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  • 《linux设备驱动开发详解》笔记——15 linux i2c驱动


    15.1 总体结构


    • 核心层core,完成i2c总线、设备、驱动模型,对用户提供sys文件系统访问支持;为i2c内部adpter等提供注册接口。
    •  adpter,适配器,实际就是CPU集成的IIC控制器,有cpu控制,完成i2c物理总线操作,busses文件夹里,有各个cpu adapter的具体实现;algorithm集成到这个模块里,而且是adapter的一部分,主要实现总  线传输的标准化。
    • i2c-dev,把adapter设备化,采用标准的file_operations字符设备的形式,便于用户层直接读写adapter设备文件,不是主流,一般也就是调试时用用。
    • muxes,i2c切换芯片,不重点讨论。




    15.2 adapter和algorithm——最终对外提供硬件无关接口

       busses/i2c-cadence.c文件是ZYNQ i2c控制器的驱动,实现i2c的adapter和algorithm。adapter采用platform机制。


    15.2.1 关键数据接结构

     * struct cdns_i2c - I2C device private data structure
     * @membase:        Base address of the I2C device
     * @adap:        I2C adapter instance
     * @p_msg:        Message pointer
     * @err_status:        Error status in Interrupt Status Register
     * @xfer_done:        Transfer complete status
     * @p_send_buf:        Pointer to transmit buffer
     * @p_recv_buf:        Pointer to receive buffer
     * @suspended:        Flag holding the device's PM status
     * @send_count:        Number of bytes still expected to send
     * @recv_count:        Number of bytes still expected to receive
     * @curr_recv_count:    Number of bytes to be received in current transfer
     * @irq:        IRQ number
     * @input_clk:        Input clock to I2C controller
     * @i2c_clk:        Maximum I2C clock speed
     * @bus_hold_flag:    Flag used in repeated start for clearing HOLD bit
     * @clk:        Pointer to struct clk
     * @clk_rate_change_nb:    Notifier block for clock rate changes
    struct cdns_i2c {
        void __iomem *membase;
        struct i2c_adapter adap;
        struct i2c_msg *p_msg;
        int err_status;
        struct completion xfer_done;
        unsigned char *p_send_buf;
        unsigned char *p_recv_buf;
        u8 suspended;
        unsigned int send_count;
        unsigned int recv_count;
        unsigned int curr_recv_count;
        int irq;
        unsigned long input_clk;
        unsigned int i2c_clk;
        unsigned int bus_hold_flag;
        struct clk *clk;
        struct notifier_block clk_rate_change_nb;
     * i2c_adapter is the structure used to identify a physical i2c bus along
     * with the access algorithms necessary to access it.
    struct i2c_adapter {
        struct module *owner;
        unsigned int class;          /* classes to allow probing for */
        const struct i2c_algorithm *algo; /* the algorithm to access the bus,实体也在此文件中定义,并在probe函数里指向此实体 */
        void *algo_data;
        /* data fields that are valid for all devices    */
        struct rt_mutex bus_lock;
        int timeout;            /* in jiffies */
        int retries;
        struct device dev;        /* the adapter device */
        int nr;
        char name[48];
        struct completion dev_released;
        struct mutex userspace_clients_lock;
        struct list_head userspace_clients;
        struct i2c_bus_recovery_info *bus_recovery_info;
     * struct i2c_algorithm - represent I2C transfer method
     * @master_xfer: Issue a set of i2c transactions to the given I2C adapter
     *   defined by the msgs array, with num messages available to transfer via
     *   the adapter specified by adap.
     * @smbus_xfer: Issue smbus transactions to the given I2C adapter. If this
     *   is not present, then the bus layer will try and convert the SMBus calls
     *   into I2C transfers instead.
     * @functionality: Return the flags that this algorithm/adapter pair supports
     *   from the I2C_FUNC_* flags.
     * The following structs are for those who like to implement new bus drivers:
     * i2c_algorithm is the interface to a class of hardware solutions which can
     * be addressed using the same bus algorithms - i.e. bit-banging or the PCF8584
     * to name two of the most common.
     * The return codes from the @master_xfer field should indicate the type of
     * error code that occured during the transfer, as documented in the kernel
     * Documentation file Documentation/i2c/fault-codes.
    struct i2c_algorithm {
        /* If an adapter algorithm can't do I2C-level access, set master_xfer
           to NULL. If an adapter algorithm can do SMBus access, set
           smbus_xfer. If set to NULL, the SMBus protocol is simulated
           using common I2C messages */
        /* master_xfer should return the number of messages successfully
           processed, or a negative value on error */
        int (*master_xfer)(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg *msgs,
                   int num);
        int (*smbus_xfer) (struct i2c_adapter *adap, u16 addr,
                   unsigned short flags, char read_write,
                   u8 command, int size, union i2c_smbus_data *data);
        /* To determine what the adapter supports */
        u32 (*functionality) (struct i2c_adapter *);

