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  • codeforces round#600


     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     3 const int maxn = 1e5 + 10;
     4 int a[maxn], b[maxn];
     6 int main()
     7 {
     8     int t; cin >> t;
     9     int n; 
    10     while (t--)
    11     {
    12         cin >> n;
    13         for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    14             scanf("%d", a + i);
    15         for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    16             scanf("%d", b + i);
    17         int l = 1, r = n;
    18         for (; l <= n && a[l] == b[l]; l++);
    19         for (; r >= 1 && a[r] == b[r]; r--);
    20         if (r < l)
    21             printf("YES
    22         else
    23         {
    24             int dif = b[l] - a[l];
    25             int flag = 0;
    26             for(int i = l; i <= r; i++)
    27                 if (b[i] - a[i] != dif)
    28                 {
    29                     flag = 1;
    30                     break;
    31                 }
    32             if (dif < 0 || flag)
    33                 printf("NO
    34             else printf("YES
    35         }
    36     }
    37 }


    分析:room表示公司当前包含的人,map表示每个人的状态:0 - 从来没进过公司, 1 - 进入了公司, 2 - 离开了公司(通过合法性检查保证不会出现进出多次的情况)


     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     3 typedef long long ll;
     4 const int maxn = 1e5 + 10;
     5 map<int, int> state;
     6 set<int> room;
     7 vector<int> res;
     8 int n;
     9 int v[maxn];
    11 int main()
    12 {
    13     cin >> n;
    14     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    15         scanf("%d", v + i);
    16     int flag = 0;
    17     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    18     {
    19         if (v[i] > 0)
    20         {
    21             if (!state.count(v[i]))
    22                 state[v[i]] = 1, room.insert(v[i]);
    23             else { flag = 1; break; }
    24         }
    25         else
    26         {
    27             if (state.count(-v[i]) && state[-v[i]] == 1)
    28                 state[-v[i]] = 2, room.erase(-v[i]);
    29             else { flag = 1; break; }
    30         }
    31         if (room.empty())
    32         {
    33             res.push_back(state.size() * 2);
    34             state.clear();
    35         }
    36     }
    37     if (flag)
    38         cout << -1 << endl;
    39     else
    40     {
    41         if (!room.empty())
    42             cout << -1 << endl;
    43         else
    44         {
    45             cout << res.size() << endl;
    46             for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++)
    47                 printf("%d%c", res[i], i == res.size() - 1 ? '
    ' : ' ');
    48         }
    49     }
    51 }


    分析:(先排序)暴力肯定t。需要找规律:各个输出的差 = 前k项间隔m项和(ak + a(k - m) + a(k - 2 * m) + ...)

     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     3 typedef long long ll;
     4 const int maxn = 2 * 1e5 + 10;
     5 int v[maxn];
     6 ll sum[maxn];
     8 int main()
     9 {
    10     int n, m; cin >> n >> m;
    11     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    12         scanf("%d", v + i);
    13     sort(v + 1, v + 1 + n);
    14     for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
    15         sum[i] = v[i];
    16     for (int i = m + 1; i <= n; i++)
    17         sum[i] = sum[i - m] + v[i];
    18     ll res = 0;
    19     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    20         printf("%lld%c", res += sum[i], i == n ? '
    ' : ' ');
    21 }


     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     3 const int maxn = 2 * 1e5 + 10;
     4 int fa[maxn];
     5 int res = 0;
     7 int find(int x)
     8 {
     9     return x == fa[x] ? x : fa[x] = find(fa[x]);
    10 }
    12 int main()
    13 {
    14     int n, m; cin >> n >> m;
    15     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    16         fa[i] = i;
    17     for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
    18     {
    19         int x, y;
    20         scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
    21         int fx = find(x), fy = find(y);
    22         if (fx > fy) swap(fx, fy);
    23         fa[fx] = fy;
    24     }
    25     for (int i = 1; i <= n; )
    26     {
    27         int f = find(i);
    28         int fx;
    29         for(int j = i + 1; j <= f; j++)
    30             if ((fx = find(j)) != f)
    31             {
    32                 if (f < fx) fa[f] = fx, f = fx;
    33                 else fa[fx] = f;
    34                 res++;
    35             }
    36         i = f + 1;
    37     }
    38     cout << res << endl;
    39 }


    对于每个连通分支,选最大的节点为父节点。然后从1开始遍历节点,对于当年节点i,检查从 i + 1 到 fa[i]的每个点(记为j),看是否从i可达,不可达的话,union(fa[i], fa[j])(大的做父亲).完成对i的检查之后,i = fa[i] + 1,检查剩余节点。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuwenhan/p/11878202.html
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