zoukankan      html  css  js  c++  java
  • vscode配置





    rainbow csv

    remote workspace


    autocomment blocks

    Comment Divider












    "better-comments.tags": [


    "tag": "!",

    "color": "#FF2D00",

    "strikethrough": false,

    "backgroundColor": "transparent"



    "tag": "?",

    "color": "#3498DB",

    "strikethrough": false,

    "backgroundColor": "transparent"



    "tag": "//",

    "color": "#474747",

    "strikethrough": true,

    "backgroundColor": "transparent"



    "tag": "todo",

    "color": "#FF8C00",

    "strikethrough": false,

    "backgroundColor": "transparent"



    "tag": "*",

    "color": "#98C379",

    "strikethrough": false,

    "backgroundColor": "transparent"



    "tag": "~",

    "color": "#98C379",

    "strikethrough": false,

    "backgroundColor": "transparent"



    // function header

    "doxdocgen.generic.order": [







    "doxdocgen.file.fileOrder": [











    "doxdocgen.c.triggerSequence": "///",

    "doxdocgen.generic.splitCasingSmartText": true,

    "doxdocgen.file.copyrightTag": [

    "@copyright Copyright (c) {year}"


    "editor.suggestSelection": "first",

    "vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue",

    "python.jediEnabled": false,

    "doxdocgen.generic.authorEmail": "zhensheng@outlook.com",

    "doxdocgen.generic.authorName": "zhensheng"

    // simple tag string

    "tagged.tagString": "// #enteredText added by lzs ;) #year-#month-#day",

    // section divider

    "divider.text": "*",


    // auto-close-tag

    "auto-close-tag.SublimeText3Mode": true,

    // xml-tools and xml language support

    "xmlTools.xqueryExecutionEngine": "D:\Program Files (x86)\BaseX\BaseX.exe",

    "xmlLang.javaHome": "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\bin",

    "xmlLang.xmlAssociations": [],

    "xmlLang.xmlCatalogFiles": "",


    // auto comment tools

    // file Header

    "psi-header.config": {

    "forceToTop": true,

    "blankLinesAfter": 6,

    "license": "Custom"


    "psi-header.changes-tracking": {

    "isActive": false,

    "modAuthor": " 修 改 人:",

    "modDate": " 修改日期:",

    "modDateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD, h:mm:ss a",

    "include": [],

    "exclude": [




    "autoHeader": "off"


    "psi-header.license-text": [

    "版权所有 (C)2017-2020, <<company>>"


    "psi-header.variables": [

    ["company", "股份有限公司"],

    ["author", "黎, 部"],

    ["authoremail", "li.zhensheng@zte.com.cn"]


    "psi-header.lang-config": [


    "language": "cpp",

    "begin": "/*******************************************************************************",

    "prefix": "* ",

    "end": "*******************************************************************************/",

    "blankLinesAfter": 1



    "language": "c",

    "mapTo": "cpp"



    "language": "shellscript",

    "begin": "",

    "prefix": "# ",

    "end": "",

    "blankLinesAfter": 1,

    "beforeHeader": [

    "#!/bin/sh "




    "language": "bat",

    "begin": "",

    "prefix": "@ REM ",

    "end": "",

    "blankLinesAfter": 1



    "language": "python",

    "begin": "'''",

    "prefix": "* ",

    "end": "'''",

    "blankLinesAfter": 1,

    "beforeHeader": [

    "# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- "




    "language": "PlantUML",

    "begin": "",

    "prefix": "' ",

    "end": "",

    "blankLinesAfter": 1



    "psi-header.templates": [


    "language": "cpp",

    "template": [

    "Copyright (c) <<year>> <<company>>",

    "文件名称:  <<filename>>",

    "文件标识:  ",

    "内容摘要:  简要描述本文件的内容,包括主要模块、函数及其功能的说明",

    "其他说明:  其它内容的说明",

    "当前版本:  V1.00",

    "    :  <<author>>",

    "完成日期:  <<dateformat('YYYY-MM-DD, h:mm:ss a')>>",


    "修改记录1:  修改历史记录,包括修改日期、修改者及修改内容",

    " 修改日期:  ",

    " :  ",

    " :  ",

    " 修改内容:  ",

    "修改记录2:  "




    "language": "python",

    "template": [

    "Copyright (c) <<year>> <<company>>",

    "文件名称:  <<filename>>",

    "内容摘要:  简要描述本文件的内容,包括主要模块、函数及其功能的说明",

    "其他说明:  其它内容的说明",

    "当前版本:  V1.00",

    "    :  <<author>>",

    "完成日期:  <<dateformat('YYYY-MM-DD, h:mm:ss a')>>"




    "language": "c",

    "mapTo": "cpp"



    "language": "shellscript",

    "mapTo": "python"



    "language": "bat",

    "mapTo": "python"



    "language": "PlantUML",

    "mapTo": "python"




    // section divider

    "divider.text.level1": "*",

    "divider.text.level2": "*",

    "divider.endColumn": 80,

    "divider.lines": 3,


        // Place your snippets for c here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and

        // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:

        // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the

        // same ids are connected.