    15.2.2 adapter的注册与注销

    1. adapter被组织成platform驱动形式
    2. 顺便理解platform的匹配机制:
    • dts里有若干device的描述,linux在初始化时会把这些设备展开,形成设备列表
    • platform driver中有匹配字段of_match_table,估计注册platform驱动时(module_platform_driver),platform bus负责匹配此字段和已有的dts设备列表。
    • platform driver和dev列表匹配上以后,driver中的probe就会执行,同时dev列表中的信息以probe形参struct platform_device *pdev的形式传递给probe()函数。


        3. adapter通过iic-core.c核心层提供的接口,注册或注销到iic总线上

    • i2c_add_adapter():添加adapter数据结构,核心层里详述
    • i2c_del_adapter():删除adapter设数据结构
    static int cdns_i2c_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)  // dts里的设备信息传递进来了
        struct resource *r_mem;
        struct cdns_i2c *id;
        int ret;
        id = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*id), GFP_KERNEL);
        if (!id)
            return -ENOMEM;
        platform_set_drvdata(pdev, id);
    xxx_adapter_hw_init();    //通常初始化iic适配器使用的硬件资源,如申请IO地址、中断号、时钟等 id->adap.dev.of_node = pdev->dev.of_node; id->adap.algo = &cdns_i2c_algo;  // 把altorithm连进来 id->adap.timeout = CDNS_I2C_TIMEOUT; id->adap.retries = 3; /* Default retry value. */ id->adap.algo_data = id; id->adap.dev.parent = &pdev->dev; ret = i2c_add_adapter(&id->adap); ... } static int cdns_i2c_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct cdns_i2c *id = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); i2c_del_adapter(&id->adap); xxx_adapter_hw_free(); // 硬件相关资源的free return 0; } static const struct of_device_id cdns_i2c_of_match[] = { { .compatible = "cdns,i2c-r1p10", },           { /* end of table */ } }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, cdns_i2c_of_match); static struct platform_driver cdns_i2c_drv = { .driver = { .name = DRIVER_NAME, .owner = THIS_MODULE, .of_match_table = cdns_i2c_of_match,    // dts匹配的依据 .pm = &cdns_i2c_dev_pm_ops, }, .probe = cdns_i2c_probe, .remove = cdns_i2c_remove, }; module_platform_driver(cdns_i2c_drv);


            ps7_i2c_1: ps7-i2c@e0005000 {
                clock-frequency = <400000>;
                clocks = <&clkc 39>;
                compatible = "cdns,i2c-r1p10"; 
                interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
                interrupts = <0 48 4>;
                reg = <0xe0005000 0x1000>;
                xlnx,has-interrupt = <0x0>;
                #address-cells = <1>;
                #size-cells = <0>;
                eeprom@52 {
                    compatible = "at,24c512";
                    reg = <0x52>;
            } ;

