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  • SharePoint 工作流错误日志

    Usage data processing on SSP SharedServices1 was skipped because it is not enabled.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.09     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0A30    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8l1n    High        An SPRequest object was not disposed before the end of this thread.  To avoid wasting system resources, dispose of this object or its parent (such as an SPSite or SPWeb) as soon as you are done using it.  This object will now be disposed.  Allocation Id: {863FEA9A-B09D-4F5B-A057-E9E2BE8770B9}  To determine where this object was allocated, create a registry key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"SOFTWARE"Microsoft"Shared Tools"Web Server Extensions"HeapSettings.  Then create a new DWORD named SPRequestStackTrace with the value 1 under this key.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.09     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0A30    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8l1n    High        An SPRequest object was not disposed before the end of this thread.  To avoid wasting system resources, dispose of this object or its parent (such as an SPSite or SPWeb) as soon as you are done using it.  This object will now be disposed.  Allocation Id: {7820F007-8911-430D-B921-1FEBBD63E903}  To determine where this object was allocated, create a registry key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"SOFTWARE"Microsoft"Shared Tools"Web Server Extensions"HeapSettings.  Then create a new DWORD named SPRequestStackTrace with the value 1 under this key.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.56     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0A30    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8kh7    High        此网页的安全性验证无效并且可能损坏。请单击 Web 浏览器中的“后退”,刷新网页,再重试操作。    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.56     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0A30    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           6taw    Medium      此网页的安全性验证无效并且可能损坏。请单击 Web 浏览器中的“后退”,刷新网页,再重试操作。    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.57     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8kh7    High        此网页的安全性验证无效并且可能损坏。请单击 Web 浏览器中的“后退”,刷新网页,再重试操作。    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.57     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           6taz    Medium      此网页的安全性验证无效并且可能损坏。请单击 Web 浏览器中的“后退”,刷新网页,再重试操作。    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.59     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x13C8    CMS                               Publishing                        8ztg    Medium      Got List Item Version, but item was null.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.59     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x13C8    CMS                               Publishing                        8ztg    Medium      Got List Item Version, but item was null.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.81     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0EE8    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           0    Medium      Windows SharePoint Services log file                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.81     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0EE8                                      435                               94vw    Medium      Primary Domain = ceapet, Computer Name = QDCMMOSS    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.89     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           0    Unexpected    ERROR: request not found in the TrackedRequests. We might be creating and closing webs on different threads. ThreadId = 1, Free call stack =    在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRequestManager.Release(SPRequest request)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.Close()     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.Dispose()     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowAutostartEventReceiver.AutoStartWorkflow(SPItemEventProperties properties, Boolean bCreate, Boolean bChange, AssocType atyp)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowAutostartEventReceiver.AutoStartWorkflow(SPItemEventProperties properties, Boolean bCreate, Boolean bChange)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowAutostartEventReceiver.ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventManager.RunItemEventReceiver(S...    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.89*    w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           0    Unexpected    ...PItemEventReceiver receiver, SPItemEventProperties properties, SPEventContext context, String receiverData)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventManager.RunItemEventReceiverHelper(Object receiver, Object properties, SPEventContext context, String receiverData)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventManager.<>c__DisplayClass8`1.<InvokeEventReceivers>b__0()     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.CodeToRunElevatedWrapper(Object state)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunAsUser(SPUserToken userToken, Boolean bResetContext, WaitCallback code, Object param)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunAsUser(SPUserToken userToken, CodeToRunElevated code)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventManager.InvokeEventReceivers[ReceiverType](SPUserToken userToken, RunEventReceiver runEventReceiver, Object receivers...    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.89*    w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           0    Unexpected    ..., Object properties, Boolean checkCancel)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventManager.InvokeEventReceivers[ReceiverType](Byte[] userTokenBytes, RunEventReceiver runEventReceiver, Object receivers, Object properties, Boolean checkCancel)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventManager.HandleEventCallback[ReceiverType,PropertiesType](Object callbackData)     在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPThreadPool.WaitCallbackWrapper(Object state)     在 System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object state)     在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.runTryCode(Object userData)     在 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup(TryCode code, CleanupCode backoutCode, Object userData)     在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executio...    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.89*    w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           0    Unexpected    ...nContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)     在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)     在 System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallbackInternal(_ThreadPoolWaitCallback tpWaitCallBack)     在 System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback(Object state)  , Allocation call stack (if present) null    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.92     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x13C8    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8kh7    High        没有名称为“/Docs/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx”的网站。    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.92     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x13C8    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8e2r    Medium      Possible mismatch between the reported error with code = 0x81070504 and message: "没有名称为“/Docs/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx”的网站。" and the returned error with code 0x80070002.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.92     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x13C8    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8kh7    High        没有名称为“/Docs/Lists/Tasks/AllItems.aspx”的网站。    
