以pass-by-reference-to-const 替换pass-by-value
class Person { public: Person(); // parameters omitted for simplicity virtual ~Person(); // see Item 7 for why this is virtual ... private: std::string name; std::string address; }; class Student: public Person { public: Student(); // parameters again omitted virtual ~Student(); ... private: std::string schoolName; std::string schoolAddress; }; bool validateStudent(Student s); // function taking a Student // by value Student plato; // Plato studied under Socrates bool platoIsOK = validateStudent(plato); // call the function
本次以by value方式传递一个Student对象会导致一次Student 构造函数、一次Person 构造函数、四次string构造函数,共六次构造函数。当销毁时,同样学要六次的析构函数,可见其效率是如此的低,而使用pass-by-reference-to-const可以有效地回避原本需要的构造,析构带来的性能损耗。
bool validateStudent(const Student& s);
这种方式来传递参数效率高很多,因为没有新的对象被创建,其中的const的作用是保证传入参数在执行时不被修改,而使用by value传递参数要达到这种效果是通过对实参做一个副本,然后在副本上做修改,效率上的优劣是显而易见的。
通过by reference 传递还可以避免对象被切割的问题,当一个派生类对象以By value 传递时被视为了一个基类对象,派生类特有的特性被舍弃掉了
class Window { public: ... std::string name() const; // return name of window virtual void display() const; // draw window and contents }; class WindowWithScrollBars: public Window { public: ... virtual void display() const; }; void printNameAndDisplay(Window w) // incorrect! parameter { // may be sliced! std::cout << w.name(); w.display(); }
WindowWithScrollBars wwsb;
void printNameAndDisplay(const Window& w) // fine, parameter won’t { // be sliced std::cout << w.name(); w.display(); }
class Rational { public: Rational(int numerator = 0, // see Item 24 for why this int denominator = 1); // ctor isn’t declared explicit ... private: int n, d; // numerator and denominator friend const Rational // see Item 3 for why the operator*(const Rational& lhs, // return type is const const Rational& rhs); };
class AccessLevels { public: ... int getReadOnly() const { return readOnly; } void setReadWrite(int value) { readWrite = value; } int getReadWrite() const { return readWrite; } void setWriteOnly(int value) { writeOnly = value; } private: int noAccess; // no access to this int int readOnly; // read-only access to this int int readWrite; // read-write access to this int int writeOnly; // write-only access to this int };
class WebBrowser { public: ... void clearCache(); void clearHistory(); void removeCookies(); ... };
class WebBrowser { public: ... void clearEverything(); // calls clearCache, clearHistory, // and removeCookies ... };
void clearBrowser(WebBrowser& wb) { wb.clearCache(); wb.clearHistory(); wb.removeCookies(); }
// header “webbrowser.h” — header for class WebBrowser itself // as well as “core” WebBrowser-related functionality namespace WebBrowserStuff { class WebBrowser { ... }; ... // “core” related functionality, e.g. // non-member functions almost // all clients need } // header “webbrowserbookmarks.h” namespace WebBrowserStuff { ... // bookmark-related convenience } // functions // header “webbrowsercookies.h” namespace WebBrowserStuff { ... // cookie-related convenience } // functions ...
class Rational { public: Rational(int numerator = 0, // ctor is deliberately not explicit; int denominator = 1); // allows implicit int-to-Rational // conversions int numerator() const; // accessors for numerator and int denominator() const; // denominator — see Item22 const Rational operator*(const Rational& rhs) const; private: ... };
Rational oneEighth(1, 8); Rational oneHalf(1, 2); Rational result = oneHalf * oneEighth; // fine result = result * oneEighth; // fine result = oneHalf * 2; // fine result = 2 * oneHalf; // error!
在执行result = oneHalf * 2;这条语句时,onehalf是一个有opeator*函数的对象,"2"则是作为参数传递,编译器直接理解为
const Rational temp(2); // create a temporary // Rational object from 2 result = oneHalf * temp; // same as oneHalf.operator*(temp);
即把‘2’隐式转换成了Rational对象,而当执行result = 2 * oneHalf;时出现错误是"2"不能隐式转换引起的,隐式转换产生的条件是参数必须列于参数列表中,这条规则导致了第二条语句执行错误而第一条语句正确。找到原因之后,我们需要做的是把参与乘法的两个数都作为参数放到参数列表中。
class Rational { ... // contains no operator* }; const Rational operator*(const Rational& lhs, // now a non-member const Rational& rhs) // function { return Rational(lhs.numerator() * rhs.numerator(), lhs.denominator() * rhs.denominator()); } Rational oneFourth(1, 4); Rational result; result = oneFourth * 2; // fine result = 2 * oneFourth; // hooray, it works!