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  • 缓存

    1. 缓存技术

    1.1 Guava Cache

    Guava Cache是一个全内存的本地缓存实现,它提供了线程安全的实现机制。

    Guava Cache有两种创建方式:
    - cacheLoader
    - callable callback

      通过这两种方法创建的cache,和通常用map来缓存的做法比,不同在于,这两种方法都实现了一种逻辑——从缓存中取key X的值,如果该值已经缓存过了,则返回缓存中的值,如果没有缓存过,可以通过某个方法来获取这个值。但不同的在于cacheloader的定义比较宽泛,是针对整个cache定义的,可以认为是统一的根据key值load value的方法。而callable的方式较为灵活,允许你在get的时候指定。


        public void TestLoadingCache() throws Exception{
            LoadingCache<String,String> cahceBuilder=CacheBuilder
            .build(new CacheLoader<String, String>(){
                public String load(String key) throws Exception {        
                    String strProValue="hello "+key+"!";                
                    return strProValue;
            System.out.println("jerry value:"+cahceBuilder.apply("jerry"));
            System.out.println("jerry value:"+cahceBuilder.get("jerry"));
            System.out.println("peida value:"+cahceBuilder.get("peida"));
            System.out.println("peida value:"+cahceBuilder.apply("peida"));
            System.out.println("lisa value:"+cahceBuilder.apply("lisa"));
            cahceBuilder.put("harry", "ssdded");
            System.out.println("harry value:"+cahceBuilder.get("harry"));

    callable callback实现方式

        public void testcallableCache()throws Exception{
            Cache<String, String> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000).build();  
            String resultVal = cache.get("jerry", new Callable<String>() {  
                public String call() {  
                    String strProValue="hello "+"jerry"+"!";                
                    return strProValue;
            System.out.println("jerry value : " + resultVal);
            resultVal = cache.get("peida", new Callable<String>() {  
                public String call() {  
                    String strProValue="hello "+"peida"+"!";                
                    return strProValue;
            System.out.println("peida value : " + resultVal);  
      jerry value : hello jerry!
      peida value : hello peida!

    guava Cache数据移除

      定义的方式一般为 CacheBuilder.maximumSize(long),还有一种一种可以算权重的方法,个人认为实际使用中不太用到。就这个常用的来看有几个注意点,
      expireAfterAccess(long, TimeUnit) 这个方法是根据某个键值对最后一次访问之后多少时间后移除
      expireAfterWrite(long, TimeUnit) 这个方法是根据某个键值对被创建或值被替换后多少时间移除
      1.单独移除用 Cache.invalidate(key)
      2.批量移除用 Cache.invalidateAll(keys)
      3.移除所有用 Cache.invalidateAll()
      如果需要在移除数据的时候有所动作还可以定义Removal Listener,但是有点需要注意的是默认Removal Listener中的行为是和移除动作同步执行的,如果需要改成异步形式,可以考虑使用RemovalListeners.asynchronous(RemovalListener, Executor)

    2. 多级缓存

    2.1 缓存策略

    Multi-level caches introduce new design decisions. For instance, in some processors, all data in the L1 cache must also be somewhere in the L2 cache. These caches are called strictly inclusive. Other processors (like the AMD Athlon) have exclusive caches: data is guaranteed to be in at most one of the L1 and L2 caches, never in both. Still other processors (like the Intel Pentium II, III, and 4), do not require that data in the L1 cache also reside in the L2 cache, although it may often do so. There is no universally accepted name for this intermediate policy.