    15.2.3 i2c总线的通信方法 —— algorithm




    static const struct i2c_algorithm cdns_i2c_algo = {
        .master_xfer    = cdns_i2c_master_xfer,
        .functionality    = cdns_i2c_func,
     * cdns_i2c_func - Returns the supported features of the I2C driver
     * @adap:    pointer to the i2c adapter structure
     * Return: 32 bit value, each bit corresponding to a feature
    static u32 cdns_i2c_func(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
        return I2C_FUNC_I2C | I2C_FUNC_10BIT_ADDR |
     * cdns_i2c_master_xfer - The main i2c transfer function
     * @adap:    pointer to the i2c adapter driver instance
     * @msgs:    pointer to the i2c message structure
     * @num:    the number of messages to transfer
     * Initiates the send/recv activity based on the transfer message received.
     * Return: number of msgs processed on success, negative error otherwise
    static int cdns_i2c_master_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg *msgs,
                    int num)
        int ret, count;
        u32 reg;
        struct cdns_i2c *id = adap->algo_data;
        /* Check if the bus is free */
        if (cdns_i2c_readreg(CDNS_I2C_SR_OFFSET) & CDNS_I2C_SR_BA)
            return -EAGAIN;
         * Set the flag to one when multiple messages are to be
         * processed with a repeated start.
        if (num > 1) {
            id->bus_hold_flag = 1;
            reg = cdns_i2c_readreg(CDNS_I2C_CR_OFFSET);
            reg |= CDNS_I2C_CR_HOLD;
            cdns_i2c_writereg(reg, CDNS_I2C_CR_OFFSET);
        } else {
            id->bus_hold_flag = 0;
        /* Process the msg one by one */
        for (count = 0; count < num; count++, msgs++) {
            if (count == (num - 1))
                id->bus_hold_flag = 0;
            ret = cdns_i2c_process_msg(id, msgs, adap);
            if (ret)
                return ret;
            /* Report the other error interrupts to application */
            if (id->err_status) {
                if (id->err_status & CDNS_I2C_IXR_NACK)
                    return -ENXIO;
                return -EIO;
        return num;

    15.3 core

    15.3.1 i2c总线、设备、驱动模型建立和维护


    static int __init i2c_init(void)  // linux初始化时执行
    int retval; retval = bus_register(&i2c_bus_type);  // 在sys文件夹中创建i2c总线,完成将i2c总线注册到系统,与platform总线平级,创建 /sys/i2c目录 if (retval) return retval; #ifdef CONFIG_I2C_COMPAT i2c_adapter_compat_class = class_compat_register("i2c-adapter");  // 创建类,/sys/class/i2c-adapter if (!i2c_adapter_compat_class) { retval = -ENOMEM; goto bus_err; } #endif retval = i2c_add_driver(&dummy_driver);    // 注册一个dummy驱动,不知道为了啥? 在 /sys/bus/i2c/drivers目录下创建了dummy驱动 if (retval) goto class_err; return 0; class_err: #ifdef CONFIG_I2C_COMPAT class_compat_unregister(i2c_adapter_compat_class); bus_err: #endif bus_unregister(&i2c_bus_type); return retval; } static void __exit i2c_exit(void) { i2c_del_driver(&dummy_driver); #ifdef CONFIG_I2C_COMPAT class_compat_unregister(i2c_adapter_compat_class); #endif bus_unregister(&i2c_bus_type); } /* We must initialize early, because some subsystems register i2c drivers * in subsys_initcall() code, but are linked (and initialized) before i2c. */ postcore_initcall(i2c_init);    // linux初始化时调用 module_exit(i2c_exit);


    struct bus_type i2c_bus_type = {
        .name        = "i2c",
        .match        = i2c_device_match,
        .probe        = i2c_device_probe,
        .remove        = i2c_device_remove,
        .shutdown    = i2c_device_shutdown,
        .pm        = &i2c_device_pm_ops,
    static int i2c_device_probe(struct device *dev)
        struct i2c_client    *client = i2c_verify_client(dev);
        struct i2c_driver    *driver;
        int status;
        if (!client)
            return 0;
        driver = to_i2c_driver(dev->driver);
        if (!driver->probe || !driver->id_table)
            return -ENODEV;
        if (!device_can_wakeup(&client->dev))
                        client->flags & I2C_CLIENT_WAKE);
        dev_dbg(dev, "probe
        acpi_dev_pm_attach(&client->dev, true);
        status = driver->probe(client, i2c_match_id(driver->id_table, client));
        if (status)
            acpi_dev_pm_detach(&client->dev, true);
        return status;

