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  • 数据库10.12水费管理系统相关表格设计.....修改

    -- Create table
    create table ADMIN
      gno       VARCHAR2(4) not null,
      gpassword VARCHAR2(8) not null,
      gname     VARCHAR2(9) not null,
      gphone    VARCHAR2(11)
    -- Add comments to the columns 
    comment on column ADMIN.gno
      is '管理员编号';
    comment on column ADMIN.gpassword
      is '管理员密码';
    comment on column ADMIN.gname
      is '管理员姓名';
    comment on column ADMIN.gphone
      is '管理员电话';
    -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 
    alter table ADMIN
      add constraint PK_GNO primary key (GNO);


    -- Create table
    create table USERZ
      uno       VARCHAR2(4) not null,
      uname     VARCHAR2(9) not null,
      upassword VARCHAR2(8) not null,
      uphone    VARCHAR2(11),
      usfje     NUMBER(8,2) not null,
      udfje     NUMBER(8,2) not null,
      uzje      NUMBER(8,2) not null,
      udate     DATE not null
    -- Add comments to the columns 
    comment on column USERZ.uno
      is '用户编号(主键)';
    comment on column USERZ.uname
      is '用户姓名';
    comment on column USERZ.upassword
      is '用户密码';
    comment on column USERZ.uphone
      is '用户电话';
    comment on column USERZ.usfje
      is '水费金额';
    comment on column USERZ.udfje
      is '电费金额';
    comment on column USERZ.uzje
      is '水电费总金额';
    comment on column USERZ.udate
      is '缴费日期';
    -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 
    alter table USERZ
      add constraint PK_UNO primary key (UNO);


    -- Create table   水费表
    create table WATER
      uno    VARCHAR2(4) not null,
      wmonth CHAR(6) not null,
      wyl    NUMBER(8,2) not null,
      usfje  NUMBER(6,2) not null,
      wsfjf  CHAR(6) not null
    -- Add comments to the columns 
    comment on column WATER.uno
      is '用户编号(外键)';
    comment on column WATER.wmonth
      is '月份';
    comment on column WATER.wyl
      is '本月用水量';
    comment on column WATER.usfje
      is '水费金额';
    comment on column WATER.wsfjf
      is '是否缴费';
    -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 
    alter table WATER
      add constraint FK_W_UNO foreign key (UNO)
      references USERZ (UNO);




    -- Create table  电费单
    create table POWER
      uno    VARCHAR2(4) not null,
      pmonth CHAR(5) not null,
      pyl    NUMBER(8,2) not null,
      udfje  NUMBER(8,2),
      psfjf  CHAR(6) not null
    -- Add comments to the columns 
    comment on column POWER.uno
      is '用户编号(外键)';
    comment on column POWER.pmonth
      is '电表月份';
    comment on column POWER.pyl
      is '用电量';
    comment on column POWER.udfje
      is '电费金额';
    comment on column POWER.psfjf
      is '是否缴费';
    -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 
    alter table POWER
      add constraint FK_P_UNO foreign key (UNO)
      references USERZ (UNO);




    -- Create table
    create table MONEY
      mmonth CHAR(5) not null,
      mwater NUMBER(4,2) not null,
      mpower NUMBER(4,2) not null
    -- Add comments to the columns 
    comment on column MONEY.mmonth
      is '价格变更月份';
    comment on column MONEY.mwater
      is '水费价格';
    comment on column MONEY.mpower
      is '电费价格';


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuyanzeng/p/5956095.html
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