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  • How to Best Spend Our Leisure Time

         Most of us find it difficult to spend our leisure properly. When we have holidays, we usually feel bored and do not know what to do. Some just sit in a sofa watching TV , while others stay in bed to make an adventure in dreams.

         Actually, the fact is that in daily life, we do things more or less in accordance with a daily routine in our mind. We are getting used to doing the same thing every day. But during the holidays, we have the flexibility to choose what we want to do, which will also give us a sense of loss and emptiness.

         How can we spend our leisure time better? Here are some suggestions which can help solve this problem.

         If you are an active person, you can go on a picnic, or play some sports games. The fresh air and the fascinating scenery in the countryside may refresh you and the amusing games may make you happier. For those who are not so active and like to stay at home, they may listen to music or read novels.

        In this way,we will feel relaxed, happier and more energetic. When holidays is over and we return to work, we can do much better with a light heart.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuyi0106/p/13771375.html
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