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  • pronunciation from longman 718

    1 telephone 

      she picked up the telephone and dialed a number. picked up 连读 ed应该读t 因为k是送气的

      The telephone rang just as I was leaving. 注意rang 的读音 类似于ran     run ran 的区别也是蛋疼

      I said goodbye and put down the telephone   put down 要连读

    2 network 

      Hungary's telephone network.  匈牙利的电话网

      A high-speed European rail network  欧洲高速铁路网

      the network of blood vessels in the body   network of 连读 vessels in连读    人体内的血管网

      you're listening to the American Armed Forces network.您正在收听美军广播电台。 you're 的读法

    3 canal  第一个a schwa  第二个是fan

      we walked along by the side of the canal   side发音要饱满

      the Panama Canal  注意P 和 C 都要是capital

      the goods were transported by canal to London.   good虽然是double o 但是不读long vowel 要读short vowel      

                注意London 的读法 

    4computer 重音在pu

      a huge global computer network 巨大的全球计算机网络 注意huge 是single syllable

      the latest computer software latest 中的vowel a 发音要饱满

      the information is stored on computer  is stored on 两处连读  


      computer game cartridges

      an ink cartridge for a printer 打印机的墨盒

    6blow  blew   blown

      blow your load  urban dictinary

      shooting blanks   blanks 有空包弹的意思

    7 urban

      unemploymenet in urban areas   unem 连读  ment in 连读

      urban myth   urban legend




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liyongguo/p/7202207.html
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