1 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 from multiprocessing import Pool 3 import os,time,random 4 5 def long_time_task(name): 6 print 'Run task name %s and pid : %s..'%(name,os.getpid()) 7 start = time.time() 8 time.sleep(random.random()*3) 9 end = time.time() 10 print 'Task %s betwine %s '%(name,(end-start)) 11 # pass 12 if __name__ == '__main__': 13 print 'Parent process %s.'%os.getpid() 14 p=Pool() 15 for i in range(5): 16 print 'now I is ' and i 17 print 'Parent process %s.'%os.getpid() 18 p.apply_async(long_time_task,args=(i,)) 19 print 'Wait for all subprocesses done...' 20 print (i,) 21 p.close() 22 p.join() 23 print 'All over'
Parent process 3896.
Parent process 3896.
Parent process 3896.
Parent process 3896.
Parent process 3896.
Parent process 3896.
Wait for all subprocesses done...
Run task name 0 and pid : 4300..
Run task name 1 and pid : 4596..
Task 1 betwine 1.32100009918
Run task name 2 and pid : 4596..
Task 0 betwine 2.61500000954
Run task name 3 and pid : 4300..
Task 2 betwine 2.65400004387
Run task name 4 and pid : 4596..
Task 4 betwine 0.599999904633
Task 3 betwine 2.77799987793
All over