使用原生的好处就是扫描特别快效率特别高,使用 AVFoundation 来进行二维码扫描,更主要的是限制扫描二维码的范围。(默认的是全屏扫描)
@property ( strong , nonatomic ) AVCaptureDevice * device;
@property ( strong , nonatomic ) AVCaptureDeviceInput * input;
@property ( strong , nonatomic ) AVCaptureMetadataOutput * output;
@property ( strong , nonatomic ) AVCaptureSession * session;
@property ( strong , nonatomic ) AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer * preview;
// Device
_device = [ AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType : AVMediaTypeVideo ];
// Input
_input = [ AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice : self . device error : nil ];
// Output
_output = [[ AVCaptureMetadataOutput alloc ] init ];
[ _output setMetadataObjectsDelegate : self queue : dispatch_get_main_queue ()];
// Session
_session = [[ AVCaptureSession alloc ] init ];
[ _session setSessionPreset : AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh ];
if ([ _session canAddInput : self . input ])
[ _session addInput : self . input ];
if ([ _session canAddOutput : self . output ])
[ _session addOutput : self . output ];
// 条码类型 AVMetadataObjectTypeQRCode
_output . metadataObjectTypes = @[ AVMetadataObjectTypeQRCode ] ;
// Preview
_preview =[ AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer layerWithSession : _session ];
_preview . videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill ;
_preview . frame = self . view . layer . bounds ;
[ self . view . layer insertSublayer : _preview atIndex : 0 ];
// Start
[ _session startRunning ];
然后实现 AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate
#pragma mark AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate
- ( void )captureOutput:( AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputMetadataObjects:( NSArray *)metadataObjects fromConnection:( AVCaptureConnection *)connection
NSString *stringValue;
if ([metadataObjects count ] > 0 )
// 停止扫描
[ _session stopRunning ];
AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject * metadataObject = [metadataObjects objectAtIndex : 0 ];
stringValue = metadataObject. stringValue ;
@property ( nonatomic ) CGRect rectOfInterest NS_AVAILABLE_IOS ( 7 _0);
这是的 AVCaptureMetadataOutput 一个属性,它的解释是
The value of this property is a CGRect that determines the receiver's rectangle of interest for each frame of video.
The rectangle's origin is top left and is relative to the coordinate space of the device providing the metadata. Specifying
a rectOfInterest may improve detection performance for certain types of metadata. The default value of this property is the
value CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1). Metadata objects whose bounds do not intersect with the rectOfInterest will not be returned.
于是赶紧把 rectOfInterest 设置成中间框的frame,
[ _output setRectOfInterest : CGRectMake (( ScreenWidth - 220 )/ 2 , 60 + 64 , 220 , 220 )];
//中间区域的宽和高都是220 ScreenWidth为设备屏幕宽度
第二句:区域的原点在左上方(后面才知道坑苦我了!),然后区域是相对于设备的大小的,默认值是 CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1) ,这时候我才知道是有比例关系的,最大值才是1,也就是说只要除以相应的设备宽和高的大小不就行了?然后就改成
[ _output setRectOfInterest : CGRectMake ((( ScreenWidth - 220 )/ 2 )/ ScreenWidth ,( 60 + 64 )/ ScreenHigh , 220 / ScreenWidth , 220 / ScreenHigh )];
[ _output setRectOfInterest : CGRectMake ( 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 )];
但是事实又一次打击了我,扫描后发现是左下的四分之一区域,也就是说 rectOfInterest的原点是右上角!!!
回头又一想,即使右上角是原点那也应该没有影响啊,但是为什么不行呢,不会是原点的 X 和 Y 互换了吧?算了不管怎么着,试一试吧。
[ _output setRectOfInterest : CGRectMake (( 60 + 64 )/ ScreenHigh ,(( ScreenWidth - 220 )/ 2 )/ ScreenWidth , 220 / ScreenWidth , 220 / ScreenHigh )];
[ _output setRectOfInterest : CGRectMake (( 124 )/ ScreenHigh ,(( ScreenWidth - 220 )/ 2 )/ ScreenWidth , 220 / ScreenHigh , 220 / ScreenWidth )];