按钮调用:就是在点击某一按钮后实现自动对焦。只需要在按钮的触发事件中使用camera回调(mCamera.autoFocusCallback(myAutoFocusCallback ))即可。
1 /** 2 * 获取Camera的对象 3 * 4 * @return 5 */ 6 public Camera getCamera() { 7 Camera camera; 8 try { 9 camera = Camera.open(); 10 } catch (Exception e) { 11 camera = null; 12 e.printStackTrace(); 13 } 14 15 return camera; 16 } 17 18 /** 19 * 开始预览相机内容 20 */ 21 private void setStartPreview(Camera camera, SurfaceHolder holder) { 22 try { 23 Camera.Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters(); 24 parameters.setPictureFormat(ImageFormat.JPEG); 25 // parameters.setPictureSize(800, 480); 26 parameters.setFocusMode(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO); 27 28 camera.setPreviewDisplay(holder); 29 camera.setParameters(parameters); 30 camera.setPreviewCallback(this); 31 // camera.setOneShotPreviewCallback(this); 32 camera.setDisplayOrientation(90); 33 camera.startPreview(); 34 /***TODO 聚焦***/ 35 camera.autoFocus(myAutoFocus); 36 37 } catch (IOException e) { 38 e.printStackTrace(); 39 } 40 } 41 42 /** 43 * 释放相机资源 44 */ 45 private void releaseCamera() { 46 if (mCamera != null) { 47 mCamera.setPreviewCallback(null); 48 mCamera.stopPreview(); 49 mCamera.release(); 50 mCamera = null; 51 } 52 if (mHolder != null) { 53 // mHolder 54 } 55 }
1 /** 2 * A client may implement this interface to receive information about 3 * changes to the surface. When used with a {@link SurfaceView}, the 4 * Surface being held is only available between calls to 5 * {@link #surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder)} and 6 * {@link #surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder)}. The Callback is set with 7 * {@link SurfaceHolder#addCallback SurfaceHolder.addCallback} method. 8 */ 9 public interface Callback { 10 /** 11 * This is called immediately after the surface is first created. 12 * Implementations of this should start up whatever rendering code 13 * they desire. Note that only one thread can ever draw into 14 * a {@link Surface}, so you should not draw into the Surface here 15 * if your normal rendering will be in another thread. 16 * 17 * @param holder The SurfaceHolder whose surface is being created. 18 */ 19 public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder); 20 21 /** 22 * This is called immediately after any structural changes (format or 23 * size) have been made to the surface. You should at this point update 24 * the imagery in the surface. This method is always called at least 25 * once, after {@link #surfaceCreated}. 26 * 27 * @param holder The SurfaceHolder whose surface has changed. 28 * @param format The new PixelFormat of the surface. 29 * @param width The new width of the surface. 30 * @param height The new height of the surface. 31 */ 32 public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, 33 int height); 34 35 /** 36 * This is called immediately before a surface is being destroyed. After 37 * returning from this call, you should no longer try to access this 38 * surface. If you have a rendering thread that directly accesses 39 * the surface, you must ensure that thread is no longer touching the 40 * Surface before returning from this function. 41 * 42 * @param holder The SurfaceHolder whose surface is being destroyed. 43 */ 44 public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder); 45 }
1 2 @Override 3 public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { 4 setStartPreview(mCamera, mHolder); 5 } 6 7 @Override 8 public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) { 9 mCamera.stopPreview(); 10 setStartPreview(mCamera, mHolder); 11 } 12 13 @Override 14 public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { 15 releaseCamera(); 16 }
