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  • 封装图这一种数据结构


    2、一个bool类型是1字节,然后都是用指针来声明数组大小,所以memset(exit, false, (sizeof exit)),错误,因为sizeof指针得到的是4,不是数组的大小,然后我memset(exit, false, (sizeof exit) * maxn),越界,因为4*maxn错了,bool数组大小是1。所以解决办法是,

    sizeof(bool) * maxn || sizeof(exit[0]) * maxn(最好这样)


    ①、ES,最早开始时间,对于顶点而言,那么一个拓扑排序后取max即可。表示这个顶点可以开始了,前导工作已经做完。边界是ES[0] = 0

    ②、LF,最晚完成时间,对于顶点而言,应该是,反向拓扑,反向拓扑可以记录拓扑序列,然后先进后出。然后对于每个顶点的出边,取那个MIN(ES[v] - e[j].w),也就是要留很多时间做那个耗时最大的项目。边界是LF[n] = ES[n](其他的不是)


    ③、EF,最早完成时间,EF<u, v> = ES[u] + w[u][v];

    ④、LS,最晚开始时间,LS<u, v> = LF[v] - w[u][v];

    另外:ES<u, v> = ES[u],LF<u, v> = LF[v],这个活动最晚完成是,下一个节点最晚完成,它也肯定要完成。(节点也完成不完成的概念,只是一个状态)

