Kia's Calculation
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 3291 Accepted Submission(s): 703
Problem Description
Ghee is teaching Kia how to calculate the sum of two integers. But Kia
is so careless and alway forget to carry a number when the sum of two
digits exceeds 9. For example, when she calculates 4567+5789, she will
get 9246, and for 1234+9876, she will get 0. Ghee is angry about this,
and makes a hard problem for her to solve:
Now Kia has two integers A and B, she can shuffle the digits in each number as she like, but leading zeros are not allowed. That is to say, for A = 11024, she can rearrange the number as 10124, or 41102, or many other, but 02411 is not allowed.
After she shuffles A and B, she will add them together, in her own way. And what will be the maximum possible sum of A "+" B ?
Now Kia has two integers A and B, she can shuffle the digits in each number as she like, but leading zeros are not allowed. That is to say, for A = 11024, she can rearrange the number as 10124, or 41102, or many other, but 02411 is not allowed.
After she shuffles A and B, she will add them together, in her own way. And what will be the maximum possible sum of A "+" B ?
The rst line has a number T (T <= 25) , indicating the number of test cases.
For each test case there are two lines. First line has the number A, and the second line has the number B.
Both A and B will have same number of digits, which is no larger than 106, and without leading zeros.
For each test case there are two lines. First line has the number A, and the second line has the number B.
Both A and B will have same number of digits, which is no larger than 106, and without leading zeros.
For test case X, output "Case #X: " first, then output the maximum possible sum without leading zeros.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Case #1: 8984
题意:给出两个长度不超过 10^6 的数字串,数字串可以打乱后随机组合,但是打乱重组后不能有前导 0,将这两个数字串相加,相加的规则是每一位相加,不实现进位.问能够得到最大的结果串是多少?
题解:贪心求解,从高位到低位,每次贪心选择相加起来最大的数字,最高位要单独处理,因为最高位要求被加数,加数,结果都不能为 0.然后在贪心的过程中不能去枚举加数和被加数,只能枚举结果,不然会超时. 当位数只有1,加数或者被加数中间有一个为0时单独处理.
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long using namespace std; const int N = 1000005; char str1[N],str2[N]; int num1[20],num2[20]; int res[N]; int main() { int tcase,t = 1; scanf("%d",&tcase); while(tcase--) { scanf("%s%s",str1,str2); if(strcmp(str1,"0")==0){ printf("Case #%d: ",t++); printf("%s ",str2); continue; } if(strcmp(str2,"0")==0){ printf("Case #%d: ",t++); printf("%s ",str1); continue; } int len = strlen(str1); memset(num1,0,sizeof(num1)); memset(num2,0,sizeof(num2)); for(int i=0; i<len; i++) { num1[str1[i]-'0']++; num2[str2[i]-'0']++; } int high = -1,x,y; for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) { for(int j=1; j<=9; j++) { if(num1[i]&&num2[j]&&high<(i+j)%10) { x = i; y = j; high = (i+j)%10; } } } num1[x]--; num2[y]--; int cnt = 0,zero = 0; res[cnt++] = high; if(high==0) zero++; printf("Case #%d: ",t++); if(zero){ printf("0 "); continue; } for(int l=1; l<len; l++) { /* TLE for(int i=0; i<=9; i++) { for(int j=0; j<=9; j++) { if(num1[i]&&num2[j]&&MAX<(i+j)%10) { x = i; y = j; MAX = (i+j)%10; } } }*/ bool flag = true; for(int i=9;i>=0&&flag;i--){ for(int j=0;j<=9&&flag;j++){ if(i-j<0&&num1[j]&&num2[i-j+10]){ num1[j]--; num2[i-j+10]--; res[cnt++] = i; flag = false; }else if(i-j>=0&&num1[j]&&num2[i-j]){ num1[j]--; num2[i-j]--; res[cnt++] = i; flag = false; } } } } for(int i=0;i<cnt;i++){ printf("%d",res[i]); } printf(" "); } return 0; }