<link href="toastr.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="toastr.js"></script> 引入
// Display a warning toast, with no title toastr.warning('My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!') // Display a success toast, with a title toastr.success('Have fun storming the castle!', 'Miracle Max Says') // Display an error toast, with a title toastr.error('I do not think that word means what you think it means.', 'Inconceivable!') // Immediately remove current toasts without using animation toastr.remove() // Remove current toasts using animation toastr.clear() // Override global options toastr.success('We do have the Kapua suite available.', 'Turtle Bay Resort', {timeOut: 5000})
toastr.options = { closeButton: false, debug: false, progressBar: true, positionClass: "toast-bottom-center", onclick: null, showDuration: "300", hideDuration: "1000", timeOut: "2000", extendedTimeOut: "1000", showEasing: "swing", hideEasing: "linear", showMethod: "fadeIn", hideMethod: "fadeOut" };