    缓冲时间,SL<u, v> = LS<u, v> - ES<u, v> = LF<i, j> - EF<i, j>



    5、如果没用using namespace std;那么用endl的时候,要需要std::endl

    #pragma once
    //#ifndef info.h
    //#define info.h
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <queue>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <stack>
    #include <set>
    #include <iomanip>
    using namespace std;
    namespace liuWeiMing {
        template<typename T, const int MAX_NODE_SIZE = 10000, const int MAX_EDGE_SIZE = 50000> //默认最大100000个节点
        class Graph {
            struct Edge {
                int u, v, tonext;
                T w;
                char name;
            } *e;
            int num, *first, *tim;
            bool *exit, *in;
            T *dis;
            pair<T, bool> getMinDistance_SPFA(int from, int to);
            Graph() {
                e = new Edge[MAX_EDGE_SIZE];
                first = new int[MAX_NODE_SIZE];
                exit = new bool[MAX_NODE_SIZE];
                dis = new T[MAX_NODE_SIZE];
                tim = new int[MAX_NODE_SIZE];
                in = new bool[MAX_NODE_SIZE];
                //memset(exit, false, sizeof exit);
                //memset(first, -1, sizeof first); 
                memset(exit, false, sizeof(exit[0]) * MAX_NODE_SIZE); //不能 * sizeof(bool *) = 4,指针大小就是4
                memset(first, -1, (sizeof (first[0])) * MAX_NODE_SIZE);
                num = 0;
            ~Graph() {
    "); //内敛函数,写少一点,建议放在同一行
                delete[] e;
                delete[] first;
                delete[] exit;
                delete[] dis;
                delete[] tim;
                delete[] in;
            bool addNode(int u);
            bool delNode(int u);
            bool addEdge(int u, int v, T w, char name = '');
            void showMinDistance(int from, int to);
            void showMainlyPath();
        template<typename T, int MAX_NODE_SIZE, int MAX_EDGE_SIZE>
        bool Graph<T, MAX_NODE_SIZE, MAX_EDGE_SIZE>::addNode(int u) {
            if (exit[u]) {
    ", u);
                return false;
            } else {
    ", u);
                exit[u] = true;
                return true;
        template<typename T, int MAX_NODE_SIZE, int MAX_EDGE_SIZE>
        bool Graph<T, MAX_NODE_SIZE, MAX_EDGE_SIZE>::delNode(int u) {
            if (!exit[u]) {
                return false;
            } else {
                exit[u] = false;
                return true;
        template<typename T, int MAX_NODE_SIZE, int MAX_EDGE_SIZE>
        bool Graph<T, MAX_NODE_SIZE, MAX_EDGE_SIZE>::addEdge(int u, int v, T w, char name) {
            if (!exit[u] || !exit[v]) {
                return false;
            e[num].u = u, e[num].v = v, e[num].w = w, e[num].name = name, e[num].tonext = first[u];
            first[u] = num++;
            return true;
        template<typename T, int MAX_NODE_SIZE, int MAX_EDGE_SIZE>
        pair<T, bool> Graph<T, MAX_NODE_SIZE, MAX_EDGE_SIZE>::getMinDistance_SPFA(int from, int to) {
             res information
             0, true 代表存在负环
             -1, true 代表起点被删除
             -2, true 代表无法到达终点
             ans, false 代表ok
            if (!exit[from]) return make_pair(-1, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_SIZE; ++i) {
                dis[i] = (T)0x3f3f3f3f;
                tim[i] = 0;
                in[i] = false;
            queue<int> que;
            while (!que.empty()) que.pop();
            que.push(from), in[from] = true, dis[from] = 0, tim[from]++;
            bool can = false;
            while (!que.empty()) {
                int u = que.front();
                if (tim[u] > MAX_NODE_SIZE) return make_pair(0, true);
                if (u == to) can = true;
                for (int i = first[u]; ~i; i = e[i].tonext) {
                    //cout << u << " " << e[i].v << endl;
                    if (!exit[e[i].v]) continue;
                    if (dis[e[i].v] > dis[e[i].u] + e[i].w) {
                        dis[e[i].v] = dis[e[i].u] + e[i].w;
                        if (!in[e[i].v]) {
                            in[e[i].v] = true;
                in[u] = false;
            if (!can) return make_pair(-2, true);
            return make_pair(dis[to], false);
        template<typename T, int MAX_NODE_SIZE, int MAX_EDGE_SIZE>
        void Graph<T, MAX_NODE_SIZE, MAX_EDGE_SIZE>::showMinDistance(int from, int to) {
            pair<T, bool> res = getMinDistance_SPFA(from, to);
            if (res.second == false) {
                cout << from << "" << to << "的最短距离是:" << res.first << endl;
            } else {
                if (res.first == 0) {
                    cout << "路径存在负环" << endl;
                } else if (res.first == -1) {
                    cout << "不存在起点" << endl;
                } else {
                    cout << "无法到达终点" << endl;
        template<typename T, int MAX_NODE_SIZE, int MAX_EDGE_SIZE>