import java.io.IOException; import android.content.Context; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.hardware.Camera.AutoFocusCallback; import android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback; import android.util.Log; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.SurfaceView; /** A basic Camera preview class */ public class CameraPreview extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback { private SurfaceHolder mHolder; private Camera mCamera; private PreviewCallback previewCallback; private AutoFocusCallback autoFocusCallback; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public CameraPreview(Context context, Camera camera, PreviewCallback previewCb, AutoFocusCallback autoFocusCb) { super(context); mCamera = camera; previewCallback = previewCb; autoFocusCallback = autoFocusCb; /* * Set camera to continuous focus if supported, otherwise use software * auto-focus. Only works for API level >=9. */ /* * Camera.Parameters parameters = camera.getParameters(); for (String f * : parameters.getSupportedFocusModes()) { if (f == * Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE) { * mCamera.setFocusMode(Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE); * autoFocusCallback = null; break; } } */ // Install a SurfaceHolder.Callback so we get notified when the // underlying surface is created and destroyed. mHolder = getHolder(); mHolder.addCallback(this); // deprecated setting, but required on Android versions prior to 3.0 mHolder.setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS); } public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { // The Surface has been created, now tell the camera where to draw the // preview. try { mCamera.setPreviewDisplay(holder); } catch (IOException e) { Log.d("DBG", "Error setting camera preview: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { // Camera preview released in activity } public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) { /* * If your preview can change or rotate, take care of those events here. * Make sure to stop the preview before resizing or reformatting it. */ if (mHolder.getSurface() == null) { // preview surface does not exist return; } // stop preview before making changes try { mCamera.stopPreview(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore: tried to stop a non-existent preview } try { // Hard code camera surface rotation 90 degs to match Activity view // in portrait mCamera.setDisplayOrientation(90); mCamera.setPreviewDisplay(mHolder); mCamera.setPreviewCallback(previewCallback); mCamera.startPreview(); mCamera.autoFocus(autoFocusCallback); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d("DBG", "Error starting camera preview: " + e.getMessage()); } } }
(一)http://blog.csdn.net/ocean20/article/details/8772196 原楼主分享
Camera.PreviewCallback:定义了onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) 方法,当存在预览帧(preview frame)时调用该方法。可以传入保存当前图像像素的字节数组。在Camera对象上,有3种不同的方式使用这个回调:
· setPreviewCallback(Camera.PreviewCallback):使用此方法注册一个Camera. PreviewCallback,这将确保在屏幕上显示一个新的预览帧时调用onPreviewFrame方法。传递到onPreviewFrame方法中的数据字节数组最有可能采用YUV格式。但是,Android 2.2是第一个包含了YUV格式解码器(YuvImage)的版本;在以前的版本中,必须手动完成解码。
· setOneShotPreviewCallback(Camera.PreviewCallback):利用Camera对象上的这个方法注册Camera.PreviewCallback,从而当下一幅预览图像可用时调用一次onPreviewFrame。同样,传递到onPreviewFrame方法的预览图像数据最有可能采用YUV格式。可以通过使用ImageFormat中的常量检查Camera. getParameters(). getPreviewFormat()返回的结果来确定这一点。
· setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer(Camera.PreviewCallback):在Android 2.2中引入了该方法,其与setPreviewCallback的工作方式相同,但要求指定一个字节数组作为缓冲区,用于预览图像数据。这是为了能够更好地管理处理预览图像时使用的内存。
● Camera.AutoFocusCallback:定义了onAutoFocus方法,当完成一个自动聚焦活动时调用它。通过传入此回调接口的一个实例,在调用Camera对象上的autoFocus方法时会触发自动聚焦。
● Camera.ErrorCallback:定义了onError方法,当发生一个Camera错误时调用它。有两个常量可用于与传入的错误代码进行比较:CAMERA_ERROR_UNKNOWN和CAMERA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED。
● Camera.OnZoomChangeListener:定义了onZoomChange方法,当正在进行或完成“平滑缩放”(慢慢缩小或放大)时调用它。在Android 2.2 (API Level 8)中引入了这个类和方法。
1 /** 2 * Callback interface used to deliver copies of preview frames as 3 * they are displayed. 4 * 5 * @see #setPreviewCallback(Camera.PreviewCallback) 6 * @see #setOneShotPreviewCallback(Camera.PreviewCallback) 7 * @see #setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer(Camera.PreviewCallback) 8 * @see #startPreview() 9 * 10 * @deprecated We recommend using the new {@link android.hardware.camera2} API for new 11 * applications. 12 */ 13 @Deprecated 14 public interface PreviewCallback 15 { 16 /** 17 * Called as preview frames are displayed. This callback is invoked 18 * on the event thread {@link #open(int)} was called from. 19 * 20 * <p>If using the {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat#YV12} format, 21 * refer to the equations in {@link Camera.Parameters#setPreviewFormat} 22 * for the arrangement of the pixel data in the preview callback 23 * buffers. 24 * 25 * @param data the contents of the preview frame in the format defined 26 * by {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat}, which can be queried 27 * with {@link android.hardware.Camera.Parameters#getPreviewFormat()}. 28 * If {@link android.hardware.Camera.Parameters#setPreviewFormat(int)} 29 * is never called, the default will be the YCbCr_420_SP 30 * (NV21) format. 31 * @param camera the Camera service object. 32 */ 33 void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera); 34 };
@Override public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) { Camera.Parameters parameters = camera.getParameters(); int width = parameters.getPreviewSize().width; int height = parameters.getPreviewSize().height; ByteArrayOutputStream outstr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, width, height); YuvImage yuvimage = new YuvImage(data, ImageFormat.NV21, width, height, null); yuvimage.compressToJpeg(rect, 100, outstr); Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(outstr.toByteArray(), 0, outstr.size()); Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.setRotate(90); bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(bmp, 0, 0, bmp.getWidth(), bmp.getHeight(), matrix, true); /* bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(bmp, capture_crop_rl.getLeft(), capture_crop_rl.getTop(), capture_crop_rl.getRight(), capture_crop_rl.getBottom(), matrix, true);*/ /*bit_result = Bitmap.createBitmap(bmp,capture_crop_rl.getLeft(),capture_crop_rl.getTop() , capture_crop_rl.getRight(),capture_crop_rl.getBottom());//截取*/ if(null != mBitmapFaceTask){ switch(mBitmapFaceTask.getStatus()){ case RUNNING: return; case PENDING: mBitmapFaceTask.cancel(false); break; } }
mBitmapFaceTask = new BitmapFaceTask(data); mBitmapFaceTask.execute((Void)null); }
