use HTML5

    The senior developers get good salaries and good jobs are the ones fully understand all the meaning behind the things they do

    HTML tags

    10-15 tags are used in 99% time 

    <h1></h1> : header 1

    it acutally goes all the way up to 6 

    <p></p>: paragraph

    <b></b>: bold

    <ol></ol>: ordered list 



    <ul></ul>: unordered list 

    Self Closing HTML tags

    <br>: break line 

    <hr>: horizonal line 

    <img src = "" width="" height="">

    src : attribute which had special properties to the specific tag and attribute always has a value attached to 


    height: attribute

    Anchor tag 

    <a href = "newpage.html">New Page </a>

    href: attribute and it's the hypertext reference 

    It can link to other pages 

    Why named index.html

    by default, most servers say :I will return index.html once I see it 

    That's why we think index.html as our home page 

    relative path vs absolute path 

    relative path 在本地  <a href = "webdevelopment/newpage.html">New Page </a> 转到files://协议

    absolute path  在网上 <a href = "www.googe.com">New Page </a>  转到https://协议

    HTML Forms

     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html>
     3 <head>
     4     <title>Register</title>
     5 </head>
     6 <body>
     7     <form>
     8         First name:<input type="text" ><br>
     9         Last name:<input type="text" ><br>
    10         Email:<input type="email" required><br>
    11         Password:<input type="Password" minlength="5"><br>
    12         Birthday:<input type="date" ><br>
    13         Gender:<br>
    14         <input type="radio" name="gener">Male<br>
    15         <input type="radio" name="gener">Female<br>
    16         <input type="radio" name="gener">Other<br>
    17         Pets:<br>
    18         <input type="checkbox" >Cats<br>
    19         <input type="checkbox" >Dogs<br>
    20         Cars:<br>
    21         <select>
    22             <option value="volvo"> Volvo</option>
    23             <option value="Audi">Audi</option>
    24         </select><br>
    25         <input type="submit" value="Register!" >
    26         <input type="reset" >
    27     </form>
    29 </body>
    30 </html>

    Submit A Form

    The answer we submitted just attached to this link : query strings

    It's one way we send information to the backend or the serevrs

    because we have to store this form information somewhere so that 

    when we come back onto this landing page(登陆页面), the web site remembers us 

     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html>
     3 <head>
     4     <title>Register</title>
     5 </head>
     6 <body>
     7     <form method = "GET">
     8         First name:<input type="text" name="firstname"><br>
     9         Last name:<input type="text" name="lastname"><br>
    10         Email:<input type="email" required name="email"><br>
    11         Password:<input type="Password" minlength="5" name="Password"><br>
    12         Birthday:<input type="date" name="Birthday"><br>
    13         Gender:<br>
    14         <input type="radio" name="gener">Male<br>
    15         <input type="radio" name="gener">Female<br>
    16         <input type="radio" name="gener">Other<br>
    17         Pets:<br>
    18         <input type="checkbox" name="Cats">Cats<br>
    19         <input type="checkbox" name="Dogs">Dogs<br>
    20         Cars:<br>
    21         <select>
    22             <option value="volvo" name="volvo"> Volvo</option>
    23             <option value="Audi" name= "Audi">Audi</option>
    24         </select><br>
    25         <input type="submit" value="Register!" >
    26         <input type="reset" >
    27     </form>
    29 </body>
    30 </html>

    Form using an attribute called "GET" which will attach the form information to the URL and send it to the server

    when we complete and submit this form,  URL would be like this,  

    firstname=jennifer   // like property <--> value 
    &email=fake%40gmail.com // URL encoding, it encodes '@' 

    ? (question mark) states, Hey, coming up! We'are going to have a bunch of data 

    But why 

    gener=on ? 

    There It should turn to be like gender = female 

    That's because we should include "value= "

     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html>
     3 <head>
     4     <title>Register</title>
     5 </head>
     6 <body>
     7     <form method = "GET">
     8         First name:<input type="text" name="firstname"><br>
     9         Last name:<input type="text" name="lastname"><br>
    10         Email:<input type="email" required name="email"><br>
    11         Password:<input type="Password" minlength="5" name="Password"><br>
    12         Birthday:<input type="date" name="Birthday"><br>
    13         Gender:<br>
    14         <input type="radio" name="gener" value="Male">Male<br>
    15         <input type="radio" name="gener" value="Female">Female<br>
    16         <input type="radio" name="gener" value="Other">Other<br>
    17         Pets:<br>
    18         <input type="checkbox" name="Cats">Cats<br>
    19         <input type="checkbox" name="Dogs">Dogs<br>
    20         Cars:<br>
    21         <select>
    22             <option value="volvo" name="volvo"> Volvo</option>
    23             <option value="Audi" name= "Audi">Audi</option>
    24         </select><br>
    25         <input type="submit" value="Register!" >
    26         <input type="reset" >
    27     </form>
    29 </body>
    30 </html>


    Add comment:   command+/

    <!--  -->

    Divide content: <div></div>

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuliu5151/p/9206894.html
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