    15.3.2 添加/删除adapter接口

    // i2c/buses/i2c_cadence.c
    static int cdns_i2c_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
        ret = i2c_add_adapter(&id->adap);        // 添加adapter
     * i2c_add_adapter - declare i2c adapter, use dynamic bus number
     * @adapter: the adapter to add
     * Context: can sleep
     * This routine is used to declare an I2C adapter when its bus number
     * doesn't matter or when its bus number is specified by an dt alias.
     * Examples of bases when the bus number doesn't matter: I2C adapters
     * dynamically added by USB links or PCI plugin cards.
     * When this returns zero, a new bus number was allocated and stored
     * in adap->nr, and the specified adapter became available for clients.
     * Otherwise, a negative errno value is returned.
    int i2c_add_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adapter)
        struct device *dev = &adapter->dev;
        int id;
        if (dev->of_node) {
            id = of_alias_get_id(dev->of_node, "i2c");
            if (id >= 0) {
                adapter->nr = id;                // 从dts中自动获取i2c的adapter的个数
                return __i2c_add_numbered_adapter(adapter);    // 注册各adapter
        id = idr_alloc(&i2c_adapter_idr, adapter,
                   __i2c_first_dynamic_bus_num, 0, GFP_KERNEL);
        if (id < 0)
            return id;
        adapter->nr = id;
        return i2c_register_adapter(adapter);
     * __i2c_add_numbered_adapter - i2c_add_numbered_adapter where nr is never -1
     * @adap: the adapter to register (with adap->nr initialized)
     * Context: can sleep
     * See i2c_add_numbered_adapter() for details.
    static int __i2c_add_numbered_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
        int    id;
        id = idr_alloc(&i2c_adapter_idr, adap, adap->nr, adap->nr + 1,
        if (id < 0)
            return id == -ENOSPC ? -EBUSY : id;
        return i2c_register_adapter(adap);
    static int i2c_register_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
        int res = 0;
        /* Can't register until after driver model init */
        if (unlikely(WARN_ON(!i2c_bus_type.p))) {
            res = -EAGAIN;
            goto out_list;
        /* Sanity checks */
        if (unlikely(adap->name[0] == '')) {
            pr_err("i2c-core: Attempt to register an adapter with "
                   "no name!
            return -EINVAL;
        if (unlikely(!adap->algo)) {
            pr_err("i2c-core: Attempt to register adapter '%s' with "
                   "no algo!
    ", adap->name);
            return -EINVAL;
        /* Set default timeout to 1 second if not already set */
        if (adap->timeout == 0)
            adap->timeout = HZ;
        dev_set_name(&adap->dev, "i2c-%d", adap->nr);
        adap->dev.bus = &i2c_bus_type;
        adap->dev.type = &i2c_adapter_type;
        res = device_register(&adap->dev);
        if (res)
            goto out_list;
        dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "adapter [%s] registered
    ", adap->name);
    #ifdef CONFIG_I2C_COMPAT
        res = class_compat_create_link(i2c_adapter_compat_class, &adap->dev,
        if (res)
                 "Failed to create compatibility class link
        /* bus recovery specific initialization */
        if (adap->bus_recovery_info) {
            struct i2c_bus_recovery_info *bri = adap->bus_recovery_info;
            if (!bri->recover_bus) {
                dev_err(&adap->dev, "No recover_bus() found, not using recovery
                adap->bus_recovery_info = NULL;
                goto exit_recovery;
            /* Generic GPIO recovery */
            if (bri->recover_bus == i2c_generic_gpio_recovery) {
                if (!gpio_is_valid(bri->scl_gpio)) {
                    dev_err(&adap->dev, "Invalid SCL gpio, not using recovery
                    adap->bus_recovery_info = NULL;
                    goto exit_recovery;
                if (gpio_is_valid(bri->sda_gpio))
                    bri->get_sda = get_sda_gpio_value;
                    bri->get_sda = NULL;
                bri->get_scl = get_scl_gpio_value;
                bri->set_scl = set_scl_gpio_value;
            } else if (!bri->set_scl || !bri->get_scl) {
                /* Generic SCL recovery */
                dev_err(&adap->dev, "No {get|set}_gpio() found, not using recovery
                adap->bus_recovery_info = NULL;
        /* create pre-declared device nodes */
        if (adap->nr < __i2c_first_dynamic_bus_num)
        /* Notify drivers */
        bus_for_each_drv(&i2c_bus_type, NULL, adap, __process_new_adapter);
        return 0;
        idr_remove(&i2c_adapter_idr, adap->nr);
        return res;

