01、Visual Studio 隐藏的财富 --- C# 语言规范
安装完Visual Studio之后,我们好像忽略了,微软给我们准备的《C# 语言规范》。
1. IISTuner-Simple Tuning tool for IIS
IIS性能调整工具 – IIS Tuner,可一键配置你的IIS服务器上的ASP.NET应用程序,使得你的IIS服务器上运行的程序具有最佳性能。 IIS Tuner 帮你优化系统配置,你的注意力就可以放在应用程序的开发上。
2. Jumony-Html引擎
3. Html Agility Pack (HAP) - HTML Parser
4. AngleSharp
AngleSharp is a .NET library that gives you the ability to parse angle bracket based hyper-texts like HTML, SVG, and MathML. XML without validation is also supported by the library. An important aspect of AngleSharp is that CSS can also be parsed. The included parser is built upon the official W3C specification. This produces a perfectly portable HTML5 DOM representation of the given source code and ensures compatibility with results in evergreen browsers. Also standard DOM features such as querySelector or querySelectorAll work for tree traversal.