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  • hdu 5144(三分+物理)

    NPY and shot

    Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
    Total Submission(s): 808    Accepted Submission(s): 342

    Problem Description
    NPY is going to have a PE test.One of the test subjects is throwing the shot.The height of NPY is H meters.He can throw the shot at the speed of v0 m/s and at the height of exactly H meters.He wonders if he throws the shot at the best angle,how far can he throw ?(The acceleration of gravity, g, is 9.8m/s2)
    The first line contains a integer T(T10000),which indicates the number of test cases.
    The next T lines,each contains 2 integers H(0h10000m),which means the height of NPY,and v0(0v010000m/s), which means the initial velocity.
    For each query,print a real number X that was rounded to 2 digits after decimal point in a separate line.X indicates the farthest distance he can throw.
    Sample Input
    2 0 1 1 2
    Sample Output
    0.10 0.99
    If the height of NPY is 0,and he throws the shot at the 45° angle, he can throw farthest.
    题解:设速度与水平方向成的角度为 a (0<=a<=pi/2) 我们可以知道这个 a 在这个范围内是一个单峰极值函数,所以可以用三分求解.
    水平速度为 v0*cos(a) 竖直方向速度为 v0*sin(a)
    假设小球落地的时间为 t = t1+t2 t1是小球到达顶点的时间,t2是小球从顶点落向地面的时间.
    v0*sin(a)-g*t1 = 0 (注意加速度方向)
    1/2*g*t2*t2 = h+v0*sin(a)*t1-1/2*g*t1*t1
    x = v0*cos(a)*(t1+t2)
    #include <stdlib.h>
    using namespace std;
    double v,h,t1,t2;
    const double g = 9.8;
    const double pi = 3.1415926;
    const double eps = 1e-8;
    double Calc(double t)
        t1 = sin(t)*v/g;
        t2 = sqrt((h+v*sin(t)*t1-0.5*g*t1*t1)*2/g);
        return (t1+t2)*v*cos(t);
    double solve(double MIN,double MAX)
        double Left, Right;
        double mid, midmid;
        double mid_value, midmid_value;
        Left = MIN;
        Right = MAX;
        while (Left +eps < Right)
            mid = (Left + Right) / 2;
            midmid = (mid + Right) / 2;
            mid_value = Calc(mid);
            midmid_value = Calc(midmid);
            ///求最大值改成>= 最小值改成<=
            if (mid_value >= midmid_value) Right = midmid;
            else Left = mid;
        return Left;
    int main()
        int tcase;
            double angle = solve(0,pi/2); ///注意是[0,pi/2],不是[0,90]
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liyinggang/p/5669355.html
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