    15.3.3 添加/删除i2c_driver接口


    /* use a define to avoid include chaining to get THIS_MODULE */
    #define i2c_add_driver(driver) 
        i2c_register_driver(THIS_MODULE, driver)
     * An i2c_driver is used with one or more i2c_client (device) nodes to access
     * i2c slave chips, on a bus instance associated with some i2c_adapter.
    int i2c_register_driver(struct module *owner, struct i2c_driver *driver)
        int res;
        /* Can't register until after driver model init */
        if (unlikely(WARN_ON(!i2c_bus_type.p)))
            return -EAGAIN;
        /* add the driver to the list of i2c drivers in the driver core */
        driver->driver.owner = owner;
        driver->driver.bus = &i2c_bus_type;
        /* When registration returns, the driver core
         * will have called probe() for all matching-but-unbound devices.
        res = driver_register(&driver->driver);
        if (res)
            return res;
        /* Drivers should switch to dev_pm_ops instead. */
        if (driver->suspend)
            pr_warn("i2c-core: driver [%s] using legacy suspend method
        if (driver->resume)
            pr_warn("i2c-core: driver [%s] using legacy resume method
        pr_debug("i2c-core: driver [%s] registered
    ", driver->driver.name);
        /* Walk the adapters that are already present */
        i2c_for_each_dev(driver, __process_new_driver);
        return 0;
     * i2c_del_driver - unregister I2C driver
     * @driver: the driver being unregistered
     * Context: can sleep
    void i2c_del_driver(struct i2c_driver *driver)
        i2c_for_each_dev(driver, __process_removed_driver);
        pr_debug("i2c-core: driver [%s] unregistered
    ", driver->driver.name);

    15.3.4 i2c传输接口


     * i2c_transfer - execute a single or combined I2C message
     * @adap: Handle to I2C bus
     * @msgs: One or more messages to execute before STOP is issued to
     *    terminate the operation; each message begins with a START.
     * @num: Number of messages to be executed.
     * Returns negative errno, else the number of messages executed.
     * Note that there is no requirement that each message be sent to
     * the same slave address, although that is the most common model.
    int i2c_transfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num)
        int ret;
        /* REVISIT the fault reporting model here is weak:
         *  - When we get an error after receiving N bytes from a slave,
         *    there is no way to report "N".
         *  - When we get a NAK after transmitting N bytes to a slave,
         *    there is no way to report "N" ... or to let the master
         *    continue executing the rest of this combined message, if
         *    that's the appropriate response.
         *  - When for example "num" is two and we successfully complete
         *    the first message but get an error part way through the
         *    second, it's unclear whether that should be reported as
         *    one (discarding status on the second message) or errno
         *    (discarding status on the first one).
        if (adap->algo->master_xfer) {
    #ifdef DEBUG
            for (ret = 0; ret < num; ret++) {
                dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "master_xfer[%d] %c, addr=0x%02x, "
    ", ret, (msgs[ret].flags & I2C_M_RD)
                    ? 'R' : 'W', msgs[ret].addr, msgs[ret].len,
                    (msgs[ret].flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN) ? "+" : "");
            if (in_atomic() || irqs_disabled()) {
                ret = i2c_trylock_adapter(adap);
                if (!ret)
                    /* I2C activity is ongoing. */
                    return -EAGAIN;
            } else {
            ret = __i2c_transfer(adap, msgs, num);
            return ret;
        } else {
            dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "I2C level transfers not supported
            return -EOPNOTSUPP;
     * i2c_master_send - issue a single I2C message in master transmit mode
     * @client: Handle to slave device
     * @buf: Data that will be written to the slave
     * @count: How many bytes to write, must be less than 64k since msg.len is u16
     * Returns negative errno, or else the number of bytes written.
    int i2c_master_send(const struct i2c_client *client, const char *buf, int count)
        int ret;
        struct i2c_adapter *adap = client->adapter;
        struct i2c_msg msg;
        msg.addr = client->addr;
        msg.flags = client->flags & I2C_M_TEN;
        msg.len = count;
        msg.buf = (char *)buf;
        ret = i2c_transfer(adap, &msg, 1);
         * If everything went ok (i.e. 1 msg transmitted), return #bytes
         * transmitted, else error code.
        return (ret == 1) ? count : ret;
     * i2c_master_recv - issue a single I2C message in master receive mode
     * @client: Handle to slave device
     * @buf: Where to store data read from slave
     * @count: How many bytes to read, must be less than 64k since msg.len is u16
     * Returns negative errno, or else the number of bytes read.
    int i2c_master_recv(const struct i2c_client *client, char *buf, int count)
        struct i2c_adapter *adap = client->adapter;
        struct i2c_msg msg;
        int ret;
        msg.addr = client->addr;
        msg.flags = client->flags & I2C_M_TEN;
        msg.flags |= I2C_M_RD;
        msg.len = count;
        msg.buf = buf;
        ret = i2c_transfer(adap, &msg, 1);
         * If everything went ok (i.e. 1 msg received), return #bytes received,
         * else error code.
        return (ret == 1) ? count : ret;

