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  • LINQ~什么时候使用SelectMany和GroupBy

      class PetOwner
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public List<Pet> Pet { get; set; }
        class Pet
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public int Age { get; set; }
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                PetOwner[] petOwners = 
                        { new PetOwner { Name="zzl", 
                              Pet = new List<Pet>{new Pet{Id=1,Name="小狗"},new Pet{Id=2,Name="小猫"},new Pet{Id=3,Name="小老虎"} } },
                          new PetOwner { Name="zql", 
                              Pet = new List<Pet>{new Pet{Id=1,Name="小狗"} } },
                          new PetOwner { Name="zhz", 
                              Pet = new List<Pet>{new Pet{Id=1,Name="小狗"},new Pet{Id=3,Name="小老虎"} } },
                List<Pet> PetList = new List<Pet> 
                    new Pet { Id = 1, Name = "小狗",Age=1 },
                    new Pet { Id = 2, Name = "小猫",Age=2 }, 
                    new Pet { Id = 3, Name = "小老虎",Age=1},
                    new Pet { Id = 4, Name = "小蛇",Age=3 },
                    new Pet { Id = 5, Name = "小蝎子",Age=2 }, 
                    new Pet { Id = 6, Name = "小兔子",Age=3},
                #region 不知道SelectMany之前,选择LIST是多么的悲哀
                List<Pet> query2 = new List<Pet>();
                petOwners.AsQueryable().Where(i => i.Name == "zzl").ToList().ForEach(i =>
                foreach (Pet pet in query2)
                #region 有了SelectMany,我们的代码的可读及执行效率上都有所提高

    List<Pet> query1 = petOwners.AsQueryable().Where(i => i.Name == "zzl")

    .SelectMany(i => i.Pet).ToList();

                query1.ForEach(i => Console.WriteLine(i.Name));
                #region GroupBy 在集合中根据某个字段进行分组
                var query = PetList.AsQueryable().GroupBy(pet => pet.Age);
                foreach (var ageGroup in query)

    Console.WriteLine("Pet s' Age group: {0} Number of pets: {1}",

    ageGroup.Key, ageGroup.Count());

                #region 对age属性进行分组,并把name显示出来
                IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, Pet>> query3 =
                 PetList.AsQueryable().GroupBy(pet => pet.Age, pet => pet);
                foreach (IGrouping<int, Pet> petGroup in query3)
                    foreach (Pet pet in petGroup)
                        Console.WriteLine("  {0}", pet.Id+"..."+pet.Name);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lori/p/2133743.html
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