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  • poj2170 Lattice Animals *****

    * 2170.cpp
    * 很繁的一个题。。。
    * dfs + hash
    * 这个速度很慢, 不过答案应该都是对的, 先贴上来吧。。 最近没时间做了 。 以后再改。。
    * 可以改进的有 搜索方式 和 hash函数
    * Created on: 2011-10-17
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cstring>
    using namespace std;

    const int maxp = 5000 + 10;
    const int maxn = 25, z = 12;
    const int hashNum = 19997;
    const int dx[4] = {0, 0, -1, 1};
    const int dy[4] = {1, -1, 0, 0};

    int n, w, h, ans = 0, tmpHashNum, txl, txr, tyu, tyd, isFH;
    //plat[i][j] 表示坐标为 (j, i)
    bool plat[maxn][maxn], tmpPlat[maxn][maxn], data[maxp][11][11], oriPlat[maxn][maxn];

    struct SNode{
    int key;
    SNode *next;
    SNode() : key(-1), next(NULL) {}
    SNode hashTable[11][11][hashNum];

    void printPlat(bool map[][maxn], int xr, int yu){
    for(int i=maxn-1; i>=0; i--){
    for(int j=0; j<maxn; j++){
    printf("# ");
    printf(". ");

    inline bool isFine(int i, int x, int y, int& xl, int& xr, int& yu, int& yd){
    case 0: if(y > yu) yu = y; return (yu - yd + 1) <= h;
    case 1: if(y < yd) yd = y; return (yu - yd + 1) <= h;
    case 2: if(x < xl) xl = x; return (xr - xl + 1) <= w;
    case 3: if(x > xr) xr = x; return (xr - xl + 1) <= w;

    //使xl = yd = 0
    inline void getNorm(bool map[][maxn], int& xl, int& xr, int& yu, int& yd){
    bool tmp[maxn][maxn];
    memcpy(tmp, map, sizeof(plat));
    memset(map, 0, sizeof(plat));

    for(int i=0; i<maxn; i++)
    for(int j=0; j<maxn; j++){
    map[i + z - yd][j + z - xl] = tmp[i][j];

    xr = xr + z - xl; yu = yu + z - yd;
    xl = yd = z;

    inline void rotate(int& xl, int& xr, int& yu, int& yd){
    memcpy(tmpPlat, plat, sizeof(plat));
    memset(plat, 0, sizeof(plat));

    for(int i=z; i<=yu; i++)
    for(int j=z; j<=xr; j++)
    plat[j][2 * z - i] = tmpPlat[i][j];

    xl = 2 * z - yu; yu = xr; xr = z; yd = z;


    inline void overturn(int& xl, int& xr, int& yu, int& yd){

    memset(tmpPlat, 0, sizeof(tmpPlat));

    for(int i=z; i<=yu; i++)
    for(int j=z; j<=xr; j++)
    tmpPlat[i][2 * z - j] = plat[i][j];

    xl = 2 * z - xr; xr = z;


    int hash(bool map[][maxn], int xr, int yu){
    int hashValue = 0, weight = 1;
    for(int j=z; j<=xr; j++)

    for(int i=z+1; i<=yu; i++){
    weight = weight * 10;
    for(int j=z; j<=xr; j++)
    hashValue += weight;
    return hashValue % hashNum;

    //每个bit的比对, 相同返回true
    bool checkFull(bool map[][maxn], int t, int xr, int yu){
    for(int i=z; i<=yu; i++)
    for(int j=z; j<=xr; j++)
    if(map[i][j] != data[t][i-z][j-z])
    return false;
    return true;

    bool check_1(bool map[][maxn], int& xl, int& xr, int& yu, int& yd){
    //int tmpHash;
    SNode *cur;

    getNorm(map, xl, xr, yu, yd);
    tmpHashNum = hash(map, xr, yu);
    cur = &hashTable[xr-z][yu-z][tmpHashNum];
    if(cur->key != -1){
    while(cur != NULL){
    if(checkFull(map, cur->key, xr, yu))
    return true;
    cur = cur->next;
    return false;

    bool check(int& xl, int& xr, int& yu, int& yd){
    int xll, xrr, yuu, ydd;
    if(check_1(plat, xl, xr, yu, yd))
    return true;
    xll = xl, xrr = xr, yuu = yu, ydd = yd;
    overturn(xll, xrr, yuu, ydd);
    if(check_1(tmpPlat, xll, xrr, yuu, ydd))
    return true;

    //变换之前确保是Norm, check_1后是Norm
    //旋转直接在plat上进行, 翻转是额外操作, 在tmpPlat上进行
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
    //转 i * 90 度 , 不翻转
    rotate(xl, xr, yu, yd);
    if(check_1(plat, xl, xr, yu, yd)){

    txl = xl; txr = xr; tyu = yu; tyd = yd;
    return true;
    txl = xl; txr = xr; tyu = yu; tyd = yd;

    xll = xl, xrr = xr, yuu = yu, ydd = yd;
    overturn(xll, xrr, yuu, ydd);
    if(check_1(tmpPlat, xll, xrr, yuu, ydd))
    return true;
    return false;

    void addToHash(int xl, int xr, int yu, int yd, int t){
    SNode *tNode = &hashTable[xr-z][yu-z][tmpHashNum];
    if(tNode->key == -1){
    tNode->key = t;

    SNode* newNode = new SNode;
    newNode->key = t;
    newNode->next = hashTable[xr-z][yu-z][tmpHashNum].next;
    hashTable[xr-z][yu-z][tmpHashNum].next = newNode;

    void dfs(int left, int x, int y, int xl, int xr, int yu, int yd){
    if(left == 0){
    memcpy(oriPlat, plat, sizeof(plat));

    if(!check(xl, xr, yu, yd)){

    for(int i=z; i<=yu; i++)
    for(int j=z; j<=xr; j++)
    data[ans][i-z][j-z] = plat[i][j];

    addToHash(xl, xr, yu, yd, ans);


    memcpy(plat, oriPlat, sizeof(plat));


    int curx, cury, xll, xrr, yuu, ydd;
    //从每个已占的点扩展。。 情况很多, 所以巨慢!!!!!!!!!!
    for(int p=yu; p>=yd; p--){
    for(int q=xl; q<=xr; q++){
    if(!plat[p][q]) continue;

    for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
    if(left >= n-3 && i == 1) continue;
    if(left >= n-2 && i == 2) continue;

    xll = xl, xrr = xr, yuu = yu, ydd = yd;
    curx = q + dx[i];
    cury = p + dy[i];
    if(!isFine(i, curx, cury, xll, xrr, yuu, ydd)) continue;

    plat[cury][curx] = 1;

    dfs(left-1, curx, cury, xll, xrr, yuu, ydd);

    plat[cury][curx] = 0;


    int main(){
    while(scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &w, &h) != EOF){

    isFH = (h > 5 ? 5 : h);

    plat[z][z] = 1;
    dfs(n-1, z, z, z, z, z, z);

    printf("%d\n", ans);

    return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/longdouhzt/p/2217058.html
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