hashlip 摘要算法模块 md5 sha
md5 加密算法 常用算法, 可以满足一般的常用的需求
sha 加密算法 级别高一些, 数字越大级别越高,加密的效率越低,越安全.
#sha 系列
# 普通的
# 加盐的
# 动态加盐的
# 小文件
# 大文件
import hashlib #md5 # s1 = '12343254' # ret = hashlib.md5() # 创建一个md5对象 # ret.update(s1.encode('utf-8')) # 调用此update方法对参数进行加密 bytes类型 # print(ret.hexdigest()) # 得到加密后的结果 定长 s3 = '123456' # ret = hashlib.md5('@$1*(^&@^2wqe'.encode('utf-8')) # 创建一个md5对象,加盐 # ret.update(s3.encode('utf-8')) # 调用此update方法对参数进行加密 bytes类型 # print(ret.hexdigest()) # 得到加密后的结果 定长 c5f8f2288cec341a64b0236649ea0c37 变成随机的盐: # username = '爽妹' # password = '123456' # ret = hashlib.md5(username[::-1].encode('utf-8')) # ret.update(password.encode('utf-8')) # print(ret.hexdigest())
小文件 def func(file_name): # with open(file_name,mode='rb') as f1: # ret = hashlib.md5() # ret.update(f1.read()) # return ret.hexdigest() # # print(func('hashlib_file')) # print(func('hashlib_file1')) 大文件 def func(file_name): # with open(file_name,mode='rb') as f1: # ret = hashlib.md5() # while True: # content = f1.read(1024) # if content: # ret.update(content) # else: # break # return ret.hexdigest() # print(func('hashlib_file')) # print(func('hashlib_file1'))
序列化模块 传输和写入文件 还有游戏存档
json pickle shelve
# dumps loads
# dump load
# dic = {"alex": ['women','women','老女人'],'p1':True} # dic = {"alex": ('women','women','老女人')} # print(str(dic)) # 基础数据类型str 里面如果有引号就是单引号 # ret = json.dumps(dic,ensure_ascii=False) # 序列化过程:数据类型dic---> 序列化的字符串 # print(ret,type(ret)) # 被json序列化的字符串: #1,可以直接通过网络互相传输. #2,可以在各个语言中通用. # dic1 = json.loads(ret) # 反序列化过程.:将序列化的字符串---> 原有的数据类型. # print(dic1,type(dic1)) 单个文件存储 f = open('json_file',encoding='utf-8',mode='w') # json.dump(l1,f,ensure_ascii=False) # 将序列化的字符串存储到文件中 # f.close() # f = open('json_file',encoding='utf-8') # ret = json.load(f) # print(ret,type(ret)) # f.close() 多个文件存储 # dic = {"alex": ('women','women','老女人')} # dic2 = {"alex1": ('women','women','老女人')} # dic3 = {"alex2": ('women','women','老女人')} # with open('json_files',encoding='utf-8',mode='a') as f1: # s1 = json.dumps(dic,ensure_ascii=False) # f1.write(s1+' ') # s2 = json.dumps(dic2,ensure_ascii=False) # f1.write(s2+' ') # s3 = json.dumps(dic3,ensure_ascii=False) # f1.write(s3+' ') # # with open('json_files',encoding='utf-8') as f2: # for line in f2: # dic = json.loads(line) # print(dic,type(dic)) # dic = {"alex": ('women','women','老女人')} # ret = " "+json.dumps(dic) # print(ret)
# dumps loads
# dump load
网络传输 dic = {1:True,(2,3):[1,2,3,4],False:{1,2,3}} # import pickle # ret = pickle.dumps(dic) # bytes类型无法识别内容 # # dic1 = pickle.loads(ret) # print(dic1,type(dic1)) 文件存储 with open('pickle_file',mode='wb') as f1: # pickle.dump(dic,f1) # with open('pickle_file',mode='rb') as f2: # print(pickle.load(f2)) 多个存储 dic = {"alex": ('women','women','老女人')} # dic2 = {"alex1": ('women','women','老女人')} # dic3 = {"alex2": ('women','women','老女人')} import pickle # with open('pickle_files',mode='wb') as f1: # pickle.dump(dic,f1) # pickle.dump(dic2,f1) # pickle.dump(dic3,f1) # pickle.dump(dic3,f1) # with open('pickle_files',mode='rb') as f1: # while True: # try: # print(pickle.load(f1)) # except EOFError: # break