    15.4 设备驱动i2c_driver和i2c_client


    1. 驱动的注册和注销

    // 初始化和驱动模型
    static struct i2c_driver at24_driver = {
        .driver = {
            .name = "at24",
            .owner = THIS_MODULE,
        .probe = at24_probe,
        .remove = at24_remove,
        .id_table = at24_ids,
    static int __init at24_init(void)
        if (!io_limit) {
            pr_err("at24: io_limit must not be 0!
            return -EINVAL;
        io_limit = rounddown_pow_of_two(io_limit);
        return i2c_add_driver(&at24_driver);  // 匹配后,driver中的probe就能执行
    static void __exit at24_exit(void)
    // id列表
    static const struct i2c_device_id at24_ids[] = {
        /* needs 8 addresses as A0-A2 are ignored */
        { "24c00", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(128 / 8, AT24_FLAG_TAKE8ADDR) },
        /* old variants can't be handled with this generic entry! */
        { "24c01", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(1024 / 8, 0) },
        { "24c02", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(2048 / 8, 0) },
        /* spd is a 24c02 in memory DIMMs */
        { "spd", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(2048 / 8,
            AT24_FLAG_READONLY | AT24_FLAG_IRUGO) },
        { "24c04", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(4096 / 8, 0) },
        /* 24rf08 quirk is handled at i2c-core */
        { "24c08", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(8192 / 8, 0) },
        { "24c16", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(16384 / 8, 0) },
        { "24c32", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(32768 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
        { "24c64", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(65536 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
        { "24c128", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(131072 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
        { "24c256", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(262144 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
        { "24c512", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(524288 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
        { "24c1024", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(1048576 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
        { "at24", 0 },
        { /* END OF LIST */ }
            ps7_i2c_1: ps7-i2c@e0005000 {
                clock-frequency = <1000000>; 
                clocks = <&clkc 39>;
                compatible = "cdns,i2c-r1p10"; 
                interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
                interrupts = <0 48 4>;
                reg = <0xe0005000 0x1000>;
                xlnx,has-interrupt = <0x0>;
                #address-cells = <1>;
                #size-cells = <0>;
                eeprom@50 {
                    compatible = "at,24c512";
                    reg = <0x50>;
                rtc@68 {
                     compatible = "ds,ds1338";
                     reg = <0x68>;
            } ;