1 /*自定义的FaceTask类,开启一个线程分析数据*/ 2 private class BitmapFaceTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { 3 4 private byte[] mData; 5 //构造函数 6 BitmapFaceTask(byte[] data){ 7 this.mData = data; 8 } 9 10 @Override 11 protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { 12 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 13 Camera.Size size = mCamera.getParameters().getPreviewSize(); //获取预览大小 14 final int w = size.width; //宽度 15 final int h = size.height; 16 final YuvImage image = new YuvImage(mData, ImageFormat.NV21, w, h, null); 17 ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(mData.length); 18 if(!image.compressToJpeg(new Rect(0, 0, w, h), 100, os)){ 19 return null; 20 } 21 byte[] tmp = os.toByteArray(); 22 getBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(tmp, 0,tmp.length); 23 //设置FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO)之后,myParam.set("rotation", 90)失效。图片竟然不能旋转了,故这里要旋转下 24 Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); 25 matrix.postRotate((float)90.0); 26 Bitmap rotaBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(getBitmap, 0, 0, getBitmap.getWidth(), getBitmap.getHeight(), matrix, false); 27 //将960×1280缩放到540×800 28 getBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(rotaBitmap, 540, 800, true); 29 // getBitmap = rotaBitmap; 30 runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { 31 @Override 32 public void run() { 33 left= StringUtil.px2dip(CropPhoneNumberActivity.this,capture_crop_rl.getLeft()); 34 top=StringUtil.px2dip(CropPhoneNumberActivity.this,capture_crop_rl.getTop()); 35 right=StringUtil.px2dip(CropPhoneNumberActivity.this,capture_crop_rl.getRight()); 36 buttom=StringUtil.px2dip(CropPhoneNumberActivity.this,capture_crop_rl.getBottom()+TitleBar.getStatusBarHeight()); 37 /****top=top-px2dip(CropPhoneNumberActivity.this,TitleBar.getStatusBarHeight()); 38 * 经常取到的top为0 39 * **/ 40 bit_result = Bitmap.createBitmap(getBitmap, left, top, 41 right, buttom); 42 Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); 43 matrix.postScale(2f,2f); //长和宽放大缩小的比例 44 bit_result = Bitmap.createBitmap(bit_result,0,0,bit_result.getWidth(),bit_result.getHeight(),matrix,true); 45 createPhoneText(); 46 } 47 }); 48 return null; 49 } 50 51 } 52 53 54 /**** 该handler用于处理修改结果的任务******/ 55 private void createPhoneText() { 56 photouri= ImageUtils.createFilename(); 57 ImageUtils.saveImage(CropPhoneNumberActivity.this,bit_result,photouri); 58 iv_image.setImageBitmap(bit_result); 59 60 // 新线程来处理识别 61 new Thread(new Runnable() { 62 @Override 63 public void run() { 64 /*对图像进行预处理*/ 65 /*bitmap_end_result = ImgPretreatment 66 .doPretreatment(bit_result);*/ 67 /*将图片化成灰度图*/ 68 /*bitmapTreated = ImgPretreatment 69 .converyToGrayImg(bitmapSelected);*/ 70 71 if(null!=bit_result) 72 textResult = doOcr(bit_result,LANGUAGE); 73 runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { 74 @Override 75 public void run() { 76 GetToast.showToast(mContext,textResult); 77 } 78 }); 79 Message msg = new Message(); 80 msg.what = SHOWRESULT; 81 myHandler.sendMessage(msg); 82 } 83 84 }).start(); 85 } 86 87 public static Handler myHandler = new Handler() { 88 89 @Override 90 public void handleMessage(Message msg) { 91 switch (msg.what) { 92 case SHOWRESULT: 93 if (TextUtils.isEmpty(textResult)) { 94 //Toast.makeText(mContext, "识别失败", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 95 }else if(textResult.length()>=11){ 96 //这里只截取了:成功情况下的手机号在末尾的11位中。 97 textResult=textResult.substring(textResult.length()-11,textResult.length()); 98 if(StringUtil.isMobilePhone(textResult)) { 99 setText(textResult); 100 }else{ 101 //Toast.makeText(mContext,"号码格式不正确",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 102 } 103 }else{ 104 //Toast.makeText(mContext, "号码长度不够", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 105 } 106 break; 107 } 108 super.handleMessage(msg); 109 } 110 111 };
在识别手机号的过程中,为了增加识别率:可以参照的文章有:http://www.oschina.net/code/snippet_1422728_34167 楼主使用c语言写的
