如何保证键的唯一: 利用存的特点
如何保证键的可排序: 利用取的特点 左跟右
TreeMap 有Map的键值对的特性:还可以进行排序,默认自然排序
利用正则和TreeMap 实现一段英文的单词记录
1 String str = "Failure is probably the, fortification in your pole. " + 2 "It is like a peek your wallet as. the thief, when you are" + 3 " thinking how to spend several? hard-won lepta, when you " + 4 "are wondering whether ?new money, it has laid background." + 5 " Because of you, then at the heart of the most lax, alert," + 6 " and most " + 7 "low awareness, and left it godsend failed."; 8 9 String s = "\d+.\d+|\w+";//正则表达式 10 Pattern pattern=Pattern.compile(s); 11 Matcher ma=pattern.matcher(str); 12 13 14 15 TreeMap<String, Integer> tree = new TreeMap<String,Integer>(); 16 17 while(ma.find()){ 18 19 String c =;//获取用正则取出来的单词 20 21 if(!tree.containsKey(c)){//去重和计数 22 tree.put(c, 1); 23 }else{ 24 int num = tree.get(c)+1; 25 tree.put(c, num); 26 } 27 } 28 29 //遍历: 30 Set<String> set = tree.keySet(); 31 for (String key : set) { 32 System.out.println(key+"("+tree.get(key)+")"); 33 } 34 35 36 //TreeMap排序: 37 TreeMap<Person,String> map =new TreeMap<Person,String>(new java.util.Comparator<Person>(){//实现Comparator接口 38 39 @Override 40 public int compare(Person o1, Person o2) {//按实际要求重写该方法,必要时使用三门运算符 41 return -(o1.getHandsome()-o2.getHandsome()); 42 } 43 44 } );