    09/18/2008 15:15:33.92     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x13C8    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8e2r    Medium      Possible mismatch between the reported error with code = 0x81070504 and message: "没有名称为“/Docs/Lists/Tasks/AllItems.aspx”的网站。" and the returned error with code 0x80070002.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:35.78     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    SharePoint Portal Server          Runtime                           8gp7    Medium      Topology cache updated. (AppDomain: /LM/W3SVC/1726428685/Root-1-128661951887343750)    
    09/18/2008 15:15:36.35     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    CMS                               Publishing                        8ztg    Medium      Got List Item Version, but item was null.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:36.37     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    CMS                               Publishing                        8ztg    Medium      Got List Item Version, but item was null.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:36.37     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    CMS                               Publishing                        8ztg    Medium      Got List Item Version, but item was null.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:36.42     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x13C8    CMS                               Publishing                        8zug    Medium      PublishingHttpModule.Init() calling AppDomainUnloadListener.Register()    
    09/18/2008 15:15:36.42     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x13C8    CMS                               Publishing                        8x0a    High        AppDomainUnloadListener.RegisterSelf() entered lock(this=15368010)    
    09/18/2008 15:15:39.57     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0EE8    Forms Server                      Forms Services Runtime            939k    Medium      IPFS has just come up    
    09/18/2008 15:15:39.71     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0EE8    Excel Services                    Excel Services Administration     8tqi    Medium      ExcelServerSharedWebApplication.Synchronize: Starting synchronize for instance of Excel Services in SSP 'SharedServices1'.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:40.62     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A3C    Search Server Common              MS Search Administration          7plh    Monitorable    Starting query log processing on SSP SharedServices1.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:40.90     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A3C    SharePoint Portal Server          Business Data                     7pkg    Monitorable    Portal Analytics processing job finished.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:41.81     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x13C8    CMS                               Publishing                        8ztg    Medium      Got List Item Version, but item was null.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:43.73     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    CMS                               Publishing                        8ztg    Medium      Got List Item Version, but item was null.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:43.73     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    CMS                               Publishing                        8ztg    Medium      Got List Item Version, but item was null.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:43.73     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    CMS                               Publishing                        8ztg    Medium      Got List Item Version, but item was null.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:46.37     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x13C8    CMS                               Publishing                        8ztg    Medium      Got List Item Version, but item was null.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:47.65     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A64    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           0    High        IIS virtual directory 'root' provisioned on web site 'Office Server Web Services'.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:47.81     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A64    Office Server                     Setup and Upgrade                 8u3j    High        Registry key value {SearchThrottled} was not found under registry hive {Software"Microsoft"Office Server"12.0}. Assuming search sku is not throttled.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:47.89     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A64    Search Server Common              MS Search Administration          8wni    High        Resuming default catalog with reason 'GPR_PROPAGATION' for application 'SharedServices1'...    
    09/18/2008 15:15:48.00     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A64    Search Server Common              MS Search Administration          8dvl    Medium      Search application 'd7f80c90-197f-40a3-956e-b7baed7ae114': Provision start addresses in default content source.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:40.90     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A3C    Search Server Common              MS Search Administration          7pli    Monitorable    Query log processing on SSP SharedServices1 complete.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:43.76     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8kh7    High        没有名称为“/Docs/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx”的网站。    
    09/18/2008 15:15:43.76     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8e2r    Medium      Possible mismatch between the reported error with code = 0x81070504 and message: "没有名称为“/Docs/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx”的网站。" and the returned error with code 0x80070002.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:43.76     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8kh7    High        没有名称为“/Docs/Lists/Tasks/AllItems.aspx”的网站。    
    09/18/2008 15:15:43.76     w3wp.exe (0x156C)                           0x0DAC    Windows SharePoint Services       General                           8e2r    Medium      Possible mismatch between the reported error with code = 0x81070504 and message: "没有名称为“/Docs/Lists/Tasks/AllItems.aspx”的网站。" and the returned error with code 0x80070002.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:47.65     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A64    Windows SharePoint Services       Topology                          0    High        Setting IIS virtual directory path to 'C:"Program Files"Microsoft Office Servers"12.0"WebServices"Root'.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:47.65     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A64    Windows SharePoint Services       Topology                          0    High        Looking up IIS application pool id 'OfficeServerApplicationPool'.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:47.65     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A64    Windows SharePoint Services       Topology                          0    High        Creating application 'Office Server Web Application' in application pool 'OfficeServerApplicationPool'.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:47.65     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A64    Windows SharePoint Services       Topology                          0    High        Setting script maps to '.asax,C:"WINDOWS"Microsoft.NET"Framework"v2.0.50727"aspnet_isapi.dll,5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG;.asmx,C:"WINDOWS"Microsoft.NET"Framework"v2.0.50727"aspnet_isapi.dll,1,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG;.config,C:"WINDOWS"Microsoft.NET"Framework"v2.0.50727"aspnet_isapi.dll,5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG'.    
    09/18/2008 15:15:47.65     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0AD8)                       0x0A64    Windows SharePoint Services       Topology                          0    High        Committing virtual directory 'root'.    
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuzhengdao/p/1293376.html
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