import MySQLdb from DBUtils.PooledDB import PooledDB pool = PooledDB(MySQLdb,5,host='localhost',user='root',passwd='pwd',db='myDB',port=3306,blocking=True) #5为连接池里的最少连接数 conn = pool.connection() #以后每次需要数据库连接就是用connection()函数获取连接就好了 cur=conn.cursor() SQL="select * from table1" r=cur.execute(SQL) r=cur.fetchall() cur.close() conn.close() # 创建数据库 SET NAMES utf8; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; #禁用外键约束 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `employee_tbl`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `runoob_tbl`( `runoob_id` INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, `runoob_title` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, `runoob_author` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `submission_date` DATETIME NOT NULL, `sex` enum('m','w','l') DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( `runoob_id` ) )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into runoob_tbl(runoob_title, runoob_author, submission_date) values("a", "b", now()); INSERT INTO runoob_tbl(runoob_title, runoob_author, submission_date) VALUES("JAVA 教程", "RUNOOB.COM", '2016-05-06'); UPDATE runoob_tbl SET runoob_title='a' WHERE runoob_id=1; DELETE FROM runoob_tbl WHERE runoob_id=3; SELECT * from runoob_tbl WHERE runoob_title LIKE '%a%'; SELECT country FROM Websites UNION ALL SELECT country FROM apps ORDER BY country; UNION ALL不会去重 SELECT * from runoob_tbl ORDER BY submission_date DESC; DESC升序,高的在上 AESC降序,高的在下 SELECT name FROM person_tbl WHERE name REGEXP 'ok$'; name字段中以'ok'为结尾
#mysql> create table `account`( # -> `acctid` int(11) default null comment 'XXXX', # -> `money` int(11) default null comment 'XXX' # -> ) ENGINE = innodb default charset = utf8; #coding:utf8 import sys import MySQLdb class TransferMoney(object): def __init__(self,conn): self.conn = conn def transfer(self,s,t,money): try: self.check_acct_avilable(s) self.check_acct_avilable(t) self.has_enough_money(s,money) self.reduce_money(s,money) self.add_money(t,money) self.conn.commit() except Exception as e: self.conn.rollback() raise e def check_acct_avilable(self,acctid): cursor = self.conn.cursor() try: cursor = self.conn.cursor() sql = "select * from account where acctid=%s"%acctid cursor.execute(sql) print "check_acct_avilable: " + sql rs = cursor.fetchall() if len(rs) != 1: raise Exception("not have this ID %s"%acctid) finally: cursor.close() def has_enough_money(self,acctid,money): cursor = self.conn.cursor() try: cursor = self.conn.cursor() sql = "select * from account where acctid=%s and money > %s"%(acctid,money) cursor.execute(sql) print "has_enough_money: " + sql rs = cursor.fetchall() if len(rs) != 1: raise Exception("accout not have enough money %s"%acctid) finally: cursor.close() def reduce_money(self,acctid,money): cursor = self.conn.cursor() try: cursor = self.conn.cursor() sql = "update account set money=money-%s where acctid=%s"%(money,acctid) cursor.execute(sql) print "reduce_money: " + sql if cursor.rowcount != 1: raise Exception("ID reduce money fail %s"%acctid) finally: cursor.close() def add_money(self,acctid,money): cursor = self.conn.cursor() try: cursor = self.conn.cursor() sql = "update account set money=money+%s where acctid=%s"%(money,acctid) cursor.execute(sql) print "add_money: " + sql if cursor.rowcount != 1: raise Exception("ID add money fail %s"%acctid) finally: cursor.close() if __name__ == "__main__": s = sys.argv[1] t = sys.argv[2] money = sys.argv[3] conn = MySQLdb.Connect(host = '',port = 3306,user = 'root',passwd = 'wjl123',db = 'imooc',charset = 'utf8') t_m = TransferMoney(conn) try: t_m.transfer(s,t,money) except Exception as e: print e finally: conn.close()