上两篇文章 Nmap脚本引擎原理 编写自己的Nmap(NSE)脚本,分析了Nmap脚本引擎的执行过程,以及脚本文件的编写,这篇文章将以解析AMQP Server为例,介绍Nmap自带库的使用,以及上两篇文章中介绍不足的地方。
AMQP协议的全称为: Advanced Message Queuing Protocol,提供统一消息服务的应用层标准高级消息队列协议;是应用层协议的一个开放标准,为面向消息的中间件设计,基于此协议的客户端与消息中间件可传递消息,并不
1)Broker:接收和分发消息的应用,比如:RabbitMQ Server就是Message Broker。
2)Connection: publisher/consumer和broker之间的TCP连接。断开连接的操作只会在client端进行,Broker不会断开连接,除非出现网络故障或broker服务出现问题。
3)Exchange:message到达broker的第一站,根据分发规则,匹配查询表中的routing key,分发消息到queue中去。常用的类型有:direct (point-to-point), topic (publish-subscribe) and fanout (multicast)。
4)Queue: 消息最终被送到这里等待consumer取走。一个message可以被同时拷贝到多个queue中。
在Nmap探测时,使用的正是AMQP 0-9-1 Client,因此我们探测时探测端口5672。
遵循什么格式与AMQP Server交互?参考(http://www.rabbitmq.com/resources/specs/amqp-xml-doc0-9-1.pdf)
-- amqp库提供检索AMQP服务信息的基本函数,目前支持AMQP0-9和AMQP0-8协议 -- 这个库包含一个AMQP类,这个类包含于AMQP通信及核心函数。 local amqp = require "amqp" -- nmap模块是与nmap内部函数交互和数据结构化的API,API提供目标主机的详细信息 -- 例如端口状态和版本探测结果;同时API也提供与Nsock交互的接口;文件中共48个函数。 local nmap = require "nmap" -- 构建简要端口规则的函数,端口规则被多数scripts所使用,因此 -- 这个模块提供最基本的测试,函数返回true or false。 local shortport = require "shortport" -- 标准Nmap脚本引擎函数,这个模块包含各种实用的函数,由于太小不能以模块的形式给出。 -- 该模块下有个module函数,作用跟Lua 5.1的module函数类似; -- 例如_ENV = stdnse.module("socks", stdnse.seeall)的作用就是定义一个以文件名socks -- 为变量的模块,这样方便我们修改,便于统一,印象笔记中有Lua moudle详解。 local stdnse = require "stdnse" -- 从AMQP服务器上收集信息 description = [[ Gathers information (a list of all server properties) from an AMQP (advanced message queuing protocol) server. ]] -- 用于控制脚本的选择 nmap --script default,safe;只运行safe和discovery类别的脚本 categories = {"default", "discovery", "safe", "version"} -- 端口规则,当这个函数返回true的时候,执行action函数. portrule = shortport.version_port_or_service(5672, "amqp", "tcp", "open") action = function(host, port) -- 调用amqp模块新建一个cli表,表里面包括好多属性,host/port/amqpsocket等。 local cli = amqp.AMQP:new( host, port ) -- 通过connect方法连接服务器,通过namp模块的connect()方法与底层取得联系 local status, data = cli:connect() -- 如果status为nil或false,则返回下面的数据输出,data为error字符串,在nmap模块中可查到。 if not status then return "Unable to open connection: " .. data end -- 如果连接成功,则进一步握手处理,数据解析也是在amqp.lua这个模块中解析 status, data = cli:handshake() -- 如果status为nil或false则返回错误信息data if not status then return data end -- 断开连接 cli:disconnect() -- 能够进行到这一步,说明没有错误出现,确定下来是AMQP协议了。 port.version.name = "amqp" port.version.product = cli:getServerProduct() port.version.extrainfo = cli:getProtocolVersion() port.version.version = cli:getServerVersion() -- 设置host,port表为新的状态。 nmap.set_port_version(host, port) -- server_properties表存储了握手的所有信息 return stdnse.format_output(status, cli:getServerProperties()) -- 综上所述,如果我们想修改交互过程的包,以及解析返回的数据; -- 关注amqp.lua模块的handshake()函数即可。 end
-- 该模块提供基本的检索AMQP服务器信息的函数,目前支持 AMQP 0-9和AMQP 0-8协议格式 -- 该模块包含一个类,AMQP类,该类定义了AMQP交互过程所需要的属性。 local bin = require "bin" local match = require "match" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" -- 统一化定义模块,跟lua原始方式定义是一样的,只不过这样定义可以统一。 _ENV = stdnse.module("amqp", stdnse.seeall); AMQP = { -- protocol versions sent by the server versions = { [0x0800] = "0-8", [0x0009] = "0-9" }, -- version strings the client supports client_version_strings = { ["0-8"] = "x01x01x08x00", ["0-9"] = "x00x00x09x00", ["0-9-1"] = "x00x00x09x01" }, -- setmetatable,self,__index等关键字,是Lua模拟类的操作;返回一个o对象。 new = function(self, host, port) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.host = host o.port = port o.amqpsocket = nmap.new_socket() -- nmap通过registry共享全局数据,如果参数里面有["0-8"]["0-9"]["0-9-1"]则设置为相应的字符串 -- 如果没有则设置为["0-9-1"]对应的字符串 o.cli_version = self.client_version_strings[nmap.registry.args['amqp.version']] or self.client_version_strings["0-9-1"] o.protover = nil o.server_version = nil o.server_product = nil o.serer_properties = nil return o end, --- Connects the AMQP socket connect = function(self) local data, status, msg status, msg = self.amqpsocket:connect(self.host, self.port, "tcp") return status, msg end, --- Disconnects the AMQP socket disconnect = function(self) self.amqpsocket:close() end, --- Decodes a table value in the server properties field. -- -- @param tbl the decoded table -- @param tsize number, the table size in bytes -- @return status, true on success, false on failure -- @return error string containing error message if status is false -- @return decoded value decodeTable = function(self, tbl, tsize) local