time 模块 三种时间的转化
1,时间戳:(测试执行效率 time.time()) *
# 2,格式化时间: strftime() *
# 表示时间.供人类看的.
# print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# ret = time.localtime() *
格式化时间 ----> 结构化时间 # ft = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') # struct_time = time.strptime(ft,'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') # print(struct_time) # 结构化时间 ----> timestamp 时间戳 # timestamp = time.mktime(struct_time) # print(timestamp) # timestamp 时间戳 ----> 结构化时间 # timestamp = time.time() # struct_time = time.localtime(timestamp) # print(struct_time) # 结构化时间 ----> 格式化时间 # ft = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',struct_time) # print(ft) # 特殊的转化 # 时间戳 ----> 特殊的格式化时间 # timestamp = time.time() # ft = time.ctime(timestamp) # print(ft) # 结构化时间 ---> 特殊的格式化时间 # struct_time = time.localtime() # print(struct_time) # ft = time.asctime(struct_time) # print(ft) # struct_time =time.localtime(time.time()) # print(struct_time) # ft = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',struct_time) # print(ft) # ft1 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(2900000000)) # print(ft1)
random 模块 随机数
import random # print(random.random()) # 0~1 之间的小数 # print(random.uniform(1,3)) # 1~3小数 # print(random.randint(1,5)) # 1<=x<=5 # print(random.randrange(1,10,2)) # 1<=x<10 的奇数 顾首不顾尾 # print(random.choice({1,'23',2,3})) # 任选一个 常用 # print(random.choice('fdsjafdsfgdsagfdsa')) # 任选一个 常用 # random.sample([1,1,1,1,1,6,7,8,9,10],2) # #列表元素任意2个组合 # item = [i for i in range(1,14)] # # random.shuffle(item) # 打乱顺序 # # print(item) # 1题:4位,全数字的随机验证码 # 2题:4位,数字与字母(不区分)相结合的随机验证码.
logging 日志模式
# import logging
# logging.basicConfig() 基础设置
# logging.getLogger() logger对象设置
1,被动触发: 与异常处理配合.访问记录.
#2, 主动触发:检测运维人员输入的指令,检测服务器的重要信息,访问记录.等等.
低配版 low版 # import logging # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, # format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s', # filename='low版logging.log' # ) # msg = 'cpu 正常,硬盘参数...,流量的max:..最小值:.....' # logging.info(msg) # 日志的信息:不能写入文件与显示 同时进行.
import logging # logger = logging.getLogger() # 创建logger对象. # fh = logging.FileHandler('高配版logging.log',encoding='utf-8') # 创建文件句柄 # sh = logging.StreamHandler() #产生了一个屏幕句柄 # formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # #如果你对logger对象设置日志等级.那么文件和屏幕都设置了. # #总开关 默认从warning开始,如果想设置分开关:必须要从他更高级:(ERROR,critical)从这来个开始. # # # 吸星大法 # logger.addHandler(fh) #添加文件句柄 # logger.addHandler(sh) #添加屏幕句柄 # sh.setFormatter(formatter) # 设置屏幕格式 # fh.setFormatter(formatter) # 设置文件的格式 (这两个按照需求可以单独设置) # fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
deque 可以进行字典的操作 如果是在前添加用他 负责用列表追加
# from collections import dequeCOL
# dq = deque()
# dq.append()
# dq.appendleft()
# dq.pop()
# dq.popleft()
# dq.insert()
# dq.index()
默认字典 设置的时候必须是一个callable