2. [代码]提取出该图片内的字符
1 22 /// <summary> 23 /// 提取出该图片内的字符(将进过灰度处理的图片转化为0、1的二位数组) 24 /// </summary> 25 /// <param name="singlepic">图片来源</param> 26 public void generateLicense(Bitmap singlepic) 27 { 28 try 29 { 30 char[,] charArray = new char[singlepic.Height, singlepic.Width]; //定义个chai型的二维数组记录每个像素上0/1的值,形成一个矩形 31 int imageWidth = 0; //记录图片的像素宽度 32 int imageHeight = 0; //记录图片的像素高度 33 int dgGrayValue = 128; //灰度值 34 Color piexl; 35 //string code = ""; //存储每个像素的0/1 36 for (int posy = 0; posy < singlepic.Height; posy++) 37 {//从上到下 38 string codeCache = ""; //存储每行的像素的0/1 39 for (int posx = 0; posx < singlepic.Width; posx++) 40 {//从左到右 41 piexl = singlepic.GetPixel(posx, posy); 42 if (piexl.R < dgGrayValue) 43 {// 如果该像素的颜色为黑色,值就为“1” 44 codeCache = codeCache + "1"; 45 } 46 else 47 {// 否则该像素的颜色为白色,值就为“0” 48 codeCache = codeCache + "0"; 49 } 50 } 51 char[] array = codeCache.ToCharArray(); //每行的0/1的值用数字保存,以便于进行循环处理 52 //code += codeCache + " "; 53 for (imageWidth = 0; imageWidth < array.Length; imageWidth++) 54 charArray[imageHeight, imageWidth] = array[imageWidth]; //通过循环将每行值转存到二维数组中 55 imageHeight++; 56 } //*********************以上代码可用来获取一个字的图片二进制数组,即字库***************************** 57 58 //开始和字库进行匹配(我的工具中只需要下面的几个字符) 59 findWord(charArray, char0, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth0, BinaryHeight0, '0'); 60 findWord(charArray, char1, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth1, BinaryHeight1, '1'); 61 findWord(charArray, char2, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth2, BinaryHeight2, '2'); 62 findWord(charArray, char3, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth3, BinaryHeight3, '3'); 63 findWord(charArray, char4, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth4, BinaryHeight4, '4'); 64 findWord(charArray, char5, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth5, BinaryHeight5, '5'); 65 findWord(charArray, char6, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth6, BinaryHeight6, '6'); 66 findWord(charArray, char7, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth7, BinaryHeight7, '7'); 67 findWord(charArray, char8, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth8, BinaryHeight8, '8'); 68 findWord(charArray, char9, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth9, BinaryHeight9, '9'); 69 findWord(charArray, charA, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidthA, BinaryHeightA, 'a'); 70 findWord(charArray, charB, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidthB, BinaryHeightB, 'b'); 71 findWord(charArray, charC, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidthC, BinaryHeightC, 'c'); 72 findWord(charArray, charD, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidthD, BinaryHeightD, 'd'); 73 findWord(charArray, charE, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidthE, BinaryHeightE, 'e'); 74 findWord(charArray, charF, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidthF, BinaryHeightF, 'f'); 75 findWord(charArray, charP, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidthP, BinaryHeightP, 'p'); 76 findWord(charArray, charY, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidthY, BinaryHeightY, 'y'); 77 //------------------------------------END--------------------------------------------- 78 richTextBoxLicense.Text += identifySort(); //执行identifySort方法,将我需要的格式在richTextBoxLicense文本框中显示 79 richTextBoxLicense.SelectionStart = richTextBoxLicense.TextLength; //将光标移到最后面 80 } 81 catch { } 82 }
3. [图片] 单个字图片对应的二维矩阵0、1码.png
