客户端通过http接口获取数据流,在获取过程中今天暴露了一些问题,晒一晒, 希望看到的人免踩坑吧。
* 一个文件就是一条数据
* @param result 数据存储的对象,是一个{@link JSONObject}列表
* @param input 数据输入流 {@link InputStream}
* @param dataInfo {@link DataInfo}
* @param fileLength 文件长度
* @throws IOException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
private void readDataByFile(List<JSONObject> result, InputStream input, DataInfo dataInfo, int fileLength)
throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[fileLength];
result.add(preProcessor.run(new String(bos.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), dataInfo));
方法中 InputStream 参数通过网络获取的输入流,DataInfo 和业务相关,不需要关注,fileLength 是按协议取到的一个文件的长度, 代码的目的是获取到一个文件的内容,并且通过一些其他处理最终转为了一个jsonObject;
- 一次少读点;
- 不要再去转字节数组;
1. 一次少读点
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[fileLength];
private void readDataByFile(List<JSONObject> result, InputStream input, DataInfo dataInfo, int fileLength)
throws IOException {
// 若文件长度小于4096
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if (fileLength < 4096) {
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[fileLength];
} else {
int left = fileLength % 4096;
int x = fileLength / 4096;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int bytesRead = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
bytesRead = input.read(buffer);
if (left > 0) {
byte[] leftBytes = new byte[left];
result.add(preProcessor.run(new String(bos.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8) , dataInfo));
1. 不要再去转字节数组
new String(bos.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
这句看了下ByteArrayOutputStream 源码,toByteArray 其实是调用了Arrays.copy来复制数组
* Creates a newly allocated byte array. Its size is the current
* size of this output stream and the valid contents of the buffer
* have been copied into it.
* @return the current contents of this output stream, as a byte array.
* @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#size()
public synchronized byte toByteArray()[] {
return Arrays.copyOf(buf, count);
实际上 ByteArrayOutputStream 有个toString方法可以直接调用。都是API没研究好啊,多new个数组好多余
* Converts the buffer's contents into a string decoding bytes using the
* platform's default character set. The length of the new <tt>String</tt>
* is a function of the character set, and hence may not be equal to the
* size of the buffer.
* <p> This method always replaces malformed-input and unmappable-character
* sequences with the default replacement string for the platform's
* default character set. The {@linkplain java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder}
* class should be used when more control over the decoding process is
* required.
* @return String decoded from the buffer's contents.
* @since JDK1.1
public synchronized String toString() {
return new String(buf, 0, count);
在运行代码,发现后续还是会报错,又经过一番排查,发现读取的内容偶尔会有缺失,定位到InputStream 因为是网络输入流,一次read很可能读取不完,再次改造代码
private void readDataByFile(List<JSONObject> result, InputStream input, DataInfo dataInfo, int fileLength)
throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int len = -1;
int total = 0; // 记录总读取的字节数
int last = 0; // 记录最后一批要读取的数量
if (fileLength <= 4096 ) {
last = fileLength;
// 要读取fileLength个字节
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[4096];
while (last=0 && (len = input.read(fileBytes)) > -1) {
out.write(fileBytes, 0, len);
total += len;
// 读到最后一批待读字节结束
if (fileLength - total <= 4096) {
last = fileLength - total;
// 读取最后一批待读字节
byte[] lastBuffer = new byte[last];
while (total < fileLength && (len = input.read(lastBuffer)) > -1) {
out.write(lastBuffer, 0, len);
total += len;
result.add(preProcessor.run(out.toString("UTF-8"), dataInfo));
OK! 顺便说下,ByteArrayOutputStream 之所以不用释放资源,不妨看下它的close方法做了什么。