- 资料
- 几本书吧,没什么资料
- 中文版的初级帮助文档
- 官网资料吧
- 先把中文初级帮助文档看完,阅读《ROS学习笔记-初级》
- ROS installed in /opt/ROS
- echo this is the roscore and any other name
- roscore 与 turtlesim 的连接基于xmlrpc
- XML-RPC的全称是XML Remote Procedure Call,即XML(标准通用标记语言下的一个子集)远程方法调用。它是一套允许运行在不同操作系统、不同环境的程序实现基于Internet过程调用的规范和一系列的实现。这种远程过程调用使用http作为传输协议,XML作为传送信息的编码格式。Xml-Rpc的定义尽可能的保持了简单,但同时能够传送、处理、返回复杂的数据结构。
- sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rqt
- sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rqt-common-plugins
- 怎样查看已有包的源码?
- 怎样知道消息怎么发布?怎样知道消息怎样接受,怎样响应消息?
- sudo apt-get install vim
- 修改默认编辑器
- export EDITOR='sublime'
- 两个窗口运行一份代码
- File--->New View into File
- 将此设为快捷键?
- 新建一个消息之后,修改配置文件,重新编译,这时需要重新source 一下配置文件
- export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=~/Documents/zsProjects/zsP3AT/zsROS_ws/:${ROS_PACKAGE_PATH}
- export ROS_WORKSPACE=~/Documents/zsProjects/zsP3AT/zsROS_ws/
- Catkin keeps the concept of overlays utilizing these environment setup files. However, there is a subtle difference from rosbuild -- when a catkin environment setup file is sourced, it overwrites instead of extending existing environment variables. You may then be asking how chaining can work. Simply put, catkin generates lots of setup files in different contexts that chain multiple environments together with a single setup file. When you build code within your workspace, setup files are generated within the "devel space". When these are sourced, any setup files from other workspaces that were used at build time are automatically sourced. For example, if you source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash then build your workspace, sourcing the setup.bash file in the devel space will automatically pull in /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash. Likewise if you install your workspace, the install space will contain a setup.bash file as well that will overlay the install space on top of any workspaces that were used to build that workspace.
- 创建talker和listener之后
- add_dependencies(talker zsbegin_generate_messages_cpp)
- add_dependencies(listener zsbegin_generate_messages_cpp)
- source ${ROS_WORKSPACE}/devel/setup.bash
- 创建服务程序(service已经建立起来,并在ROS内发布出来)
- 编译系统自动根据我们先前创建的srv文件生成的对应该srv文件的头文件
- 由于service的调用是模态过程(调用的时候占用进程阻止其他代码的执行),一旦调用完成,将返回调用结果。如果service调用成功,call()函数将返回true,srv.response里面的值将是合法的值。如果调用失败,call()函数将返回false,srv.response里面的值将是非法的。
- 再将《ROS机器人程序设计》第二章《ROS系统架构及示例》学习一遍
- 再看ROSARIA的官方帮助进行操作,考察ROSARIA的能力,考虑到底是使用这个还是ARIA
- 使用CLion进行项目开发!