/* 2 * 开发思路:图片灰度处理,二进制,然后和图片中的字二进制库精确对比 3 * 4 * 获取字库:通过下面代码中generateLicense(Bitmap singlepic)方法获得,具体操作: 5 * 从图片中截图出(抠出)一个字符,然后处理得到二维的二进制矩阵,比如下面的字符1对应的二维矩阵 6 * 00000 7 * 00100 8 * 11100 9 * 00100 10 * 00100 11 * 00100 12 * 00100 13 * 00100 14 * 00100 15 * 11111 16 * 00000 17 * 00000 18 * 19 * 注意:【相同字符,比如1,不同字体,字号,不同缩放大小的图片,获得到的二位矩阵中0、1排列和数量都是不同的! 20 * 故按照此方法来写出匹配所有字的话,那字库就大了。。。】 21 */static String stringByte0 = "000000001100010010100001100001100001100001100001010010001100000000000000";
2 static char[] char0 = stringByte0.toCharArray(); 3 static int BinaryWidth0 = 5, BinaryHeight0 = 11; //0的平面像素长宽(从0开始数起) 4 5 static String stringByte1 = "000000010011100001000010000100001000010000100111110000000000"; 6 static char[] char1 = stringByte1.toCharArray(); 7 static int BinaryWidth1 = 4, BinaryHeight1 = 11; //1的平面像素长宽(从0开始数起) 8 9 static String stringByte2 = "000000111010001100010000100010001000100010001111110000000000"; 10 static char[] char2 = stringByte2.toCharArray(); 11 static int BinaryWidth2 = 4, BinaryHeight2 = 11; //2的平面像素长宽(从0开始数起) 12 13 static String stringByte3 = "000000111010001100010011000001000011000110001011100000000000"; 14 static char[] char3 = stringByte3.toCharArray(); 15 static int BinaryWidth3 = 4, BinaryHeight3 = 11; //3的平面像素长宽(从0开始数起) 16 17 static String stringByte4 = "000010000010000110001010010010010010100010011111000010000111000000000000"; 18 static char[] char4 = stringByte4.toCharArray(); 19 static int BinaryWidth4 = 5, BinaryHeight4 = 11; //4的平面像素长宽(从0开始数起) 20 21 static String stringByte5 = "000001111110000100001111010001000011000110001011100000000000"; 22 static char[] char5 = stringByte5.toCharArray(); 23 static int BinaryWidth5 = 4, BinaryHeight5 = 11; //5的平面像素长宽(从0开始数起) 24 25 static String stringByte6 = "000000001111010001100000101110110001100001100001100001011110000000000000"; 26 static char[] char6 = stringByte6.toCharArray(); 27 static int BinaryWidth6 = 5, BinaryHeight6 = 11; //6的平面像素长宽(从0开始数起) 28 29 static String stringByte7 = "000001111110001100100001000100001000010000100001000000000000"; 30 static char[] char7 = stringByte7.toCharArray(); 31 static int BinaryWidth7 = 4, BinaryHeight7 = 11; //7的平面像素长宽(从0开始数起) 32 33 static String stringByte8 = "000000011110100001100001010010011110100001100001100001011110000000000000"; 34 static char[] char8 = stringByte8.toCharArray(); 35 static int BinaryWidth8 = 5, BinaryHeight8 = 11; //8的平面像素长宽(从0开始数起) 36 37 static String stringByte9 = "000000011110100001100001100001100011011101000001100010111100000000000000"; 38 static char[] char9 = stringByte9.toCharArray(); 39 static int BinaryWidth9 = 5, BinaryHeight9 = 11; //9的平面像素长宽(从0开始数起) 40 41 static int[][] intStartXY = new int[128][3]; //记录匹配上时的“X坐标”和“Y坐标”对应的“值”以及该“字符像素的宽度” 42 static int numIdentfied = 0; //负责记录总共有多少匹配的字符 43 44 /*****Android SDK中提供了Bitmap图片每个像素颜色读取的方法:*/ 45 /*public void getPixColor(){ 46 Bitmap src = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),R.drawable.imgbg); 47 int A, R, G, B; 48 int pixelColor; 49 int height = src.getHeight(); 50 int width = src.getWidth(); 51 52 for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { 53 for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { 54 pixelColor = src.getPixel(x, y); 55 A = Color.alpha(pixelColor); 56 R = Color.red(pixelColor); 57 G = Color.green(pixelColor); 58 B = Color.blue(pixelColor); 59 Log.e("A:", A+""); 60 Log.e("R:", R+""); 61 Log.e("G:", G+""); 62 Log.e("B:", B+""); 63 } 64 } 65 }*/ 69 //提取数字码 70 private void GenerateText(Bitmap mBitmap) 71 { 72 try{ 73 // Bitmap Sourcebm = (Bitmap)mBitmap.Image; //为了保险起见将pictureBox的图片类型进行格式转换(Bitmap) 74 int iw = mBitmap.getWidth(); //图片宽度 75 int ih = mBitmap.getHeight(); //图片高度 76 /* //下面双循环是图片灰度处理 77 for (int i = 0; i < iw; i++) 78 {//从左到右 79 for (int j = 0; j < ih; j++) 80 {//从上到下 81 //Color c = mBitmap.GetPixel(i, j); //获取该点的颜色 82 //int luma = (int)(c.R * 0.3 + c.G * 0.59 + c.B * 0.11); //将颜色转换为数值体现 83 int colorPix=mBitmap.getPixel(i,j); 84 int alpha=Color.alpha(colorPix); 85 //将颜色转换为数值体现 86 int luma = (int)(Color.red(colorPix) * 0.3 + Color.green(colorPix) * 0.59 + Color.blue(colorPix)* 0.11); 87 //将这一点进行灰度处理,非白色的部分变黑 88 //mBitmap.setPixel(i, j, Color.FromArgb(luma, luma, luma)); 89 mBitmap.setPixel(i, j, Color.argb(alpha,luma, luma, luma)); 90 } 91 }*/ 92 generateLicense(mBitmap); //通过该方法进行提取字符 93 }catch(Exception e){ 94 GetToast.showToast(mContext,"提取图片出错了"); 95 } 96 } 97 98 /// 提取出该图片内的字符(将进过灰度处理的图片转化为0、1的二位数组) 99 /// <param name="singlepic">图片来源</param> 100 public void generateLicense(Bitmap singlepic) 101 { 102 photouri= ImageUtils.createFilename(); 103 ImageUtils.saveImage(CropPhoneNumberActivity.this,singlepic,photouri); 104 iv_image.setImageBitmap(singlepic); 105 106 String richTextBox=""; 107 try{ 108 //定义个chai型的二维数组记录每个像素上0/1的值,形成一个矩形 109 char[][] charArray = new char[singlepic.getHeight()][singlepic.getWidth()]; 110 int imageWidth = 0; //记录图片的像素宽度 111 int imageHeight = 0; //记录图片的像素高度 112 int dgGrayValue = 128; //灰度值 113 int piexl; 114 //string code = ""; //存储每个像素的0/1 115 for (int posy = 0; posy < singlepic.getHeight(); posy++) 116 {//从上到下 117 String codeCache = ""; //存储每行的像素的0/1 118 for (int posx = 0; posx < singlepic.getWidth(); posx++) 119 {//从左到右 120 piexl = singlepic.getPixel(posx, posy); 121 if (Color.red(piexl)< dgGrayValue) 122 {// 如果该像素的颜色为黑色,值就为“1” 123 codeCache = codeCache + "1"; 124 }else 125 {// 否则该像素的颜色为白色,值就为“0” 126 codeCache = codeCache + "0"; 127 } 128 } 129 char[] array = codeCache.toCharArray(); //每行的0/1的值用数字保存,以便于进行循环处理 130 //code += codeCache + " "; 131 for (imageWidth = 0; imageWidth < array.length; imageWidth++) 132 charArray[imageHeight][imageWidth] = array[imageWidth]; //通过循环将每行值转存到二维数组中 133 imageHeight++; 134 } 135 //*********************以上代码可用来获取一个字的图片二进制数组,即字库***************************** 136 //开始和字库进行匹配(我的工具中只需要下面的几个字符) 137 findWord(charArray, char0, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth0, BinaryHeight0, '0'); 138 findWord(charArray, char1, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth1, BinaryHeight1, '1'); 139 findWord(charArray, char2, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth2, BinaryHeight2, '2'); 140 findWord(charArray, char3, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth3, BinaryHeight3, '3'); 141 findWord(charArray, char4, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth4, BinaryHeight4, '4'); 142 findWord(charArray, char5, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth5, BinaryHeight5, '5'); 143 findWord(charArray, char6, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth6, BinaryHeight6, '6'); 144 findWord(charArray, char7, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth7, BinaryHeight7, '7'); 145 findWord(charArray, char8, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth8, BinaryHeight8, '8'); 146 findWord(charArray, char9, imageHeight, imageWidth, BinaryWidth9, BinaryHeight9, '9'); 147 //------------------------------------END--------------------------------------------- 148 richTextBox += identifySort(); //执行identifySort方法,将我需要的格式在richTextBoxLicense文本框中显示 149 GetToast.showToast(mContext,"::richTextBox::"+richTextBox); 150 }catch(Exception e) { } 151 } 152 153 /// 和字库进行匹配 154 /// <param