houdini18.0.416 installed on centos7
1. environment:
OS : CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1908.iso
houdini : houdini-18.0.416-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3.tar.gz
2. change hostname (important):
2.1 [root@book ~]# vim /etc/hostname
2.2 input : book //"book" must be on the first line of hostname file
2.3 wq
2.4 [root@book ~]# reboot
3 install library : " libXss/ligGLU " (important)
4. install houdini18(use "root" user to install houdini18)
4.1 [root@book ~]# cd /opt ;
4.2 [root@book ~]# mkdir -p /opt/houdini ;
// decompression package
4.3 tar -xzvf houdini-18.0.416-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3.tar.gz
// install houdini18
4.4 cd houdini-18.0.416-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3
4.5 ./houdini.install
4.6 (change installed directory) /opt/houdini/hfs18.0.416 ;
4.7 f(keeping default selected softwares) ;
4.8 cd /opt/houdini/hfs18.0.416 ;
4.9 source houdini_setup
4.a run houdini . input in terminal : houdini --no-sandbox , or in menu -> sidefx ... -> houdini18fx
5. questions
-- 5.1、 open your houdini license server(sesinetd 服务)
---- [root@book ~]# cd /opt/hfs18.0
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# ls
bin houdini_filelist houdini_setup_csh packages toolkit
dsolib houdini_logo.png houdini_symlinklist python
engine houdini_setup houdini.uninstall qt
houdini houdini_setup_bash installDesktopItems.py Readme.txt
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# source houdini_setup
The Houdini 18.0.442 environment has been initialized.
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hkey --no-sandbox
-- 5.2、 open your houdini in linux
---- [root@book ~]# cd /opt/hfs18.0
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# ls
bin houdini_filelist houdini_setup_csh packages toolkit
dsolib houdini_logo.png houdini_symlinklist python
engine houdini_setup houdini.uninstall qt
houdini houdini_setup_bash installDesktopItems.py Readme.txt
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# source houdini_setup
The Houdini 18.0.442 environment has been initialized.
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# houdini --no-sandbox
-- 5.3、invalid computer name(change your name of computer )
-- first way --
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hostname
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# vim /etc/hostname
---- ---- input your computer name (i input "book")
---- ---- :wq
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# reboot
-- anther way to change your computer's name --
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hostnamectl set-hostname book
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# reboot
-- 5.4、houdini license server is not running (houdini license server = sesinetd)
----[root@book hfs18.0]# chkconfig --list | grep "sesinetd"
----[root@book hfs18.0]# /etc/init.d/sesinetd start (start houdini license server)
----[root@book hfs18.0]# chkconfig sesinetd on (auto start sesinetd ,when you start your computer);