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  • (七)MySQL数据操作DQL:单表查询1



    mysql> CREATE TABLE company.employee5(
    id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT not null,
    name varchar(30) not null,
    sex enum('male','female') default 'male' not null,
    hire_date date not null,
    post varchar(50) not null,
    job_description varchar(100),
    salary double(15,2) not null,
    office int,
    dep_id int
    insert into
    company.employee5(name,sex,hire_date,post,job_description,salary,office,dep_id) values



    select 字段1,字段2 from 表名;
    select * from 表名;


    mysql> select name,salary,post from employee5;
    | name      | salary   | post       |
    | jack      |  5000.00 | instructor |
    | tom       |  5500.00 | instructor |
    | robin     |  8000.00 | instructor |
    | alice     |  7200.00 | instructor |
    | tianyun   |   600.00 | hr         |
    | harry     |  6000.00 | hr         |
    | emma      | 20000.00 | sale       |
    | christine |  2200.00 | sale       |
    | zhuzhu    |  2200.00 | sale       |
    | gougou    |  2200.00 | sale       |


    mysql> select * from employee5;
    | id | name      | sex    | hire_date  | post       | job_description | salary   | office | dep_id |
    |  1 | jack      | male   | 2018-02-02 | instructor | teach           |  5000.00 |    501 |    100 |
    |  2 | tom       | male   | 2018-02-03 | instructor | teach           |  5500.00 |    501 |    100 |
    |  3 | robin     | male   | 2018-02-02 | instructor | teach           |  8000.00 |    501 |    100 |
    |  4 | alice     | female | 2018-02-02 | instructor | teach           |  7200.00 |    501 |    100 |
    |  5 | tianyun   | male   | 2018-02-02 | hr         | hrcc            |   600.00 |    502 |    101 |
    |  6 | harry     | male   | 2018-02-02 | hr         | NULL            |  6000.00 |    502 |    101 |
    |  7 | emma      | female | 2018-02-06 | sale       | salecc          | 20000.00 |    503 |    102 |
    |  8 | christine | female | 2018-02-05 | sale       | salecc          |  2200.00 |    503 |    102 |
    |  9 | zhuzhu    | male   | 2018-02-05 | sale       | NULL            |  2200.00 |    503 |    102 |
    | 10 | gougou    | male   | 2018-02-05 | sale       |                 |  2200.00 |    503 |    102 |



    select distinct 字段 from 表名;


    mysql> select distinct post from employee5;
    | post       |
    | instructor |
    | hr         |
    | sale       |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select post from employee5;
    | post       |
    | instructor |
    | instructor |
    | instructor |
    | instructor |
    | hr         |
    | hr         |
    | sale       |
    | sale       |
    | sale       |
    | sale       |
    10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    select 字段1,字段2,字段数字 from 表名;
    select 字段1,字段2,字段2
    数字 as 新字段名字 from 表名
    select 字段1,字段2,字段2*数字 新字段名字 from 表名

