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  • 数据库作业27~45

    select * from Score where Cno in(select Cno from Course where Tno in(select  tno from Teacher where Depart='计算机系'))
    select tname,prof from teacher where Prof not in(
     select Prof from Teacher where Prof in(select Prof from Teacher where Depart='计算机系')and Depart='电子工程系')
     and Depart in ('计算机系','电子工程系')
    select degree,Cno,sno from Score where degree >(select MIN( degree) from Score where Cno='3-245' ) and cno='3-105'order by degree desc
    --第二种方法,any ,some任意一个
    select degree,Cno,sno from Score where degree>any(select Degree from Score where Cno='3-245')and cno='3-105'order by degree desc
    select degree,Cno,sno from Score where degree >(select max( degree) from Score where Cno='3-245' ) and cno='3-105'
    --第二种方法,all 所有的 相当于大于max
    select degree,Cno,sno from Score where degree >all(select  degree from Score where Cno='3-245' ) and cno='3-105'
    --31、 查询所有教师和同学的name、sex和birthday.
    select Sname,Ssex,sbirthday from Student 
    union --表的纵连接, 要列队列,数据类型按照先后顺序对应着数据类型,显示的名字按第一个表的显示
    select Tname,Tsex,Tbirthday from Teacher
    select Sname,Ssex,sbirthday from Student where Ssex=''
    select Tname,Tsex,Tbirthday from Teacher where Tsex=''
    --33、 查询成绩比该课程平均成绩低的同学的成绩表。
    select * from score a where degree <(select AVG(degree) from Score b where a.cno=b.cno )
    select*from score
    --34、 查询所有任课教师的Tname和Depart.
    select tname ,depart from Teacher where Tno in (select distinct Tno from Course)
    select tname ,depart from Teacher where Tno not in (select distinct Tno from Course)
    select class from Student where Ssex='' group by Class having COUNT(*)>=2
    select * from Student where sname not like '王%'
    select sname,YEAR(GETDATE())-year(Sbirthday) as age from Student --year(getdate())取当前的时间并对当前时间取年份
    select max(day(sbirthday)) from student
    select min(day(sbirthday)) from student
    select * from Student order by Class asc,YEAR(GETDATE())-YEAR(Sbirthday) asc
    select Tname,Cname from Course join Teacher on Course.Tno=Teacher.Tno where Tsex=''
    select sno, cno ,degree from score where degree =(select MAX(degree) from score)
     select sname from student where ssex in (select ssex from Student where sname='李军')
    select sname from student where ssex in (select ssex from Student where sname='李军')and class in (select class from Student where sname='李军')
    select degree from Score where Sno in(select sno from student where sno in (select sno from Score where Cno in(select Cno from course  where Cname='计算机导论')) and Ssex='')
    select LEFT('abcdefg',2) --从左边开始截取,截取两位
    select right('abcdefg',2) --从右边开始截取,截取两位
    select  LOWER('abcD') --转换为小写
    select  upper('abcD') --转换为大写
    select  len('abcD')  --获取字符串的长度int类型
    select LTRIM('      dsfsd  ssdf   s                ') --去左空格
    select RTRIM('      dsfsd  ssdf   s                ') --去右空格
    select Substring('abccceecfddd',5,2) --索引从1开始,  截取字符串
    select REPLACE('遂非文过哦','','爱上放大')  --替换字符串
    select REPLICATE('啊沙发',10) --以指定的次数打印前面的内容
    print STR(123.456,5,1)  --将123.456转换为5位的字符串,小数点也占一位,最后保留1位小数
    select SPACE(100) --打印100个空格
    print 'asfaf'+'打发' --拼接
    print reverse ('abcde' ) --翻转
    print patindex('%啊的沙发%','123啊的沙发123') --显示'啊的沙发'在哪个位置
    print stuff('abcdefghijklmnopqrst',4,2,'zzzz') --在索引为4这个位置删除两个值然后插入ZZZZ
    print cast('123'as int)+12  --类型转换
    print cast(123 as varchar(20))+'123'
    print convert(int,'123')+123
    select ABS(-13) --取绝对值
    select ceiling(1.23) --取上限,天花板
    select FLOOR(1.9) --地板
    select PI()--取π
    select RAND(10) --取随机数,随机出一个种子出来 一定会随机出0~1之间的数
    select RouND(1.234567,3) --四舍五入到第3位
    print sqrt(2) --取平方根
    print square(4) --取平方
    select sname,'出生日期为'+cast(YEAR(sbirthday)as varchar(20))+''+cast(MONTH(Sbirthday)as varchar(20))+''+cast(DAY(Sbirthday)as varchar(20))+'' from student
  • 相关阅读:
    第8.18节 Python类中内置析构方法__del__
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lk-kk/p/4456861.html
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