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  • 算法笔记_002:最近点对问题











    package com.liuzhen.ex_two;
    public class ClosestPionts {
        public static int[] initializationArray(int n){
            int[] result = new int[n];
            for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
                result[i] = (int)(Math.random()*1000); //采用随机函数随机生成1~1000之间的数
            return result;
        public static int getArrayMax(int a[] , int first , int end){
            int max = a[first];
            for(int i = first;i < end;i++){
                if(max < a[i])
                    max = a[i];
            return max;
        public static int getArrayMin(int a[] , int first , int end){
            int min = a[first];
            for(int i = first;i < end;i++){
                if(min > a[i])
                    min = a[i];
            return min;
        public static void swapArray(int a[] , int i , int j){
            int temp = a[i];
            a[i] = a[j];
            a[j] = temp;
        //采用分治法将数组a[n]分成两组,满足a[n1]<m,a[n2]>m(其中n1+n2 = n)
        public static int divideArray(int a[],int first,int end){
            int max = getArrayMax(a,first,end);
            int min = getArrayMin(a,first,end);
            double m = (max + min)/2.0;
            int i = first , j = end-1;
            //int a1 = 0;
            for( ;i+1 <= j;){
                while(a[i] < m && i+1 <= j)
                while(a[j] > m && i+1 <= j)
            //  a1++;
            //    System.out.println("第"+a1+"此交换时a[i] = "+a[i]+" i = "+i+"  a[j] = "+a[j]+" j = "+j);
                swapArray(a,i,j);   //a[i]大于m的值与a[j]小于m的值进行交换,但数组的位置不变
            return j;
        public static int[] getMinDistancePoint(int a[] , int result[],int n ,int first , int end) {
            if(end-first <= 1){   //递归终止条件
                 return result;
            int j = divideArray(a,first,end);
            int minDistance = result[1] - result[0];  //最短距离两点之间的距离大小
            if(minDistance > getArrayMin(a,j,end)-getArrayMax(a,first,j))
                result[0] = getArrayMax(a,first,j);   //最短距离两点中数值最小的点
                result[1] = getArrayMin(a,j,end);   //最短距离两点中数值最小的点
            int result_one[] = getMinDistancePoint(a,result,2,first,j);   //递归
            int minDistance_one = result_one[1] - result_one[0]; 
            int result_two[] = getMinDistancePoint(a,result,2,j,end);   //递归
            int minDistance_two = result_two[1] - result_two[0];
            if(minDistance > minDistance_one)
                result = result_one;
            if(minDistance > minDistance_two)
                result = result_two;
            return result;
        public static void main(String[] args){
            int a[] = new int[10];
            int b[] = new int[2];
            b[0] = 0;
            b[1] = 100;
            a = initializationArray(15);
            String one_text = "";
            for(int i = 0;i < 15;i++){
                one_text += "直线随机点Point["+i+"] = "+a[i]+"
                //System.out.print("数组a["+i+"] = "+a[i]+"
            int result[] = getMinDistancePoint(a,b,2,0,15);
            //System.out.println("result[0] = "+result[0]+"
    "+"result[1] = "+result[1]);
            one_text += "最短距离点对第1点result[0] = "+result[0]+"
    "+"最短距离点对第2点result[1] = "+result[1];







    package com.liuzhen.ex_two;
    public class Point {
        private int x;   //平面点中的x坐标
        private int y;   //平面点中的y坐标
        public Point(){
            this.x = 0;
            this.y = 0;
        public Point(int x,int y){
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
        public void setX(int x){
            this.x = x;
        public void setY(int y){
            this.y = y;
        public int getX(){
            return x;
        public int getY(){
            return y;


    package com.liuzhen.ex_two;
    public class ClosestPionts {//平面中求两点最短距离问题解法 
        public static Point[] initializationPlaneArray(int n){
            Point result[] = new Point[n];
            for(int i = 0;i < n;i++){
                int x1 = (int)(Math.random()*50); //采用随机函数随机生成1~100之间的数
                int y1 =  (int)(Math.random()*50);
                result[i] = new Point(x1,y1);            
            return result;
        public static Point[] getMinDistancePlanePoint(Point a[],int n){
            Point result[] = new Point[2];
            double min = 10000;    //定义两点之间最短距离变量,初始化为10000
            for(int i = 0;i < n;i++){
                int x = a[i].getX();
                int y = a[i].getY();
                for(int j = i+1;j < n;j++){
                    int x1 = a[j].getX();
                    int y1 = a[j].getY();
                    long minSquare = (x-x1)^2 + (y-y1)^2;   //利用数学中求两点之间距离公式,得到两点之间距离的平方
                    double min1 = Math.sqrt(minSquare);    //求两点之间距离的中间变量
                    if(min > min1){
                        min = min1;                
                        result[0] = new Point(x,y);
                        result[1] = new Point(x1,y1);
            return result;
        public static void main(String[] args){
            String two_text = "";
            Point c[] = initializationPlaneArray(15);
            for(int i = 0;i < 15;i++){
                two_text += "Point["+i+"] = "+"("+c[i].getX()+","+c[i].getY()+")"+"
                //System.out.println("c["+i+"] = "+"("+c[i].getX()+","+c[i].getY()+")");
            Point back[] = getMinDistancePlanePoint(c,15);
            for(int i = 0;i < 2;i++){
                two_text +=  "距离最短的两点第"+(i+1)+"个点坐标是:"+"("+back[i].getX()+","+back[i].getY()+")"+"


     对于本问题,我用安卓做了一个简单的展示页面(PS:具体介绍请参考我的另一篇博客:用安卓实现斐波那契数和最近点对问题 ):




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