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  • dict 方法总结整理

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    __author__ = "lrtao2010"
    #Python 3.7.0 字典常用方法
    # info = {'name':'tom','age':'10'}
    # info1 = {
    #     'name':'tom',
    #     'age':'10'
    # }
    # info = {'name':'tom','age':'10'}
    # v1 = info['name']
    # v2 = info['age']
    # print(v1,v2)
    # tom 10
    # info = {
    #     'name':[
    #         11,
    #         22,
    #         33,
    #         {
    #             'here':'ok'
    #         }
    #     ]
    # }
    # v = info['name'][3]['here']
    # print(v)
    # ok
    #clear(self) 清空字典
    # info = {"name":"tom"}
    # info.clear()
    # print(info)
    #copy(self) 浅复制
    # info1 = {"name":['tom']}
    # info2 = info1.copy()
    # print(info2)
    # info1["name"][0] = 'lilei'
    # print(info1)
    # print(info2)
    # {'name': ['tom']}
    # {'name': ['lilei']}
    # {'name': ['lilei']}
    # import copy
    # info1 = {"name":['tom']}
    # info2 = copy.deepcopy(info1)
    # print(info2)
    # info1["name"][0] = 'lilei'
    # print(info1)
    # print(info2)
    # {'name': ['tom']}
    # {'name': ['lilei']}
    # {'name': ['tom']}
    #fromkeys(*args, **kwargs)使用给定的键建立字典,默认对应值为None
    # keys_in = ('name','age')
    # keys_out1 = dict.fromkeys(keys_in)
    # keys_out2 = dict.fromkeys(keys_in,10)
    # print(keys_out1)
    # print(keys_out2)
    # {'name': None, 'age': None}
    # {'name': 10, 'age': 10}
    #get(self, *args, **kwargs) 返回指定键的值,如果键不存在,返回默认值
    # info1 = {"name":['tom']}
    # print(info1.get('name','No'))
    # print(info1.get('name1','No'))
    # ['tom']
    # No
    # v = info1['name1'] #键不存在会报异常
    # print(v)
    #     v = info1['name1']
    # KeyError: 'name1'
    #items(self) 遍历键值对
    # info1 = {"name":['tom']}
    # v = info1.items()
    # print(v)
    # dict_items([('name', ['tom'])])
    #keys(self) 遍历键
    # info1 = {"name":['tom']}
    # v1 = info1.keys()
    # print(v1)
    # dict_keys(['name'])
    #values(self) 遍历值
    # info1 = {"name":['tom']}
    # v2 = info1.values()
    # print(v2)
    # dict_values([['tom']])
    # info1 = {"name":['tom'],'age':'18','city':'BJ'}
    # for k,v in info1.items():
    #     print("items()",k,v)
    # for k1 in info1.keys():
    #     print('keys()',k1)
    # for v1 in info1.values():
    #     print("values()",v1)
    # items() name ['tom']
    # items() age 18
    # items() city BJ
    # keys() name
    # keys() age
    # keys() city
    # values() ['tom']
    # values() 18
    # values() BJ
    #pop(self, k, d=None)
    # 删除指定的键,并返回值,要是键不存在,并且没有给定d值,报异常,给定d值,返回d值
    # info1 = {"name":['tom'],'age':'18'}
    # v = info1.pop('name')
    # print(v)
    # print(info1)
    # ['tom']
    # {'age': '18'}
    # info1 = {"name":['tom'],'age':'18'}
    # v = info1.pop('name1')
    # print(v)
    # print(info1)
    #     v = info1.pop('name1')
    # KeyError: 'name1'
    # info1 = {"name":['tom'],'age':'18'}
    # v = info1.pop('name1','Not find')
    # print(v)
    # print(info1)
    # Not find
    # {'name': ['tom'], 'age': '18'}
    #popitem(self) 随机删除一个,并返回键值对
    # info1 = {"name":['tom'],'age':'18','city':'BJ'}
    # v = info1.popitem()
    # print(v)
    # print(info1)
    # ('city', 'BJ')
    # {'name': ['tom'], 'age': '18'}
    #setdefault(self, *args, **kwargs)
    # 键存在,则返回对应的值
    # info1 = {"name":['tom']}
    # v1 = info1.setdefault('name','lei')
    # v2 = info1.setdefault('city')
    # v3 = info1.setdefault('age','18')
    # print(v1)
    # print(v2)
    # print(v3)
    # print(info1)
    # ['tom']
    # None
    # 18
    # {'name': ['tom'], 'city': None, 'age': '18'}
    #update(self, E=None, **F) 将字典2中的键值对更新到字典1中,要是有重复的键,将被覆盖
    # info1 = {'name': ['tom'],'age': '18'}
    # info2 = {'name': ['lilei'], 'city': 'BJ'}
    # info1.update(info2)
    # print(info1)
    # print(info2)
    # {'name': ['lilei'], 'age': '18', 'city': 'BJ'}
    # {'name': ['lilei'], 'city': 'BJ'}
    # info1 = {'name': ['tom'],'age': '18'}
    # info1.update(name=123,city='SH')
    # print(info1)
    # {'name': 123, 'age': '18', 'city': 'SH'}
    # info = {'name':'tom','age':'10'}
    # del info['age']
    # print(info)
    # {'name': 'tom'}
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lrtao2010/p/9297032.html
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