Markov Random Field Modeling in Computer Vision
Handbook of Face Recognition (PDF)
Parameter Estimation Techniques:A Tutorial with Application to Conic Fitting
Andrea Fusiello“计算机视觉中的几何”教程:Elements of Geometric Computer Vision
An introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlo
Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Computer Vision--- A tutorial at ICCV05有关独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis , ICA)的资料:
An ICA-Page
Fast ICA
The Kalman Filter (介绍卡尔曼滤波器的终极网页)
Cached k-d tree search for ICP algorithms
Machine Vision Toolbox for Matlab
Matlab and Octave Function for Computer Vision and Image Processing
Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab
OpenCV (Chinese)
Gandalf (A Computer Vision and Numerical Algorithm Labrary)
CMU Computer Vision Home Page
Machine Learning Resource Links
The Bayesian Filtering Library
Optical Flow Algorithm Evaluation (提供了一个动态贝叶斯网络框架,例如递归信息处理与分析、卡尔曼滤波、粒子滤波、序列蒙特卡罗方法等,C++写的)
MATLAB code for ICP algorithm
朱松纯 (Song-Chun Zhu)
David Lowe (SIFT) (很帅的一个老头哦 ^ ^)
Andrea Vedaldi (SIFT)
Pedro F. Felzenszwalb
Dougla Dlanman (Brown的一个研究生,在其主页上搜集了大量算法教程和源码)
Jianbo Shi (Ncuts 的始作俑者)
Active Vision Group (Oxford的一个机器视觉研究团队,特色是SLAM,监视,导航)
Juyang Weng(机器学习的专家,Autonomous Mental Development 是其特色)
Middlebury College‘s Stereo Vision Data Set
Intelligent Vehicle:
Robot Car
How to Build a Robot: The Computer Vision Part
posted @ 2011-03-31 11:36 Livid 阅读(112) 评论(0) 编辑
(转)Computer Vision Open Source Algorithm Implementations
Computer Vision Open Source Algorithm Implementations
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WARNING: this page is not and will never be exhaustive but only try to gather robust implementations of Computer Vision state of the art
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If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail (remove the "nospam").
RSS feed. If you have any issue please send an e-mail (remove the "nospam").This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of computer vision algorithms. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each authors copyright.
General Image Processing
- OpenCV
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) Image manipulation, matrix manipulation, transforms
- Torch3Vision
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) Basic image processing, matrix manipulation and feature extraction algorithms: rotation, flip, photometric normalisations (Histogram Equalization, Multiscale Retinex, Self-Quotient Image or Gross-Brajovic), edge detection, 2D DCT, 2D FFT, 2D Gabor, PCA to do Eigen-Faces, LDA to do Fisher-Faces. Various metrics (Euclidean, Mahanalobis, ChiSquare, NormalizeCorrelation, TangentDistance, ...)
- GradientShop
- (C/C++ code, GPL lic) GradientShop: A Gradient-Domain Optimization Framework for Image and Video Filtering
- ImLab
- (C/C++ code, MIT lic) A Free Experimental System for Image Processing (loading, transforms, filters, histogram, morphology, ...)
- (C/C++ code, GPL and LGPL lic) CImg Library is an open source C++ toolkit for image processing
- Generic Image Library (GIL) - boost integration
- (C/C++ code, MIT lic) Adobe open source C++ Generic Image Library (GIL)
Image Acquisition, Decoding & encoding
- (C/C++ code, LGPL or GPL lic) Record, convert and stream audio and video (lot of codec)
- OpenCV
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) PNG, JPEG,... images, avi video files, USB webcam,...
