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  • Oracle数据库

    select sysdate from dual;
    select systimestamp from dual;
    select rowid,emp.* from emp;
    select rownum,emp.* from emp;

    create table score(
    cid int primary key,
    html number,
    js number,
    ajax number
    drop table java1227
    create table java1227(
    jid int primary key,--主键
    birth date,
    jname varchar2(20) not null,--非空约束
    phone varchar(12) unique,--唯一约束
    address varchar(30) default '山东淄博',--缺省约束
    sex char(5) check(sex in ('男','女')),--检查约束
    cid int,
    foreign key(cid) references score(cid)

    insert into score values(1,0,60,100);
    select *from score where cid=1;
    insert into java1227 values(1,to_date('2020-06-06','yyyy-MM-dd'),'刘向昌','110','山东济南','男','1');
    select *from java1227 where jid=1;

    select *from java1227 join score on java1227.cid=score.cid where jid=1;

    create user laoliu identified by 123456--创建用户
    grant connect,resource to laoliu

    grant select,update,delete on scott.emp
    to laoliu with grant option
    revoke select ,update on scott.emp
    from laoliu
    select *from scott.emp;

    create table emp01 as
    select * from emp order by sal

    select *from emp01;

    create table emp02 as
    select * from emp where 1=2

    select *from emp02;

    insert into emp02(empno,ename,job)
    select empno,ename,job from emp
    select * from emp join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno
    select *from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno
    --左外连接: 内连接的结果+左表中不满足条件的数据,对应右表字段自动补齐
    select *from dept left join emp on emp.deptno=dept.deptno
    select *from emp right join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno
    select *from emp full join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno

    select *from java1227;
    insert into java1227 values(2,to_date('1995-08-08','yyyy-mm-dd'),'高德环','120','山东淄博','男','1');
    insert into java1227 values(3,to_date('1995-08-08','yyyy-mm-dd'),'吴丹丹','122','山东淄博','女','1');

    select sex,count(*)from java1227 group by sex;

    select sex from java1227 group by sex having count(*)>1

    select *from(select empno,ename,job from emp)

    select * from(select rownum as r,emp.* from emp) where r>=1 and r<=4
    select * from(select rownum as r,emp.* from emp) where r>=5 and r<=8
    select * from(select rownum as r,emp.* from emp)
    where r>=(当前页-1)*每页显示的条数+1 and r<=当前页*每页显示的条数

    select '姓名为'||ename||'工作为'||job||'工资为'||sal as INFO from emp

    select lower(ename) as name from emp

    select decode(deptno,'10','开发部','20','产品部','30','维护部')as dname from emp

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/longmingyeyu/p/13067728.html
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