    mysql> select name,salary,salary*14 from employee5;   \创建一个新的年薪14薪字段(salary*14)
    mysql> select name,salary,salary*14 as annual_salary from employee5;   \给salary*14这个设置一个别名
    mysql> select name,salary,salary*14 annual_salary from employee5;   \salary*14 设定别名(annual_salary)
    mysql>  select name,salary,salary*14 from employee5; 
    | name      | salary   | salary*14 |
    | jack      |  5000.00 |  70000.00 |
    | tom       |  5500.00 |  77000.00 |
    | robin     |  8000.00 | 112000.00 |
    | alice     |  7200.00 | 100800.00 |
    | tianyun   |   600.00 |   8400.00 |
    | harry     |  6000.00 |  84000.00 |
    | emma      | 20000.00 | 280000.00 |
    | christine |  2200.00 |  30800.00 |
    | zhuzhu    |  2200.00 |  30800.00 |
    | gougou    |  2200.00 |  30800.00 |
    10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select name,salary,salary*14 as annual_salary from employee5;
    | name      | salary   | annual_salary |
    | jack      |  5000.00 |      70000.00 |
    | tom       |  5500.00 |      77000.00 |
    | robin     |  8000.00 |     112000.00 |
    | alice     |  7200.00 |     100800.00 |
    | tianyun   |   600.00 |       8400.00 |
    | harry     |  6000.00 |      84000.00 |
    | emma      | 20000.00 |     280000.00 |
    | christine |  2200.00 |      30800.00 |
    | zhuzhu    |  2200.00 |      30800.00 |
    | gougou    |  2200.00 |      30800.00 |
    10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select name,salary,salary*14 annual_salary from employee5;
    | name      | salary   | annual_salary |
    | jack      |  5000.00 |      70000.00 |
    | tom       |  5500.00 |      77000.00 |
    | robin     |  8000.00 |     112000.00 |
    | alice     |  7200.00 |     100800.00 |
    | tianyun   |   600.00 |       8400.00 |
    | harry     |  6000.00 |      84000.00 |
    | emma      | 20000.00 |     280000.00 |
    | christine |  2200.00 |      30800.00 |
    | zhuzhu    |  2200.00 |      30800.00 |
    | gougou    |  2200.00 |      30800.00 |
    10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql>  select concat(name,'annual salary:',salary*14) as annual_salary from employee5;
    | annual_salary                   |
    | jackannual salary:70000.00      |
    | tomannual salary:77000.00       |
    | robinannual salary:112000.00    |
    | aliceannual salary:100800.00    |
    | tianyunannual salary:8400.00    |
    | harryannual salary:84000.00     |
    | emmaannual salary:280000.00     |
    | christineannual salary:30800.00 |
    | zhuzhuannual salary:30800.00    |
    | gougouannual salary:30800.00    |


    select 字段1,字段2 from 表名 where 条件;


    mysql> select name,salary from employee5 where name='jack';
    | name | salary  |
    | jack | 5000.00 |


    select select 字段1,字段2 from 表名 where 条件1 and 条件2;
    select select 字段1,字段2 from 表名 where 条件1 or 条件2;

    mysql> select name,salary from employee5 where salary > 5000 and salary <20000;
    | name  | salary  |
    | tom   | 5500.00 |
    | robin | 8000.00 |
    | alice | 7200.00 |
    | harry | 6000.00 |

    3)关键字between and


    mysql> select name,salary from employee5 where salary between 5000 and 20000;
    mysql> select name,salary from employee5 where salary not  between 5000 and 20000;

    4)关键字 is null


    mysql> select name,job_description from employee5 where job_description is null;

    5)关键字in 集合查询


    mysql> select name,salary from employee5 where salary=5000 or salary=6000;
    mysql> select name,salary from employee5 where salary in(5000,6000);
    mysql> select name,salary from employee5 where salary not in(5000,6000);



    mysql> select * from employee5 where name like 'al%';

    通配符:_ 匹配任意单个字符

    mysql> select * from employee5 where name like 'al_';



    mysql> select * from employee5 order by salary;   //升序
    mysql> select * from employee5 order by salary desc; //降序



    mysql> select * from employee5 order by hire_date ,salary asc;


    mysql> select * from employee5 order by salary limit 5;    \取前5条数据,默认初始位置是0
    mysql> select * from employee5 order by salary limit 4,5;  \从第3条数据开始,取5条数据


    count(*) 统计行数据
    max(字段) 取字段最大值
    min(字段) :取字段最小值
    avg(字段) :平均
    sum(字段) :取字段和

    mysql> select count(*) from employee5;
    mysql> select count(*) from employee5 where post='hr';


    mysql> select * from employee5 where salary = (select max(salary) from employee5);  //子查询


    1)group by和group_concat()函数一起使用


    mysql> select dep_id,group_concat(name) from employee5  group by dep_id;


    mysql> select post,group_concat(name) from employee5  group by post;

    2)group by和集合函数一起使用


    mysql> select post,max(salary) from employee5 group by post;


    mysql> select name,salary from employee5 where name regexp 'm{2}';
    mysql> select name,salary from employee5 where name regexp 'yun$';
    mysql> select name,salary from employee5 where name regexp '^m';
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lovelinux199075/p/8902457.html
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