#namedtuple # tu = (1,2) # print(tu[0],tu[1]) # from collections import namedtuple # point = namedtuple('Point',['x','y']) # p = point(10,30) # p = (x=10,y=30) # print(p.x) # print(p.y) # print(p[0]) # print(p[1]) deque 双向队列 # from collections import deque # q = deque(['a','b','c','d','e']) # print(q) # q.append(666) #添加最右边 # q.append(777) # q.appendleft(111) #从最左边添加 # q.appendleft(222) # q.pop() # 从右边删除 # q.popleft() # 从左边删除 # q.popleft() # print(q) # queue队列 原则:先进先出.fifo # 栈: 先进后出. from collections import defaultdict # l1 = [11, 22, 33,44,55,66,77,88,99,90] # my_dict = defaultdict(list) # my_dict['key1'] # my_dict['key2'] # print(my_dict) # my_dict = defaultdict(list) # for value in l1: # if value>66: # my_dict['k1'].append(value) # else: # my_dict['k2'].append(value) # print(my_dict) dic1 = {} #---> dic1={1:5,2:5,3:5.....20:5} # for i in range(1,21): # dic1[i] = 5 # print(dic1) # dic1 = {x:5 for x in range(1,21)} # dic1 = dict.fromkeys(range(1,21),5) # dic1 = defaultdict(lambda :5) # for i in range(1,21): # dic1[i] # print(dic1)
configgparser 配置文件
# 帮助你操作(创建,增,删,改,查)一个配置文件 # 创建一个文件. # import configparser # # config = configparser.ConfigParser() # # config["DEFAULT"] = {'ServerAliveInterval': '45', # 'Compression': 'yes', # 'CompressionLevel': '9', # 'ForwardX11':'yes' # } # # config['bitbucket.org'] = {'User':'hg'} # # config['topsecret.server.com'] = {'Host Port':'50022','ForwardX11':'no'} # # with open('example.ini', 'w') as configfile: # config.write(configfile)
mport configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser() #---------------------------查找文件内容,基于字典的形式 # print(config.sections()) # [] # config.read('example.ini') # 顺序:创建一个对象,然后将文件读到内存中,在进行相应的操作. # # print(config.sections()) # ['bitbucket.org', 'topsecret.server.com'] # # #为什么没有 DEFAULT,它是特殊的,可以看做成一个全局的. # print('111' in config) # False # print('bitbucket.org' in config) # True # 判断节名是否在配置文件中 上面的方法 # 对配置文件中的节对应的项 取值 # print(config['bitbucket.org']["user"]) # hg # # print(config['DEFAULT']['Compression']) #yes # # print(config['topsecret.server.com']['ForwardX11']) #no # # # print(config['bitbucket.org']) #<Section: bitbucket.org> 可迭代对象 # print(config['bitbucket.org']['forwardx11']) #<Section: bitbucket.org> 可迭代对象 # # for key in config['bitbucket.org']: # 注意,有default会默认default的键 # print(key) # # # print(config.options('bitbucket.org')) # 同for循环,找到'bitbucket.org'下所有键 # # print(config.items('bitbucket.org')) #找到'bitbucket.org'下所有键值对 # # print(config.get('bitbucket.org','compression')) # yes get方法Section下的key对应的value # 增删改 # import configparser # # config = configparser.ConfigParser() # # config.read('new2.ini') # # config.add_section('日天') # config.remove_section('bitbucket.org') # config.remove_option('topsecret.server.com',"forwardx11") # # # config.set('topsecret.server.com','k1','11111') # config.set('yuan','k2','22222') # # config.write(open('new2.ini', "w"))
os 模块
print(os.getcwd) 获取执行的文件的的绝对路径
os.mkdir("文件夹1") 创建一个文件
l1 = os.listdir('E:sylarpython_workspaceday27')列出指定目录下的所有文件和子目录,包括隐藏文件,并以列表方式打印
ret = popen("dir").read() print(ret)运行shell命令 获取执行结果
ret = os.path.abspath('04 os 模块.py')获取本文件的绝对路径
print(os.path.split(os.path.abspath('04 os 模块.py')))将path分割成目录和文件名的二元组
print(os.path.join("E:\sylar\python_workspace', '\day28', '\day29'")) 拼接路径
print(os.path.getsize('E:\sylar\python_workspace\day27\04 os 模块.py'))
# sys.argv
# sys.path
if sys.argv[1] == 'alex' and sys.argv[2] =='alex3714':
# mysql root 123
在终端启动 可以加名字密码 数据库使用较多