name="charArray">记录图片中每个像素的二维数组</param> 155 /// <param name="charNum">字库中0/1值一维数组形式的字符</param> 156 /// <param name="imageHeight">图片的像素高度</param> 157 /// <param name="imageWidth">图片的像素宽度</param> 158 /// <param name="binaryWidth">字库中该字符的像素宽度</param> 159 /// <param name="binaryHeight">字库中该字符的像素高度</param> 160 /// <param name="stringChar">字库中该字符</param> 161 public void findWord(char[][] charArray, char[] charNum, int imageHeight, int imageWidth, int binaryWidth, int binaryHeight, char stringChar) 162 { 163 try{ 164 int upLeftX, upLeftY, x, y; 165 for (y = 0; y < imageHeight - binaryHeight; y++)//从图片的每行开始 166 { 167 for (x = 0; x < imageWidth - binaryWidth; x++)//从当前行的第一格开始 168 { 169 boolean isIdentified = false; //负责辨别是否匹配 170 int count = 0; //负责计数 171 for (upLeftY = 0; upLeftY <= binaryHeight; upLeftY++)//从图片中取出一块进行对比,从的每行开始 172 { 173 for (upLeftX = 0; upLeftX <= binaryWidth; upLeftX++)//从这一块当前行的第一格开始 174 { 175 //下面进行每格的对比,大数字去除的“块”是二维数组,小数组是一维数组 176 if (charArray[y + upLeftY][x + upLeftX] == charNum[upLeftY * (binaryWidth + 1) + upLeftX]) 177 { 178 isIdentified = true; //记录像素点是否比对成功 179 count++; 180 if (count == (binaryWidth + 1) * (binaryHeight + 1))//判断是否对比到了最后一个像素点 181 { 182 intStartXY[numIdentfied][0] = y; //记录字库中该字符在图片中出现的Y值 183 intStartXY[numIdentfied][1] = x; //记录字库中该字符在图片中出现的X值 184 //intStartXY[numIdentfied][2] = Convert.ToInt32(stringChar); //将该字符转换为数字型 185 intStartXY[numIdentfied][2] = Integer.parseInt(stringChar+""); //将该字符转换为数字型 186 numIdentfied++; //记录图片中总共多少个字库中的数字 187 break; //一旦匹配即将结束比对 188 } 189 }else{ 190 isIdentified = false; //此像素点比对不成功 191 break; //如果该像素点值比对不成功即将结束比对 192 } 193 } 194 if (!isIdentified)//如果一个不符就向后退一格,同时小数组的比对又需要从第一格开始 195 break; //并且结束这次的比对 196 } 197 } 198 } 199 }catch(Exception e) { } 200 } 201 202 /// <summary> 203 /// 对比对后的结果通过坐标进行排序 204 /// </summary> 205 /// <returns>提取出的图片中的字符串</returns> 206 public String identifySort() 207 { 208 String stringLicense = ""; //存储该结果 209 try 210 { 211 int intTemp = 0; 212 for (int a = 0; a < numIdentfied; a++) 213 {//从第一列开始 214 for (int b = 0; b < numIdentfied; b++) 215 {//然后从该列中第一行开始对比 216 if (intStartXY[a][0] < intStartXY[b][0]) 217 {//通过Y坐标(离顶端距离)判断那个字符在上面,并进行对调 218 for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) 219 { 220 intTemp = intStartXY[a][c]; 221 intStartXY[a][c] = intStartXY[b][c]; 222 intStartXY[b][c] = intTemp; 223 } 224 } 225 if (intStartXY[a][0] == intStartXY[b][0] && intStartXY[a][1] < intStartXY[b][1]) 226 {//当Y坐标(离顶端距离)相同时,通过X坐标(离左端距离)判断那个字符在左面,并进行对调 227 for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) 228 { 229 intTemp = intStartXY[a][c]; 230 intStartXY[a][c] = intStartXY[b][c]; 231 intStartXY[b][c] = intTemp; 232 } 233 } 234 } 235 } 236 //------------------------下面是我需要的格式------------------------------------------------------------- 237 /* 238 yp_12_125 239 yp_12_125 240 e4ebf340-563b5e1c-b04957df-baacc576 241 */ 242 for (int h = 0; h < numIdentfied; h++) 243 { 244 stringLicense += intStartXY[h][2]; 245 if ((intStartXY[h + 1][0] == intStartXY[h][0] && intStartXY[h + 1][1] - intStartXY[h][ 1] >= 12 246 && h < numIdentfied - 32)) 247 stringLicense += "_"; //当同一行时,相差一个下划线距离就显示下划线_ 248 if (intStartXY[h + 1][0] - intStartXY[h][0] >= 11 && h < numIdentfied - 17) 249 stringLicense += " "; //当不上一行时就输出 250 if (h == numIdentfied - 25 || h == numIdentfied - 17 || h == numIdentfied - 9) 251 stringLicense += "-"; //每8个显示一个中划线- 252 } 253 //---------------------------------------END--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 254 }catch(Exception ex){ } 255 return stringLicense + " "; //对返回的结果进行换行,保证在richTextBox文本框显示的时候光标始终在下行 256 }