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  • Delphi:校验手机号及身份证号

     IsMobileNumber( num:string ):boolean;
        if length( trim( Num ) ) <> 11 then Exit;
        if ( ( copy( num, 12) <> '13' and ( copy( num , 12) <> '15' ) ) then Exit;
          StrToInt( copy( num, 39 ) );

    function ValidatePID(const APID: string): string;
      function GetVerifyBit(sIdentityNum: string): Char;
        nNum: Integer;
        Result := #0;
        nNum := StrToInt(sIdentityNum[1]) * 7
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[2]) * 9
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[3]) * 10
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[4]) * 5
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[5]) * 8
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[6]) * 4
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[7]) * 2
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[8]) * 1
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[9]) * 6
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[10]) * 3
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[11]) * 7
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[12]) * 9
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[13]) * 10
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[14]) * 5
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[15]) * 8
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[16]) * 4
          StrToInt(sIdentityNum[17]) * 2;
        nNum := nNum mod 11;
        case nNum of
          0: Result := '1';
          1: Result := '0';
          2: Result := 'X';
          3: Result := '9';
          4: Result := '8';
          5: Result := '7';
          6: Result := '6';
          7: Result := '5';
          8: Result := '4';
          9: Result := '3';
          10: Result := '2';
      L: Integer;
      sCentury: string;
      sYear2Bit, sYear4Bit: string;
      sMonth: string;
      sDate: string;
      iCentury: Integer;
      iMonth: Integer;
      iDate: Integer;
      CRCFact: string; //18位证号的实际值
      CRCTh: string; //18位证号的理论值
      FebDayAmt: Byte; //2月天数
      L := Length(APID);
      if (L in [15, 18]) = False then
        Result := Format('身份证号不是15位或18位(%0:s, 实际位数:%1:d)', [APID, L]);
      CRCFact := '';
      if L = 18 then
        sCentury := Copy(APID, 7, 2);
        iCentury := StrToInt(sCentury);
        if (iCentury in [18..20]) = False then
          Result := Format('身份证号码无效:18位证号的年份前两位必须在18-20之间(%0:S)', [sCentury]);
        sYear2Bit := Copy(APID, 9, 2);
        sYear4Bit := sCentury sYear2Bit;
        sMonth := Copy(APID, 11, 2);
        sDate := Copy(APID, 13, 2);
        CRCFact := Copy(APID, 18, 1);
      end else
        sCentury := '19';
        sYear2Bit := Copy(APID, 7, 2);
        sYear4Bit := sCentury sYear2Bit;
        sMonth := Copy(APID, 9, 2);
        sDate := Copy(APID, 11, 2);
      iMonth := StrToInt(sMonth);
      iDate := StrToInt(sDate);
      if (iMonth in [01..12]) = False then
        Result := Format('身份证号码无效:月份必须在01-12之间(%0:s)', [sMonth]);
      if (iMonth in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]) then
        if (iDate in [01..31]) = False then
          Result := Format('身份证号码无效:日期无效,不能为零或超出当月最大值(%0:s)', [sDate]);
      if (iMonth in [4, 6, 9, 11]) then
        if (iDate in [01..30]) = False then
          Result := Format('身份证号码无效:日期无效,不能为零或超出当月最大值(%0:s)', [sDate]);
      if IsLeapYear(StrToInt(sCentury sYear2Bit)) = True then
        FebDayAmt := 29;
      end else
        FebDayAmt := 28;
      if (iMonth in [2]) then
        if (iDate in [01..FebDayAmt]) = False then
          Result := Format('身份证号码无效:日期无效,不能为零或超出当月最大值(%0:s)', [sDate]);
      if CRCFact <> '' then
        CRCTh := GetVerifyBit(APID);
        if CRCFact <> CRCTh then
          Result := Format('身份证号码无效:校验位(第18位)错:(%0:s)', [APID]);
      Result := '1';
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lrl45/p/5135462.html
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