status, err, tmp, read, value read = 0 while read < tsize do local key, value status, tmp = self.amqpsocket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(1), true) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake connection closed unexpectedly while reading key length", nil end read = read + 1 tmp = select( 2, bin.unpack("C", tmp) ) status, key = self.amqpsocket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(tmp), true) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake connection closed unexpectedly while reading key", nil end read = read + tmp status, tmp = self.amqpsocket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(1), true) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake connection closed unexpectedly while reading value type for " .. key, nil end read = read + 1 if ( tmp == 'F' ) then -- table type status, tmp = self.amqpsocket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(4), true) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake connection closed unexpectedly while reading table size", nil end read = read + 4 value = {} tmp = select( 2, bin.unpack(">I", tmp) ) status, err, value = self:decodeTable(value, tmp) read = read + tmp table.insert(tbl, key .. ": ") table.insert(tbl, value) elseif ( tmp == 'S' ) then -- string type status, err, value, read = self:decodeString(key, read) if ( key == "product" ) then self.server_product = value elseif ( key == "version" ) then self.server_version = value end table.insert(tbl, key .. ": " .. value) elseif ( tmp == 't' ) then -- boolean type status, err, value, read = self:decodeBoolean(key, read) table.insert(tbl, key .. ": " .. value) end if ( not(status) ) then return status, err, nil end end return true, nil, tbl end, --- Decodes a string value in the server properties field. -- -- @param key string, the key being read -- @param read number, number of bytes already read -- @return status, true on success, false on failure -- @return error string containing error message if status is false -- @return decoded value -- @return number of bytes read after decoding this value decodeString = function(self, key, read) local value, status, tmp status, tmp = self.amqpsocket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(4), true) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake connection closed unexpectedly while reading value size for " .. key, nil, 0 end read = read + 4 tmp = select( 2, bin.unpack(">I", tmp) ) status, value = self.amqpsocket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(tmp), true) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake connection closed unexpectedly while reading value for " .. key, nil, 0 end read = read + tmp return true, nil, value, read end, --- Decodes a boolean value in the server properties field. -- -- @param key string, the key being read -- @param read number, number of bytes already read -- @return status, true on success, false on failure -- @return error string containing error message if status is false -- @return decoded value -- @return number of bytes read after decoding this value decodeBoolean = function(self, key, read) local status, value status, value = self.amqpsocket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(1), true) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake connection closed unexpectedly while reading value for " .. key, nil, 0 end value = select( 2, bin.unpack("C", value) ) read = read + 1 return true, nil, value == 0x01 and "YES" or "NO", read end, --- Performs the AMQP handshake and determines -- * The AMQP protocol version -- * The server properties/capabilities -- -- @return status, true on success, false on failure -- @return error string containing error message if status is false handshake = function(self) local _, status, err, version, tmp, value, properties -- 遵循AMQP协议格式,向AMQP服务器发送连接信息 status = self.amqpsocket:send( "AMQP" .. self.cli_version ) if ( not(status) ) then return false, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake failed while sending client version" end status, tmp = self.amqpsocket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(11), true) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake connection closed unexpectedly while reading frame header" end -- check if the server rejected our proposed version if ( #tmp ~= 11 ) then --如果tmp不等于11,如果连接成功字节会在11以上,11是固定头。 -- 如果服务拒绝连接,那么返回8字节的数据。select函数是lua自带函数,2代表选择bin.unpack返回值的第二个参数 -- bin.unpack,二进制解包; 目前推荐使用Lua5.3的string.unpack功能。 -- 可参考http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#6.4.2 -- http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#pdf-string.unpack -- > 表示大端存储,I表示读取四字节的无符号整数。 if ( #tmp == 8 and select( 2, bin.unpack(">I", tmp) ) == 0x414D5150 ) then local vi, vii, v1, v2, v3, v4, found _, vi = bin.unpack(">I", tmp, 5) found = false -- check if we support the server's version for _, v in pairs( self.client_version_strings ) do _, vii = bin.unpack(">I", v) if ( vii == vi ) then version = v found = true break end end -- try again with new version string if ( found and version ~= self.cli_version ) then self.cli_version = version self:disconnect() status, err = self:connect() if ( not(status) ) then return status, err end return self:handshake() end -- version unsupported, _代表最后一个结束字符list[list.n]。 -- >表示大端存储,C表示读取单字节的无符号整数。 _, v1, v2, v3, v4 = bin.unpack(">CCCC", tmp, 5) return false, ("ERROR: AMQP:handshake unsupported version (%d.%d.%d.%d)"):format( v1, v2, v3, v4 ) else -- 返回的不是AMQP...八个字节,证明不是AMQP协议 return false, ("ERROR: AMQP:handshake server might not be AMQP, received: %s"):format( tmp ) end end -- 上述过程结束之后,说明连接成功,收到11个以上的字节,开始解析协议。 -- parse frame header local frametype, chnumber, framesize, method _, frametype, chnumber, framesize, method = bin.unpack(">CSII", tmp) stdnse.debug1("frametype: %d, chnumber: %d, framesize: %d, method: %d", frametype, chnumber, framesize, method) if (frametype ~= 1) then return false, ("ERROR: AQMP:handshake expected header (1) frame, but was %d"):format(frametype) end if (method ~= 0x000A000A) then return false, ("ERROR: AQMP:handshake expected connection.start (0x000A000A) method, but was %x"):format(method) end -- 解析11字节之后的字节,12,13字节分别是Major Version和 Minor Version -- parse protocol version status, tmp = self.amqpsocket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(2), true) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake connection closed unexpectedly while reading version" end version = select( 2, bin.unpack(">S", tmp) ) self.protover = AMQP.versions[version] if ( not(self.protover) ) then return false, ("ERROR: AMQP:handshake unsupported version (%x)"):format(version) end -- 解析服务属性,4字节的内容代表数据长度。 -- parse server properties status, tmp = self.amqpsocket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(4), true) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: AMQP:handshake connection closed unexpectedly while reading server properties size" end local tablesize = select( 2, bin.unpack(">I", tmp) ) properties = {} -- 封装到decodeTable解析,在decodeTable里面会继续从receive_buf接收数据 status, err, properties = self:decodeTable(properties, tablesize) if ( not(status) ) then return status, err end -- 解析mechanisms status, err, value, tmp = self:decodeString("mechanisms", 0) if ( not(status) ) then return status, err end table.insert(properties, "mechanisms: " .. value) -- 解析locales status, err, value, tmp = self:decodeString("locales", 0) if ( not(status) ) then return status, err end table.insert(properties, "locales: " .. value) self.server_properties = properties -- 解析内容设置到AMQP o这个对象里面,返回true return true end, --- Returns the protocol version reported by the server -- -- @return string containing the version number getProtocolVersion = function( self ) return self.protover end, --- Returns the product version reported by the server -- -- @return string containing the version number getServerVersion = function( self ) return self.server_version end, --- Returns the product name reported by the server -- -- @return string containing the product name getServerProduct = function( self ) return self.server_product end, --- Returns the properties reported by the server -- -- @return table containing server properties getServerProperties = function( self ) return self.server_properties end, } return _ENV;
http://www.cnblogs.com/frankyou/p/5283539.html 博客:RabbitMQ与AMQP协议详解
http://www.rabbitmq.com/documentation.html RabbitMQ Documentation
http://www.rabbitmq.com/protocol.html AMQP 0-9-1 协议文档