        void Graph<T, MAX_NODE_SIZE, MAX_EDGE_SIZE>::showMainlyPath() { //求图的关键路径
            //LF, 对于顶点来说,最晚结束时间,用stack保存拓扑序列,反向拓扑
            T *ES = new T[MAX_NODE_SIZE];
            int *in = new int[MAX_NODE_SIZE];
            memset(in, false, sizeof(in[0]) * MAX_NODE_SIZE);
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_SIZE; ++i) {
                for (int j = first[i]; ~j; j = e[j].tonext) {
                    if (!exit[e[j].v]) continue;
            queue<int> que;
            while (!que.empty()) que.pop();
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_SIZE; ++i) {
                if (!exit[i]) continue;
                if (in[i] == 0) {
                ES[i] = (T)0;
            stack<int> st;
            while (!st.empty()) st.pop();
            while (!que.empty()) { // 拓扑求ES
                int cur = que.front();
                for (int i = first[cur]; ~i; i = e[i].tonext) {
                    if (!exit[e[i].v]) continue;
                    ES[e[i].v] = max(ES[e[i].v], ES[cur] + e[i].w);
                    if (in[e[i].v] == 0) que.push(e[i].v);
            T *ES_EDGE = new T[MAX_EDGE_SIZE];
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_SIZE; ++i) {
                if (!exit[i]) continue;
                for (int j = first[i]; ~j; j = e[j].tonext) {
                    ES_EDGE[j] = ES[i];
            // 求LF
            T *LF = new T[MAX_NODE_SIZE];
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_SIZE; ++i) LF[i] = (T)0x3f3f3f3f;
            LF[st.top()] = ES[st.top()];
            while (!st.empty()) {
                int cur = st.top();
                for (int i = first[cur]; ~i; i = e[i].tonext) {
                    LF[cur] = min(LF[cur], LF[e[i].v] - e[i].w);
            T *LF_EDGE = new T[MAX_EDGE_SIZE];
            T *EF_EDGE = new T[MAX_EDGE_SIZE];
            T *LS_EDGE = new T[MAX_EDGE_SIZE];
            set<pair<char, int>> ss;
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_SIZE; ++i) {
                if (!exit[i]) continue;
                for (int j = first[i]; ~j; j = e[j].tonext) {
                    if (!exit[e[j].v]) continue;
                    if (e[j].name != '') ss.insert(make_pair(e[j].name, j));
                    LF_EDGE[j] = LF[e[j].v];
                    EF_EDGE[j] = ES[i] + e[j].w;
                    LS_EDGE[j] = LF[e[j].v] - e[j].w;
            int wide = 4;
            cout << "活动:";
            for (set<pair<char, int>>::iterator it = ss.begin(); it != ss.end(); ++it) {
                cout << setw(4) << it->first;
            cout << endl;
            cout << "ES:";
            for (set<pair<char, int>>::iterator it = ss.begin(); it != ss.end(); ++it) {
                cout << setw(wide) << ES_EDGE[it->second];
            cout << endl;
            cout << "EF:";
            for (set<pair<char, int>>::iterator it = ss.begin(); it != ss.end(); ++it) {
                cout << setw(wide) << EF_EDGE[it->second];
            cout << endl;
            cout << "LS:";
            for (set<pair<char, int>>::iterator it = ss.begin(); it != ss.end(); ++it) {
                cout << setw(wide) << LS_EDGE[it->second];
            cout << endl;
            cout << "LF:";
            for (set<pair<char, int>>::iterator it = ss.begin(); it != ss.end(); ++it) {
                cout << setw(wide) << LF_EDGE[it->second];
            cout << endl;
            cout << "SL:";
            for (set<pair<char, int>>::iterator it = ss.begin(); it != ss.end(); ++it) {
                cout << setw(wide) << LS_EDGE[it->second] - ES_EDGE[it->second];
            cout << endl;
            cout << "关键路径是:";
            for (set<pair<char, int>>::iterator it = ss.begin(); it != ss.end(); ++it) {
                if ((int)(LS_EDGE[it->second] - ES_EDGE[it->second]) == 0) {
                    cout << e[it->second].name << "-->";
            cout << endl;
            delete[] ES;
            delete[] LF;
            delete[] ES_EDGE;
            delete[] LF_EDGE;
            delete[] LS_EDGE;
            delete[] EF_EDGE;
            delete[] in;
    //#endif // !info.h
    View Code


    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    #define IOS ios::sync_with_stdio(false)
    using namespace std;
    #define inf (0x3f3f3f3f)
    typedef long long int LL;
    bool love(double x, double y) {
    //    return (x*x+y*y-1)*(x*x+y*y-1)*(x*x+y*y-1)-x*x*y*y*y<=0;
        return x * x + (pow(y - pow(x * x, 1.0 / 3), 2)) <= 1;
    int main() {
    #ifdef local
        freopen("data.txt", "r", stdin);
    //    freopen("data.txt", "w", stdout);
        for (double y = 2; y >= -2; y -= 0.1) {
            for (double x = -1.2; x <= 1.2; x += 0.05) {
                if (love(x, y)) printf("*");
                else printf(" ");
        return 0;
    View Code


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuweimingcprogram/p/8080780.html
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