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  • VUE的一个数据绑定与页面刷新相关的bug




     1 getStepRequirement(contentService) {
     2       this.contentLoading = true
     3       fetchStepRequirement({
     4         id: contentService.contentId
     5       }).then(res => {
     6         this.contentLoading = false
     7         if (res.data.code === 200) {
     8           if (res.data.result) {
     9             res.data.result.forEach(requ => {
    10             // 拼出要求
    11               requ['requirementDetail'] = requ.stepRequirementName.replace('%%', requ.stepRequirementData)
    12             })
    13           }
    14           contentService['requirementList'] = res.data.result || []
    16         } else {
    17           this.$message({ type: 'error', message: res.data.msg })
    18         }
    19       })
    20     }
    22 this.contentLoading = true
    23       fetchStepContent(param).then(res => {
    24         this.contentLoading = false
    25         if (res.data.code === 200) {
    26           step['contentList'] = res.data.result || []
    27           step.contentList.forEach(content => {
    28             content.contentServiceLinks.forEach(contentService => {
    29               contentService['requirementList'] = []
    30               this.getStepRequirement(contentService)
    31              switch (contentService.serviceTypeCode.toLowerCase()) {
    32             case 'homework':
    33               contentService['homeworkList'] = []
    34               this.getAssignhomeworkById(contentService)
    35               break
    36             case 'comment':
    37               break
    38             case 'course':
    39               break
    40           }
    41             })
    42           })
    43         } else {
    44           this.$message({ type: 'error', message: res.data.msg })
    45         }
    46       })
    47       this.showingContent = step


     1 const param = {
     2         flag: false,
     3         id: step.id
     4       }
     5       // 是否选课标志
     6       if (step.stepTypeCode === 'PSTD1') param.flag = true
     7       this.contentLoading = true
     8       fetchStepContent(param).then(res => {
     9         this.contentLoading = false
    10         if (res.data.code === 200) {
    11           step['contentList'] = res.data.result || []
    12           step.contentList.forEach(content => {
    13             content.contentServiceLinks.forEach(contentService => {
    14               contentService['requirementList'] = []
    15               this.getStepRequirement(contentService)
    16             })
    17           })
    18         } else {
    19           this.$message({ type: 'error', message: res.data.msg })
    20         }
    21       })
    22       this.showingContent = step
    25 getStepRequirement(contentService) {
    26       this.contentLoading = true
    27       fetchStepRequirement({
    28         id: contentService.contentId
    29       }).then(res => {
    30         this.contentLoading = false
    31         if (res.data.code === 200) {
    32           if (res.data.result) {
    33             res.data.result.forEach(requ => {
    34             // 拼出要求
    35               requ['requirementDetail'] = requ.stepRequirementName.replace('%%', requ.stepRequirementData)
    36             })
    37           }
    38           contentService['requirementList'] = res.data.result || []
    39           switch (contentService.serviceTypeCode.toLowerCase()) {
    40             case 'homework':
    41               contentService['homeworkList'] = []
    42               this.getAssignhomeworkById(contentService)
    43               break
    44             case 'comment':
    45               break
    46             case 'course':
    47               break
    48           }
    49         } else {
    50           this.$message({ type: 'error', message: res.data.msg })
    51         }
    52       })
    53     }


    首先赋值那里,会将showingContent 和step绑定,后边step发生变化之后,会同步变化到showingContent (浅复制问题,不再解释)。但是异常代码中homeworkList和requirementList是并列关系相互独立的,这很符合我们平常的思维模式。但是实际运行结果是,时而只显示了homework,时而只显示了requirement,又时而能都显示出来。具体深层原因暂不完全确定,有知道根本原因的大佬欢迎指教。个人猜想是页面刷新机制方面的问题。因为数据已经都正确了,但是页面未完全刷新。




    1 this.xxx = false
    2 this.$nextTick(() => { this.xxx = true })
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ljwsyt/p/10734206.html
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