    The advantage of exclusive caches is that they store more data. This advantage is larger when the exclusive L1 cache is comparable to the L2 cache, and diminishes if the L2 cache is many times larger than the L1 cache. When the L1 misses and the L2 hits on an access, the hitting cache line in the L2 is exchanged with a line in the L1. This exchange is quite a bit more work than just copying a line from L2 to L1, which is what an inclusive cache does.[33]

    One advantage of strictly inclusive caches is that when external devices or other processors in a multiprocessor system wish to remove a cache line from the processor, they need only have the processor check the L2 cache. In cache hierarchies which do not enforce inclusion, the L1 cache must be checked as well. As a drawback, there is a correlation between the associativities of L1 and L2 caches: if the L2 cache does not have at least as many ways as all L1 caches together, the effective associativity of the L1 caches is restricted. Another disadvantage of inclusive cache is that whenever there is an eviction in L2 cache, the (possibly) corresponding lines in L1 also have to get evicted in order to maintain inclusiveness. This is quite a bit of work, and would result in a higher L1 miss rate.[33]

    Another advantage of inclusive caches is that the larger cache can use larger cache lines, which reduces the size of the secondary cache tags. (Exclusive caches require both caches to have the same size cache lines, so that cache lines can be swapped on a L1 miss, L2 hit.) If the secondary cache is an order of magnitude larger than the primary, and the cache data is an order of magnitude larger than the cache tags, this tag area saved can be comparable to the incremental area needed to store the L1 cache data in the L2.[34]


    exclusive:L1 cahce中的内容不能包含在L2中
    strictly inclusive:L1cache的内容一定严格包含在L2中。
    Third one(没有正式名字):不要求L1的一定包含在L2中

    exclusive方式可以存储更多数据。当然如果L2大大超过L1的大小,则这个优势也并不是很大了。exclusive要求如果L1 miss L2 hit,则需要把L2 hit的line和L1中的一条line交换。这就比inclusive直接从L2拷贝hit line到L1中的方式多些工作。

    strictly inclusive 方式的一个优点是,当外部设备或者处理器想要从处理器里删掉一条cache line时,处理器只需要检查下L2 cache即可。而第一种和第三种方式中,则L1也需要被检查。而strictly inclusive一个缺点是L2中被替换的line,如果L1中有映射,也需要从L1中替换出去,这可能会导致L1的高miss率。

    strictly inclusive 方式的另外一个优点是,越大的cache可以使用越大的cache line,这可能减小二级cache tags的大小。而Exclusive需要L1和L2的cache line大小相同,以便进行替换。如果二级cahce是远远大于一级cache,并且cache data部分远远大于tag,省下的tag部分可以存放数据。

    3. 面临的问题

    3.1 缓存穿透



    要是有人利用不存在的key频繁攻击我们的应用,这就是漏洞。有一个比较巧妙的作法是,可以将这个不存在的key预先设定一个值。比如,“key” , “&&”。


    3.2 缓存并发



    3.3 缓存失效




    3.4 缓存雪崩


    - 加锁排队重建,使请求可以串行化,而不用全部的请求都去查询数据库
    - 假设key的过期时间是A,创建一个key_sign,它的过期时间比A小,查询key的时候检查key_sign是否已经过期,如果过期则加锁后台起一个线程异步去更新key的值,而实际的缓存没有过期(如果实际缓存已经过期,需要加锁排队重建),但是会浪费双份缓存
    - 在原有的value中存一个过期值B,B比A小,取值的时候根据B判断value是否过期,如果过期,解决方案同上
    - 牺牲用户体验,当发现缓存中没有对应的数据直接返回失败,并且把需要的数据放入一个分布式队列,后台通过异步线程更新队列中需要更新的缓存

    3.5 缓存污染

    场景: 一些非正常操作(导出excel,运营偶发性访问)而导致内存中出现很多冷数据
    解决方案: 选取合适的缓存算法(LUR-N算法)

    3.6 首次上线

    场景: 缓存首次上线,如果网站的访问量很大,所有的请求都经过数据库(如果访问量比较少,可以由用户访问自行缓存)
    解决方案: 缓存预热,在系统上线之前,所有的缓存都预先加载完毕(增加一个刷新缓存程序,上线后手动刷新或发布时自动调用刷用)

    4. 缓存架构



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ljsong/p/8692978.html
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