        // Example:

        // "Print to console": {

        //  "prefix": "log",

        //  "body": [

        //      "console.log('$1');",

        //      "$2"

        //  ],

        //  "description": "Log output to console"

    // }

    "Define Macro": {

    "prefix": "zsmacro",

    "body": [

    "#define $1 (${CLIPBOARD})",


    "description": "define macro from clipboard"


    "C Source Header": {

    "prefix": "zssrcheader",

    "body": [


    "/*                                   #include(依次为标准库头文件、非标准库头文件)                                  */",



    "/*                                                    常量定义                                                    */",



    "/*                                                文件内部使用的宏                                                 */",



    "/*                                             文件内部使用的数据类型                                               */",



    "/*                                         ( )                                           */",



    "/*                                            本地变量(静态全局变量)                                              */",



    "/*                                                  局部函数原型                                                   */",



    "/*                                           ( )                                         */",



    "/*                                                    局部函数                                                     */",



    "description": "C Source Header"


    "C Header Header": {

    "prefix": "zsheaderheader",

    "body": [


    "/*                                                其它条件编译选项                                                 */",



    "/*                                   #include(依次为标准库头文件、非标准库头文件)                                  */",



    "/*                                                    常量定义                                                     */",



    "/*                                                     全局宏                                                      */",



    "/*                                                  全局数据类型                                                   */",



    "/*                                                  全局函数原型                                                   */",



    "description": "C Header Header"


    "zsSrcDivider": {

    "prefix": "zssrcdivider",

    "body": [


    "/*                                                $1<comment here>                                                */",



    "description": "Insert a 3-line divider from cursor"





    // Place your snippets for cpp here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and

    // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:

    // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the

    // same ids are connected.

    // Example:

    // "Print to console": {

    //  "prefix": "log",

    //  "body": [

    //      "console.log('$1');",

    //      "$2"

    //  ],

    //  "description": "Log output to console"

    // }

    "Define Macro": {

    "prefix": "zsmacro",

    "body": [

    "#define $1 (${CLIPBOARD})",


    "description": "define macro from clipboard"


    "Cpp Source Header": {

    "prefix": "zssrcheader",

    "body": [


    "/*                                   #include(依次为标准库头文件、非标准库头文件)                                  */",



    "/*                                                    常量定义                                                    */",



    "/*                                                文件内部使用的宏                                                 */",



    "/*                                             文件内部使用的数据类型                                               */",



    "/*                                         ( )                                           */",



    "/*                                            本地变量(即静态全局变量)                                             */",



    "/*                                                  局部函数原型                                                    */",



    "/*                                         ( )                                           */",



    "/*                                                    局部函数                                                     */",



    "/*                                                    类的实现                                                     */",



    "description": "Cpp Source Header"


    "Cpp Header Header": {

    "prefix": "zsheaderheader",

    "body": [


    "/*                                                其它条件编译选项                                                 */",



    "/*                                   #include(依次为标准库头文件、非标准库头文件)                                  */",



    "/*                                                    常量定义                                                    */",



    "/*                                                     全局宏                                                     */",



    "/*                                                  全局数据类型                                                  */",



    "/*                                                  全局函数原型                                                  */",



    "description": "Cpp Header Header"


    "zsSrcDivider": {

    "prefix": "zssrcdivider",

    "body": [


    "/*                                                $1<comment here>                                               */",



    "description": "Insert a 3-line divider from cursor"






        // Place your snippets for Markdown here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and

        // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:

        // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the

        // same ids are connected.

        // Example:

        "Print to console": {

            "prefix": "log",

            "body": [




            "description": "Log output to console"



    "Shell Code Block": {

    "prefix": "shell",

    "body": [





    "description": "Place a markdown code block for shell here"


    "PlantUML Code Block": {

    "prefix": "plantuml",

    "body": [





    "description": "Place a plantuml code block for shell here"





    // Place your snippets for plantuml here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and

    // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:

    // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the

    // same ids are connected.

    // Example:

    // "Print to console": {

    //  "prefix": "log",

    //  "body": [

    //      "console.log('$1');",

    //      "$2"

    //  ],

    //  "description": "Log output to console"

    // }

    "zsSrcDivider": {

    "prefix": "zssrcdivider",

    "body": [

    "' ******************************************************************************",

    "' *                            $1<comment here>                                *",

    "' ******************************************************************************"


    "description": "Insert a 3-line divider from cursor"



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    IOS compare 字符串比较
    Cocoa Touch事件处理流程--响应者链
    真机测试及布署Code Sign error问题总结
    CG_INLINE,inline 内联函数
    objective-c static变量的使用总结
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lizhensheng/p/11117341.html
Copyright © 2011-2022 走看看