Returns the maximum absolute amplitude that was sampled since the last call to this method. Call this only after the setAudioSource().
很多人遇到问题,说是返回值为0,文档中解释如下:the maximum absolute amplitude measured since the last call, or 0 when called for the first time。
最近需要使用这个方法获取音量的变化,对其返回值很好奇,查了一些资料(from stackoverflow),解释如下:
The MediaRecorder.getMaxAmplitude() function returns unsigned 16-bit integer values (0-32767). Which is probably just the abs() of the CD-quality sample values that range from -32768 to 32767. This means that they probably represent a 16-bit digitalization of the electrical output from 0-100% maximum voltage range of the microphone build into that mobile phone. Since even in one brand of mobile these microphones sometimes vary in their precise range not even to similar phones will necessarily return the same value given the same distance to the same sound source.
This value however correlates to sound pressure in Pascal since it's also a linear quantisation of the solund pressure, in the area where sound can be measured with the given microphone (which will not cover the entire sprectrum due to the limitations of the phone).
1 int vuSize = MAX_VU_SIZE * mRecorder.getMaxAmplitude() / 32768;