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  • FreeBSD利用 ports 來安裝軟體

    FreeBSD利用 ports 來安裝軟體

    利用 ports 來安裝軟體
    FreeBSD 的 ports 就是別人已經編譯過,安裝測試沒問題了,他們將軟體編譯時所需的組態設定、編譯程序及安裝程序,都依照固定的格式擺在一起,當這些東西經由維護小組認可後即加入軟體蒐集中,對一般使用者而言, 我們只要先將某個軟體 ports 目錄下的檔案抓回來,然後很輕鬆的下:
    make install
    即可自動完成軟體的編譯和安裝 (也可以只用一行 make all install 來代替)。
    用過 FreeBSD 的 ports 後,大部份的人都會被它這個完美的機制給吸引了, 這也是很多人喜歡用 FreeBSD 的主因之一哦。
    一般 ports 在編譯時的運作流程:
    fetch 抓取軟體的原始碼(source code),它會依下面的順序搜尋:
    先找 /usr/ports/distfiles
    找 /etc/make.conf 中設定的網站
    找 Makefile 中 MASTER_SITES 設定的網站
    checksum 檢查原始檔的 checksum 吻不吻合
    depends 檢查並自動安裝須先安裝的相關軟體
    extract 檢查 source,並將它解開到 works 的目錄中
    patch 對 source 做 patch,修改以符合 FreeBSD 的環境需求
    configure 產生設定檔
    build 開始編譯
    install 將編譯好的東西安裝到系統中
    make config
    make rmconfig
    make fetch
    make fetch-recursive
    make checksum
    make install clean
    make depends_target=package package clean 
    mkdir -p /usr/ports/packages/All/
    make extract
     make patch
    make distclean
    make all-depends-list #显示所有相关的套件
    make pretty-print-build-depends-list #显示编译期间所需要的套件
    make pretty-print-run-depends-list #显示此套件要执行时所需要的套件
     make deinstall
    make deinstall-depends
     make reinstall
     make search key=keyword
     make search name=nameword
    make PREFIX=path install
    17.更新port MK
     cd /usr/src/share/mk
     make install
    18.解决安装时的sed -i 错误
    make -DUSE_REINPLACE install
    19.更新port index对照表
    cd /usr/ports/
     make index
    20.更新index html
     cd /usr/ports/
     make readmes
    fetch - Retrieves $ (and $ if defined) into $ as necessary. 
    fetch-list - Show list of files that would be retrieved by fetch. 
    fetch-recursive - Retrieves $ (and $ if defined), for port and dependencies into $ as necessary. 
    fetch-recursive-list - Show list of files that would be retrieved by fetch-recursive. 
    fetch-required-list - Show list of files that would be retrieved by fetch-required. 
    fetch-required - Retrieves $ (and $ if defined), for port and dependencies that are not already installed into $. 
    all-depends-list - Show all directories which are dependencies for this port. 
    build-depends-list - Show all directories which are build-dependencies for this port. 
    package-depends-list - Show all directories which are package-dependencies for this port. 
    run-depends-list - Show all directories which are run-dependencies for this port. extract - Unpacks $ into $. 
    patch - Apply any provided patches to the source. 
    configure - Runs either GNU configure, one or more local configure scripts or nothing, depending on what's available. 
    build - Actually compile the sources. 
    install - Install the results of a build. 
    reinstall - Install the results of a build, ignoring "already installed" flag. 
    deinstall - Remove the installation. 
    deinstall-all - Remove all installations with the same PKGORIGIN. package - Create a package from an _installed_ port. 
    package-recursive - Create a package for a port and _all_ of its dependancies. 
    describe - Try to generate a one-line description for each port for use in INDEX files and the like. 
    checkpatch - Do a "patch -C" instead of a "patch". Note that it may give incorrect results if multiple patches deal with the same file. 
    checksum - Use distinfo to ensure that your distfiles are valid. 
    checksum-recursive - Run checksum in this port and all dependencies. 
    makesum - Generate distinfo (only do this for your own ports!). 
    clean - Remove $ and other temporary files used for building. 
    clean-depends - Do a "make clean" for all dependencies. 
    config - Configure options for this port (using $). Automatically run prior to extract, patch, configure, build, install, and package. 
    showconfig - Display options config for this port 
    rmconfig - Remove the options config for this port
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lsgxeva/p/8594211.html
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