    2. driver中的probe和remove分析

    static int at24_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id)
        struct at24_platform_data chip;
        bool writable;
        int use_smbus = 0;
        struct at24_data *at24;
        int err;
        unsigned i, num_addresses;
        kernel_ulong_t magic;
        if (client->dev.platform_data) {
            chip = *(struct at24_platform_data *)client->dev.platform_data;
        } else {
            if (!id->driver_data)
                return -ENODEV;
            magic = id->driver_data;
            chip.byte_len = BIT(magic & AT24_BITMASK(AT24_SIZE_BYTELEN));
            magic >>= AT24_SIZE_BYTELEN;
            chip.flags = magic & AT24_BITMASK(AT24_SIZE_FLAGS);
             * This is slow, but we can't know all eeproms, so we better
             * play safe. Specifying custom eeprom-types via platform_data
             * is recommended anyhow.
            chip.page_size = 1;
            /* update chipdata if OF is present */
            at24_get_ofdata(client, &chip);
            chip.setup = NULL;
            chip.context = NULL;
        if (!is_power_of_2(chip.byte_len))
                "byte_len looks suspicious (no power of 2)!
        if (!chip.page_size) {
            dev_err(&client->dev, "page_size must not be 0!
            return -EINVAL;
        if (!is_power_of_2(chip.page_size))
                "page_size looks suspicious (no power of 2)!
        /* Use I2C operations unless we're stuck with SMBus extensions. */
        if (!i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C)) {
            if (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16)
                return -EPFNOSUPPORT;
            if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
                    I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_I2C_BLOCK)) {
                use_smbus = I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA;
            } else if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
                    I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_WORD_DATA)) {
                use_smbus = I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA;
            } else if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
                    I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE_DATA)) {
                use_smbus = I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA;
            } else {
                return -EPFNOSUPPORT;
        if (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_TAKE8ADDR)
            num_addresses = 8;
            num_addresses =    DIV_ROUND_UP(chip.byte_len,
                (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) ? 65536 : 256);
        at24 = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, sizeof(struct at24_data) +
            num_addresses * sizeof(struct i2c_client *), GFP_KERNEL);
        if (!at24)
            return -ENOMEM;
        at24->use_smbus = use_smbus;
        at24->chip = chip;
        at24->num_addresses = num_addresses;
         * Export the EEPROM bytes through sysfs, since that's convenient.
         * By default, only root should see the data (maybe passwords etc)
        at24->bin.attr.name = "eeprom";
        at24->bin.attr.mode = chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_IRUGO ? S_IRUGO : S_IRUSR;
        at24->bin.read = at24_bin_read;
        at24->bin.size = chip.byte_len;    // 读写函数使用i2c-core.c提供的标准transfer接口
        at24->macc.read = at24_macc_read;
        writable = !(chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_READONLY);
        if (writable) {
            if (!use_smbus || i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
                    I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_I2C_BLOCK)) {
                unsigned write_max = chip.page_size;
                at24->macc.write = at24_macc_write;
                at24->bin.write = at24_bin_write;
                at24->bin.attr.mode |= S_IWUSR;
                if (write_max > io_limit)
                    write_max = io_limit;
                if (use_smbus && write_max > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)
                    write_max = I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX;
                at24->write_max = write_max;
                /* buffer (data + address at the beginning) */
                at24->writebuf = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev,
                    write_max + 2, GFP_KERNEL);
                if (!at24->writebuf)
                    return -ENOMEM;
            } else {
                    "cannot write due to controller restrictions.");
        at24->client[0] = client;
        /* use dummy devices for multiple-address chips */
        for (i = 1; i < num_addresses; i++) {
            at24->client[i] = i2c_new_dummy(client->adapter,
                        client->addr + i);
            if (!at24->client[i]) {
                dev_err(&client->dev, "address 0x%02x unavailable
                        client->addr + i);
                err = -EADDRINUSE;
                goto err_clients;
        err = sysfs_create_bin_file(&client->dev.kobj, &at24->bin);  // !!! 在sysfs中创建文件,读此文件的读写,就是对EEPROM的读写,at24-bin的读写函数与i2c底层操作挂钩
    if (err) goto err_clients; i2c_set_clientdata(client, at24); dev_info(&client->dev, "%zu byte %s EEPROM, %s, %u bytes/write ", at24->bin.size, client->name, writable ? "writable" : "read-only", at24->write_max); if (use_smbus == I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA || use_smbus == I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA) { dev_notice(&client->dev, "Falling back to %s reads, " "performance will suffer ", use_smbus == I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA ? "word" : "byte"); } /* export data to kernel code */ if (chip.setup) chip.setup(&at24->macc, chip.context); return 0; err_clients: for (i = 1; i < num_addresses; i++) if (at24->client[i]) i2c_unregister_device(at24->client[i]); return err; } static int at24_remove(struct i2c_client *client) { struct at24_data *at24; int i; at24 = i2c_get_clientdata(client); sysfs_remove_bin_file(&client->dev.kobj, &at24->bin); for (i = 1; i < at24->num_addresses; i++) i2c_unregister_device(at24->client[i]); return 0; }

    15.5 i2c-dev.c文件分析


    15.6 总结



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