- Torch3Vision
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) Video file decoding/encoding (ffmpeg integration), image capture from a frame grabber or from USB, Sony pan/tilt/zoom camera control using VISCA interface
- lib VLC
- (C/C++ code, GPL lic) Used by VLC player: record, convert and stream audio and video
- Live555
- (C/C++ code, LGPL lic) RTSP streams
- ImageMagick
- (C/C++ code, GPL lic) Loading & saving DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, TIFF, and more
- DevIL
- (C/C++ code, LGPL lic) Loading & saving various image format
- FreeImage
- (C/C++ code, GPL & FPL lic) PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF loading
- OpenCV
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) Pyramid image segmentation
- Branch-and-Mincut
- (C/C++ code, Microsoft Research Lic) Branch-and-Mincut Algorithm for Image Segmentation
- Efficiently solving multi-label MRFs (Readme)
- (C/C++ code) Segmentation, object category labelling, stereo
Machine Learning
- Torch
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) Gradient machines ( multi-layered perceptrons, radial basis functions, mixtures of experts, convolutional networks and even time-delay neural networks), Support vector machines, Ensemble models (bagging, adaboost), Non-parametric models (K-nearest-neighbors, Parzen regression and Parzen density estimator), distributions (Kmeans, Gaussian mixture models, hidden Markov models, input-output hidden Markov models, and Bayes classifier), speech recognition tools
Object Detection
- OpenCV
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) Viola-jones face detection (Haar features)
- Torch3Vision
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) MLP & cascade of Haar-like classifiers face detection
- Hough Forests
- (C/C++ code, Microsoft Research Lic) Class-Specific Hough Forests for Object Detection
- Efficient Subwindow Object Detection
- (C/C++ code, Apache Lic) Christoph Lampert "Efficient Subwindow" algorithms for Object Detection
Object Category Labelling
- Efficiently solving multi-label MRFs (Readme)
- (C/C++ code) Segmentation, object category labelling, stereo
Optical flow
- OpenCV
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) Horn & Schunck algorithm, Lucas & Kanade algorithm, Lucas-Kanade optical flow in pyramids, block matching
- (C/C++/OpenGL/Cg code, LGPL) Gain-Adaptive KLT Tracking and TV-L1 optical flow on the GPU
Features Extraction & Matching
- SIFT by R. Hess
- (C/C++ code, GPL lic) SIFT feature extraction & RANSAC matching
- OpenSURF
- (C/C++ code) SURF feature extraction algorihtm (kind of fast SIFT)
- ASIFT (from IPOL)
- (C/C++ code, Ecole Polytechnique and ENS Cachan for commercial Lic) Affine SIFT (ASIFT)
- VLFeat (formely Sift++)
- (C/C++ code) SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, and quick shift
- SiftGPU
- A GPU Implementation of Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)
- Groupsac
- (C/C++ code, GPL lic) An enhance version of RANSAC that considers the correlation between data points
Nearest Neighbors matching
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) Approximate Nearest Neighbors (Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors with Automatic Algorithm Configuration)
- (C/C++ code, LGPL lic) Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching
- OpenCV
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) Kalman, Condensation, CAMSHIFT, Mean shift, Snakes
- KLT: An Implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker
- (C/C++ code, public domain) Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker
- (C/C++/OpenGL/Cg code, ) A GPU-based Implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker
- (C/C++/OpenGL/Cg code, LGPL) Gain-Adaptive KLT Tracking and TV-L1 optical flow on the GPU
Simultaneous localization and mapping
- Real-Time SLAM - SceneLib
- (C/C++ code, LGPL lic) Real-time vision-based SLAM with a single camera
- (C/C++ code, Isis Innovation Limited lic) Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces
Camera Calibration & constraint
- OpenCV
- (C/C++ code, BSD lic) Chessboard calibration, calibration with rig or pattern
- Geometric camera constraint - Minimal Problems in Computer Vision
- Minimal problems in computer vision arise when computing geometrical models from image data. They often lead to solving systems of algebraic equations.
- Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab
- (Matlab toolbox) Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab by Jean-Yves Bouguet (C implementation in OpenCV)
Multi-View Reconstruction
- Bundle Adjustment - SBA
- (C/C++ code, GPL lic) A Generic Sparse Bundle Adjustment Package Based on the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
- Bundle Adjustment - SSBA
- (C/C++ code, LGPL lic) Simple Sparse Bundle Adjustment (SSBA)
- Efficiently solving multi-label MRFs (Readme)
- (C/C++ code) Segmentation, object category labelling, stereo
Structure from motion
- Bundler
- (C/C++ code, GPL lic) A structure-from-motion system for unordered image collections
- Patch-based Multi-view Stereo Software (Windows version)
- (C/C++ code, GPL lic) A multi-view stereo software that takes a set of images and camera parameters, then reconstructs 3D structure of an object or a scene visible in the images
- libmv - work in progress
- (C/C++ code, MIT lic) A structure from motion library