这些基础信息,都可以在 /proc 目录里面找到,比如下面这个例子,从文件中获取信息(后面会讲用库的方法
这个例子中,通过/proc/stat 中获取cpu 使用率,类似top命令的功能,主要通过计算cpu在各个阶段使用的时间,来算出使用率
import os import time class SystemIndicators(): def __init__(self): self.system_code = 'deepin_os' self.start_cpu_info_list = [] self.end_cpu_info_list = [] self.quota_data = [] # self.get_cpu_info() # self.get_mem_info def get_base_file(self): for x in ['start', 'end']: with open(r'/proc/stat', 'r') as cpu_f: cpu_infos = cpu_f.readlines() with open(r'/proc/net/dev', 'r') as net_f: net_info = net_f.readlines() for cpu_info in cpu_infos: if 'cpu' in cpu_info: if x == 'start': start_cpu_info_list = cpu_info.strip(r' ').split() self.start_cpu_info_list = [int(x) for x in start_cpu_info_list[1:]] time.sleep(2) else: end_cpu_info_list = cpu_info.strip(r' ').split() self.end_cpu_info_list = [int(x) for x in end_cpu_info_list[1:]] break self.metric_time = int(time.time() * 1000) def get_cpu_info(self): if not self.start_cpu_info_list or not self.end_cpu_info_list: return 0 cpu_info_list = [self.end_cpu_info_list[i] - self.start_cpu_info_list[i] for i in range(0, len(self.end_cpu_info_list))] # CPU指标:user,nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq # [19453022, 29300, 9361118, 1513684026, 8154469, 0, 13106, 0, 0, 0] cpu_all_time = int(sum(cpu_info_list)) work_time = cpu_info_list[0] + cpu_info_list[1] + cpu_info_list[2] metric_value = { "common": round((work_time / cpu_all_time) * 100, 2), "user": round((cpu_info_list[0] / cpu_all_time) * 100, 2), "nice": round((cpu_info_list[1] / cpu_all_time) * 100, 2), "system": round((cpu_info_list[2] / cpu_all_time) * 100, 2), "idle": round((cpu_info_list[3] / cpu_all_time) * 100, 2), "iowait": round((cpu_info_list[4] / cpu_all_time) * 100, 2), } for metric_type in ['common', 'user', 'nice', 'system', 'iowait', 'idle']: data = { "metric": "CPU", "metricType": metric_type, "metricValue": metric_value.get(metric_type), "metricTime": self.metric_time } self.quota_data.append(data) def get_mem_info(self): mem_total = 0 mem_available = 0 with open(r'/proc/meminfo', 'r') as f: mem_infos = f.readlines() for mem_info in mem_infos: info_list = mem_info.split() print(info_list[0]) if info_list[0] == 'MemTotal:': mem_total = int(info_list[1]) elif info_list[0] == 'MemAvailable:': mem_available = int(info_list[1]) data = { "metric": "MEMORY", "metricType": "common", "metricValue": round((mem_total-mem_available) * 100 / mem_total, 2) if mem_total else 0, "metricTime": self.metric_time } self.quota_data.append(data) def get_net_info(self): pass if __name__ == '__main__': test = SystemIndicators() # from pprint import pprint # pprint(test.quota_data) test.get_mem_info()
- 当然,Python这么强大,也有相应库来实现功能,比如 psutil 库(文档https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)很详细了,过一遍很快的
- 贴一下代码实现
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import configparser, json, os, socket, time import psutil, requests import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler class SystemIndicators(): def __init__(self, config_info): self.url = config_info['post_url'] self.header = eval(config_info['header']) self.net_card = config_info['net_card'] self.log_size = int(config_info['log_size']) self.metric_time = int(time.time() * 1000) self.quota_data = [] self._init_log() self.get_base_info() def _init_log(self): self.log = logging.getLogger() fmt = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') header = RotatingFileHandler(r'/opt/sys_monitor/monitor.log', 'a', self.log_size * 1024 * 1024, 2, 'utf-8') header.setFormatter(fmt) self.log.addHandler(header) self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO) def get_base_info(self): self.system_code = 'deepin_os' self.hostname = socket.gethostname() self.ipaddr = '' self.mac = '' net_ip_info = psutil.net_if_addrs().get(self.net_card) if net_ip_info: self.ipaddr = net_ip_info[0].address self.mac = net_ip_info[2].address def format_data(self, metric, metric_type, metric_value): data = { "metric": metric, "metricType": metric_type, "metricValue": metric_value, "metricTime": self.metric_time } self.quota_data.append(data) def get_cpu_info(self): cpu_info = psutil.cpu_times_percent(interval=1) metric_value = { "common": cpu_info.user + cpu_info.nice + cpu_info.system, "user": cpu_info.user, "nice": cpu_info.nice, "system": cpu_info.system, "idle": cpu_info.idle, "iowait": cpu_info.iowait, } for metric_type in ['common', 'user', 'nice', 'system', 'iowait', 'idle']: self.format_data('CPU', metric_type, metric_value.get(metric_type)) def get_mem_info(self): mem_info = psutil.virtual_memory() self.format_data('MEMORY', 'common', mem_info.percent) def get_net_and_file_rw_info(self): start_net_info = psutil.net_io_counters() start_file_rw_info = psutil.disk_io_counters() time.sleep(1) end_net_info = psutil.net_io_counters() end_file_rw_info = psutil.disk_io_counters() metric_value = { "in": end_net_info.bytes_recv - start_net_info.bytes_recv, "out": end_net_info.bytes_sent - start_net_info.bytes_sent, "read": end_file_rw_info.read_bytes - start_file_rw_info.read_bytes, "write": end_file_rw_info.write_bytes - start_file_rw_info.write_bytes } for metric_type in ['in', 'out', 'read', 'write']: metric = "NETWORK" if metric_type in ['in', 'out'] else 'FILE_RW' self.format_data(metric, metric_type, metric_value.get(metric_type)) def get_disk_info(self): disk_info = os.popen("df -m |grep / |awk '{sum +=$3};{sum2 += $4};END {print sum/sum2*100}'").readline() self.format_data('DISK', 'common', round(float(disk_info.strip(' ').strip()), 2) if disk_info else 0) def do_post(self): params = { "systemCode": self.system_code, "ipAddr": self.ipaddr, "macAddr": self.mac, "hostname": self.hostname, "quotaData": self.quota_data } self.log.info(params) # 尝试三次,成功一次即退出 for x in range(3): try: response = requests.post(self.url, data=json.dumps(params), headers=self.header) if response.status_code != 200: continue response_text = json.loads(response.text) if response_text.get('code', 1) == 0: self.log.info(response_text) break except Exception as e: # print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), "data send error: ", e) self.log.error(e) def run(self): self.get_cpu_info() self.get_mem_info() self.get_net_and_file_rw_info() self.get_disk_info() self.do_post() self.quota_data = [] if __name__ == '__main__': config_info = configparser.ConfigParser() config_info.read(r'/opt/sys_monitor/sys_monitor.cfg') config_info = config_info['DEFAULT'] timespan = int(config_info['timespan']) test = SystemIndicators(config_info) while True: test.run() time.sleep(timespan)
- 还单独有配置文件,文档最后会附上项目链接,这里获取磁盘使用率是获取全部磁盘,用的shell做的,有单独检测某个目录的接口
- 开机服务主要是 通过添加systemd 的service服务实现的
- 项目地址:https://github.com/longbigbeard/sys_monitor